题目:The poem “The Life That I Have” was made famous by its inclusion in the 1958 movie, Carve Her Name with Pride.
题目:“In Flanders Fields” is not one of the nation’s best known literary works in USA.
题目:The latest recorded English poetry began with the Anglo-Saxon poetry.
The poem “The Life That I Have” was used as a poem code to encrypt messages in the First World War.
题目:Leo Marks composed the original poem of “The Life That I Have” on Christmas Eve 1943.
题目:“The Life That I Have” was originally written by Marks in memory of his girlfriend Ruth, who had just died in a plane crash in America.
题目:Paul Fussell estimates that about three-quarters of all English poetry is in blank verse.
题目:Robert Frost once said, “Poetry is what gets lost in translation.”
题目:In the short poem “Bloody men”, a man waiting for his woman is not exactly like a passenger waiting for a bus.
题目:“Bloody men” doesn’t “men covered with blood”.
题目:“In Flanders Fields” was not written from the point of view of the dead. 
题目:English poetry may be categorized into two types: classic poem and free verse.
题目:John Alexander McCrae is an American physician and Lieutenant Colonel who served during the First World War.
题目:“In Flanders Fields” is a war poem written by Tom Alexandra McCrae.
题目:Wendy Cope is an award-winning contemporary British poet.
题目:“In Flanders Fields” didn’t speak of the sacrifice of the fallen or served as their command to the living to press on.
题目:Beowulf is not the great epic of the Anglo-Saxon poetry.
题目:British poet Walter Whitman is highly skilled at blank verse, where he repeats certain phrases and uses commas to create both a rhythm and structure.
题目:John Alexander McCrae was inspired to write this poem on May 3, 1945, after presiding over the funeral of friend and fellow soldier Alexis Helmer.
题目:Wendy Cope is a woman poet. 
题目:In the short poem “Bloody men”, the words “one”, “two” and “three” in lines 3-4 “And as soon as one approaches your stop, / Two or three others appear” stands for “one bus”, “two buses” and “three buses” respectively.
题目:Leo Marks is an American.
题目:“In Flanders Fields” is not one of the most popular and most quoted poems from the war.
题目:In the short poem “Bloody men”, a woman waiting for the right man to turn up is compared to a passenger waiting for the right bus to come.
题目:Beowulf was thought to be written in around AD 975-1025.
题目:“Bloody men” refers to those people a married woman are unsatisfied for marriage.
题目:Chaucer is regarded as the greatest English poet of the Middle Ages, whose masterpiece is The Canterbury Tales.
题目:“Bloody” is used as an intensive term in the long poem “Bloody men”.
题目:McCrae received numerous letters and telegrams criticizing his work when he was revealed as the author.
题目:Leo Marks is not a well-known English poet.
题目:If “The life that I have” were written into “The life of mine” or “My life”, it would make great difference in tone and in style as well.
题目:The poem “The Life That I Have” was not written in blank verse.
题目:In the second line the poet “Remember” begins with the words “Remember me when I am gone away”, showing Christina Rossetti’s desire to never be forgotten.
题目:When her mother died, the heartbroken German Jewish young woman told Mary Elizabeth Frye that she never had the chance to “stand by my mother’s grave and shed a tear”, Frye found herself composing a piece of verse on a brown paper shopping bag.
题目:During the first eight lines of the poem “Remember” Christina Rossetti expresses her longing to always be remembered.
题目:“Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep” is a poem written in 1932 by Mary Elizabeth Frye.
题目:Yeats is generally considered one of many writers who completed their greatest works after being awarded the Nobel Prize.
题目:The poem “Remember” is about a woman (the narrator) who knows her death is imminent.
题目:“All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” implies that appearance does not always display reality and that there are people who vastly more important than they look.
题目:The poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep” is common reading for funerals.
题目:Mary Elizabeth Frye said that the words of the poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep” “just came to her” and expressed what she felt about life and death.
题目:Dickinson believes that books can bear human souls frugally.
题目:Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (1799-1837) was a Russian poet, playwright, and novelist of the Romantic era who is considered by many to be the greatest Russian poet and the founder of modern Russian literature.
题目:John Ronald Reuel Tolkien (1892-1973) was an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor who is best known as the author of the classic high-fantasy works “The Hobbit”, “The Lord of the Rings”, and “The Silmarillion”.
题目:While Dickinson was a prolific private poet, fewer than a dozen of her nearly eight hundred poems were published during her lifetime.
题目:In the short poem “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”, “Cloths of Heaven” means heavenly cloths.
题目:In 2014 “The Times” wrote: “The verse demonstrated a remarkable power to soothe loss. It became popular, crossing national boundaries for use on bereavement cards and at funerals regardless of race, religion or social status”.
题目:Unlike other authors of the genre, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien favored signing his works.
题目:The poem “Remember” was written by Christina Rossetti - an English poet.
题目:The poem “Remember” gives the reader visual images of someone speaking to their loved ones on their death bed.
题目:Her obituary in “The Times” stated that Mary Elizabeth Frye was the author of the famous poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep”, which has been recited at funerals and on other appropriate occasions around the world for 160 years.
题目:In the short poem “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”, when you say “Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths”, you mean you wish you had the cloths, and fortunately you do.
题目:William Butler Yeats (13 June 1865 – 28 January 1939) was an Irish poet.
题目:Lines three and four of “All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” emphasize the endurance of Aragorn’s royal lineage.
题目:In the last six lines of the poem “Remember”, the narrator completely changes her mind because she realizes that remembering her may cause the person she loves (the person she is addressing in this poem) grief.
题目:Line seven of “All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” refers to the throne.
题目:Pushkin’s poems and novels were very popular and were translated into many languages.
题目:Christina Rossetti (1830-1894) died of cancer.
题目:In the poem “I Loved You”, by saying “I do not want to sadden you again”, the narrator implies that he never loved her and his love caused sadness to her.
题目:In the short poem “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”, instead of saying “Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths”, we can also say “If I had the heavens’ embroidered cloths”.
题目:In 1923 Yeats was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature as the first Irishman so honored for what the Nobel Committee described as “inspired poetry, which in a highly artistic form gives expression to the spirit of a whole nation.”
题目:William Butler Yeats was one of the foremost figures of 19th century literature.
题目:The words “Heaven” and “heavens” used in the short poem “He Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven” are interpreted as “God” and “gods” rather than “paradise” or something.
题目:Mary Elizabeth Frye had never written any poetry, but the plight of a German Jewish woman, Margaret Schwarzkopf, who was staying with her and her husband, had inspired the poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep”.
题目:“All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” is a poem written by J. R. R. Tolkien for his fantasy novel “The Lord of the Rings”.
题目:Some Chinese versions of Pushkin’s love poems are translated from the English translation rather than from the original Russian works.
题目:Emily Elizabeth Dickinson (December 10, 1830 – May 15, 1886) was an British poet.
题目:Lines five and six of “All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” emphasize the renewal of the royal lineage.
题目:Many of Dickinson’s poems deal with themes of death and immortality.
题目:Many of Dickinson’s nearly eighteen hundred poems were published before her death.
题目:In the poem “I Loved You”, the narrator refrains from loving the one he used to love timidly and jealously because he believes his love for her may cause distress to her.
题目:Two recurring topics in letters to Dickinson’s friends are life and immortality.
题目:The poem “Remember” is one of the best-known poems composed by Christina Rossetti.
题目:Line eight of “All That is Gold Does Not Glitter” foreshadows the crownless Aragorn’s accession to the throne.
题目:Pushkin’s love poems attained great popularity and some of his poems have been rendered into the some language in a number of differing versions.
题目:Dickinson lived a mostly introverted and reclusive life.
题目:Dickinson’s poems are unique because they contain short lines, typically lack titles, and often use slant rhyme as well as unconventional capitalization and punctuation.
题目:Although the origin of the poem “Do Not Stand at My Grave and Weep” was disputed until later in her life, Mary Frye’s authorship was confirmed in 1999 after research by Abigail Van Buren, a newspaper columnist.
题目:Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin was a Soviet poet.
题目:When it comes to the Chinese translation of Pushkin’s works, readers should bear in mind that it does make difference when the Chinese translation comes from the original works in Russian rather than translational works in other languages.

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