
  • 3块SSD

  • 6块HDD

    # ceph -scluster:id:     b4c125fd-60ab-41ce-b51c-88833089a3adhealth: HEALTH_OKservices:mon: 3 daemons, quorum node1,node2,node3 (age 47m)mgr: node1(active, since 56m), standbys: node2, node3osd: 9 osds: 9 up (since 44m), 9 in (since 44m)data:pools:   1 pools, 1 pgsobjects: 0 objects, 0 Busage:   9.1 GiB used, 30 TiB / 30 TiB availpgs:     1 active+clean# ceph osd tree
    -1         29.83720  root default
    -3          8.73286      host node1                           0    hdd   3.63869          osd.0       up   1.00000  1.000001    hdd   3.63869          osd.1       up   1.00000  1.000006    ssd   1.45549          osd.6       up   1.00000  1.00000
    -5         12.37148      host node2                           2    hdd   5.45799          osd.2       up   1.00000  1.000003    hdd   5.45799          osd.3       up   1.00000  1.000007    ssd   1.45549          osd.7       up   1.00000  1.00000
    -7          8.73286      host node3                           4    hdd   3.63869          osd.4       up   1.00000  1.000005    hdd   3.63869          osd.5       up   1.00000  1.000008    ssd   1.45549          osd.8       up   1.00000  1.00000


根据crush map将ssd和hdd分为两个资源池,iops高的放在ssd的pool,不高的放在hdd的pool


  1. 查看crush map分布:
# ceph osd crush tree
-1         29.83720  root default
-3          8.73286      host node10    hdd   3.63869          osd.0 1    hdd   3.63869          osd.1 6    ssd   1.45549          osd.6
-5         12.37148      host node22    hdd   5.45799          osd.2 3    hdd   5.45799          osd.3 7    ssd   1.45549          osd.7
-7          8.73286      host node34    hdd   3.63869          osd.4 5    hdd   3.63869          osd.5 8    ssd   1.45549          osd.8
  1. 查看详细crush规则

    # ceph osd crush dump
    {"devices": [{"id": 0,"name": "osd.0","class": "hdd"},{"id": 1,"name": "osd.1","class": "hdd"},{"id": 2,"name": "osd.2","class": "hdd"},{"id": 3,"name": "osd.3","class": "hdd"},{"id": 4,"name": "osd.4","class": "hdd"},{"id": 5,"name": "osd.5","class": "hdd"},{"id": 6,"name": "osd.6","class": "ssd"},{"id": 7,"name": "osd.7","class": "ssd"},{"id": 8,"name": "osd.8","class": "ssd"}],"types": [{"type_id": 0,"name": "osd"},{"type_id": 1,"name": "host"},{"type_id": 2,"name": "chassis"},{"type_id": 3,"name": "rack"},{"type_id": 4,"name": "row"},{"type_id": 5,"name": "pdu"},{"type_id": 6,"name": "pod"},{"type_id": 7,"name": "room"},{"type_id": 8,"name": "datacenter"},{"type_id": 9,"name": "zone"},{"type_id": 10,"name": "region"},{"type_id": 11,"name": "root"}],"buckets": [{"id": -1,"name": "default","type_id": 11,"type_name": "root","weight": 1955411,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": -3,"weight": 572317,"pos": 0},{"id": -5,"weight": 810777,"pos": 1},{"id": -7,"weight": 572317,"pos": 2}]},{"id": -2,"name": "default~hdd","type_id": 11,"type_name": "root","weight": 1669250,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": -4,"weight": 476930,"pos": 0},{"id": -6,"weight": 715390,"pos": 1},{"id": -8,"weight": 476930,"pos": 2}]},{"id": -3,"name": "node1","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 572317,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 0,"weight": 238465,"pos": 0},{"id": 1,"weight": 238465,"pos": 1},{"id": 6,"weight": 95387,"pos": 2}]},{"id": -4,"name": "node1~hdd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 476930,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 0,"weight": 238465,"pos": 0},{"id": 1,"weight": 238465,"pos": 1}]},{"id": -5,"name": "node2","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 810777,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 2,"weight": 357695,"pos": 0},{"id": 3,"weight": 357695,"pos": 1},{"id": 7,"weight": 95387,"pos": 2}]},{"id": -6,"name": "node2~hdd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 715390,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 2,"weight": 357695,"pos": 0},{"id": 3,"weight": 357695,"pos": 1}]},{"id": -7,"name": "node3","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 572317,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 4,"weight": 238465,"pos": 0},{"id": 5,"weight": 238465,"pos": 1},{"id": 8,"weight": 95387,"pos": 2}]},{"id": -8,"name": "node3~hdd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 476930,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 4,"weight": 238465,"pos": 0},{"id": 5,"weight": 238465,"pos": 1}]},{"id": -9,"name": "node1~ssd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 95387,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 6,"weight": 95387,"pos": 0}]},{"id": -10,"name": "node2~ssd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 95387,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 7,"weight": 95387,"pos": 0}]},{"id": -11,"name": "node3~ssd","type_id": 1,"type_name": "host","weight": 95387,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": 8,"weight": 95387,"pos": 0}]},{"id": -12,"name": "default~ssd","type_id": 11,"type_name": "root","weight": 286161,"alg": "straw2","hash": "rjenkins1","items": [{"id": -9,"weight": 95387,"pos": 0},{"id": -10,"weight": 95387,"pos": 1},{"id": -11,"weight": 95387,"pos": 2}]}],"rules": [{"rule_id": 0,"rule_name": "replicated_rule","ruleset": 0,"type": 1,"min_size": 1,"max_size": 10,"steps": [{"op": "take","item": -1,"item_name": "default"},{"op": "chooseleaf_firstn","num": 0,"type": "host"},{"op": "emit"}]}],"tunables": {"choose_local_tries": 0,"choose_local_fallback_tries": 0,"choose_total_tries": 50,"chooseleaf_descend_once": 1,"chooseleaf_vary_r": 1,"chooseleaf_stable": 1,"straw_calc_version": 1,"allowed_bucket_algs": 54,"profile": "jewel","optimal_tunables": 1,"legacy_tunables": 0,"minimum_required_version": "jewel","require_feature_tunables": 1,"require_feature_tunables2": 1,"has_v2_rules": 0,"require_feature_tunables3": 1,"has_v3_rules": 0,"has_v4_buckets": 1,"require_feature_tunables5": 1,"has_v5_rules": 0},"choose_args": {}
  2. 查看当前pool写入osd的规则

    # ceph osd crush rule ls


  1. 导出crushmap规则

    # ceph osd getcrushmap -o crushmap20200922.bin
  2. 编译导出的crushmap文件

    # crushtool -d crushmap20200922.bin -o crushmap20200922.txt
    [root@node1 ceph]# ll
    total 8
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1326 Sep 22 23:06 crushmap20200922.bin
    -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1935 Sep 22 23:07 crushmap20200922.txt
  3. 修改规则

    1. 添加三个buckets来定义ssd host 并且将ssd host从原来的hdd host中删除 并且将以前host顺便改名

      # 原来的host
      ...# buckets  定义osd怎么存放的
      host node1 {id -3       # do not change unnecessarilyid -4 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarilyid -9 class ssd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.0 weight 3.639item osd.1 weight 3.639item osd.6 weight 1.455
      host node2 {id -5       # do not change unnecessarilyid -6 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarilyid -10 class ssd       # do not change unnecessarily# weight 12.371alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item osd.2 weight 5.458item osd.3 weight 5.458item osd.7 weight 1.455
      host node3 {id -7       # do not change unnecessarilyid -8 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarilyid -11 class ssd       # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.4 weight 3.639item osd.5 weight 3.639item osd.8 weight 1.455
      ...# 修改后的host
      # buckets  定义osd怎么存放的
      host node1-hdd {id -3       # do not change unnecessarilyid -4 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.0 weight 3.639item osd.1 weight 3.639
      host node2-hdd {id -5       # do not change unnecessarilyid -6 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 12.371alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item osd.2 weight 5.458item osd.3 weight 5.458
      host node3-hdd {id -7       # do not change unnecessarilyid -8 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.4 weight 3.639item osd.5 weight 3.639
      host node1-ssd {id -9 class ssd     # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.6 weight 1.455
      host node2-ssd {id -10 class ssd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 12.371alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item osd.7 weight 1.455
      host node3-ssd {id -11 class ssd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.8 weight 1.455
    2. 定义一个上层规则去调用新加的三个host,并且将以前的root default改为root hdd 并且调节权重,权重就是所有osd容量大小相加,比如单盘1.8TB,系统容量为1.635,权重为1.63539

      root default {id -1     # do not change unnecessarilyid -2 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarilyid -12 class ssd       # do not change unnecessarily# weight 29.837alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item node1 weight 8.733item node2 weight 12.371item node3 weight 8.733
      root hdd {id -1     # do not change unnecessarilyid -2 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 29.837alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item node1-hdd weight 7.278item node2-hdd weight 10.916item node3-hdd weight 7.278
      root ssd {# weight 29.837alg straw2hash 0   # rjenkins1item node1-ssd weight 1.456item node2-ssd weight 1.456item node3-ssd weight 1.456
    3. 最后定义一个rule规则关联到上层规则,并且将以前的replicated_rule改为hdd_rule

      rule replicated_rule { id 0type replicatedmin_size 1max_size 10step take defaultstep chooseleaf firstn 0 type hoststep emit
      rule hdd_rule { id 0type replicatedmin_size 1max_size 10step take hddstep chooseleaf firstn 0 type hoststep emit
      rule ssd_rule { id 1type replicatedmin_size 1max_size 10step take ssdstep chooseleaf firstn 0 type hoststep emit
    4. 修改完成后的规则

      # begin crush map
      tunable choose_local_tries 0
      tunable choose_local_fallback_tries 0
      tunable choose_total_tries 50
      tunable chooseleaf_descend_once 1
      tunable chooseleaf_vary_r 1
      tunable chooseleaf_stable 1
      tunable straw_calc_version 1
      tunable allowed_bucket_algs 54# devices 定义osd信息
      device 0 osd.0 class hdd
      device 1 osd.1 class hdd
      device 2 osd.2 class hdd
      device 3 osd.3 class hdd
      device 4 osd.4 class hdd
      device 5 osd.5 class hdd
      device 6 osd.6 class ssd
      device 7 osd.7 class ssd
      device 8 osd.8 class ssd# types  定义数组组织类型  osd 主机 机柜 机房等等
      type 0 osd
      type 1 host
      type 2 chassis
      type 3 rack
      type 4 row
      type 5 pdu
      type 6 pod
      type 7 room
      type 8 datacenter
      type 9 zone
      type 10 region
      type 11 root# buckets  定义osd怎么存放的
      host node1-hdd {id -3       # do not change unnecessarilyid -4 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.0 weight 3.639item osd.1 weight 3.639
      host node2-hdd {id -5       # do not change unnecessarilyid -6 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 12.371alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item osd.2 weight 5.458item osd.3 weight 5.458
      host node3-hdd {id -7       # do not change unnecessarilyid -8 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.4 weight 3.639item osd.5 weight 3.639
      host node1-ssd {id -9 class ssd     # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.6 weight 1.455
      host node2-ssd {id -10 class ssd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 12.371alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item osd.7 weight 1.455
      host node3-ssd {id -11 class ssd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 8.733alg straw2hash 0 # rjenkins1item osd.8 weight 1.455
      root hdd {id -1     # do not change unnecessarilyid -2 class hdd        # do not change unnecessarily# weight 29.837alg straw2hash 0    # rjenkins1item node1-hdd weight 7.278item node2-hdd weight 10.916item node3-hdd weight 7.278
      root ssd {# weight 29.837alg straw2hash 0   # rjenkins1item node1-ssd weight 1.456item node2-ssd weight 1.456item node3-ssd weight 1.456
      }# rules 最终的root规则 pool应用到哪个
      rule hdd_rule { id 0type replicatedmin_size 1max_size 10step take hddstep chooseleaf firstn 0 type hoststep emit
      rule ssd_rule { id 1type replicatedmin_size 1max_size 10step take ssdstep chooseleaf firstn 0 type hoststep emit
      }# end crush map
    5. 将修改完的规则编译为bin文件

      # crushtool -c crushmap20200922.txt  -o crushmap20200922-new.bin
      # ll
      total 12
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1326 Sep 22 23:06 crushmap20200922.bin
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2113 Sep 22 23:33 crushmap20200922-new.bin
      -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2516 Sep 22 23:33 crushmap20200922.txt
    6. 应用新的规则

      # ceph osd setcrushmap -i crushmap20200922-new.bin
    7. 应用后新老规则对比,已经可以区分出ssd和hdd规则

      # 应用前
      # ceph osd tree
      -1         29.83720  root default
      -3          8.73286      host node1                           0    hdd   3.63869          osd.0       up   1.00000  1.000001    hdd   3.63869          osd.1       up   1.00000  1.000006    ssd   1.45549          osd.6       up   1.00000  1.00000
      -5         12.37148      host node2                           2    hdd   5.45799          osd.2       up   1.00000  1.000003    hdd   5.45799          osd.3       up   1.00000  1.000007    ssd   1.45549          osd.7       up   1.00000  1.00000
      -7          8.73286      host node3                           4    hdd   3.63869          osd.4       up   1.00000  1.000005    hdd   3.63869          osd.5       up   1.00000  1.000008    ssd   1.45549          osd.8       up   1.00000  1.00000# 应用后 可以看出有两个root规则,分为hdd和ssdceph osd tree
      -15          4.36798  root ssd
      -12          1.45599      host node1-ssd                           6    ssd   1.45499          osd.6           up   1.00000  1.00000
      -13          1.45599      host node2-ssd                           7    ssd   1.45499          osd.7           up   1.00000  1.00000
      -14          1.45599      host node3-ssd                           8    ssd   1.45499          osd.8           up   1.00000  1.00000-1         25.47200  root hdd                                     -3          7.27800      host node1-hdd                           0    hdd   3.63899          osd.0           up   1.00000  1.000001    hdd   3.63899          osd.1           up   1.00000  1.00000-5         10.91600      host node2-hdd                           2    hdd   5.45799          osd.2           up   1.00000  1.000003    hdd   5.45799          osd.3           up   1.00000  1.00000-7          7.27800      host node3-hdd                           4    hdd   3.63899          osd.4           up   1.00000  1.000005    hdd   3.63899          osd.5           up   1.00000  1.00000
    8. 验证,将之前的ceph-demo资源池的规则改为ssd的

      # ceph osd pool get ceph-demo crush_rule
      crush_rule: hdd_rule
      # ceph osd pool set ceph-demo crush_rule ssd_rule
      set pool 2 crush_rule to ssd_rule
      # ceph osd pool get ceph-demo crush_rule
      crush_rule: ssd_rule#创建一个100G的rbd
      # rbd create ceph-demo/rbd-demo.img --size 100G
      # rbd info ceph-demo/rbd-demo.img
      rbd image 'rbd-demo.img':size 100 GiB in 25600 objectsorder 22 (4 MiB objects)snapshot_count: 0id: 39a814402607block_name_prefix: rbd_data.39a814402607format: 2features: layeringop_features: flags: create_timestamp: Tue Sep 22 23:42:55 2020access_timestamp: Tue Sep 22 23:42:55 2020modify_timestamp: Tue Sep 22 23:42:55 2020
      # ceph osd pool application enable ceph-demo rbd# 挂载到本地
      # rbd map ceph-demo/rbd-demo.img
      ]# mkfs.xfs /dev/rbd0
      meta-data=/dev/rbd0              isize=512    agcount=16, agsize=1638400 blks=                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1=                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
      data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=26214400, imaxpct=25=                       sunit=1024   swidth=1024 blks
      naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
      log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=12800, version=2=                       sectsz=512   sunit=8 blks, lazy-count=1
      realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
      [root@node1 ceph]# mkdir /mnt/rdb-demo
      [root@node1 ceph]# mount /dev/rbd0 /mnt/rdb-demo#最后测速测一把 写入1.2G 符合ssd
      # time dd if=/dev/zero of=test.dbf bs=8k count=300000
      300000+0 records in
      300000+0 records out
      2457600000 bytes (2.5 GB) copied, 2.06784 s, 1.2 GB/sreal    0m2.072s
      user    0m0.318s
      sys     0m1.742s#同时也可以看到文件落在三个ssd上
      # ceph osd map ceph-demo rbd-demo.img
      osdmap e81 pool 'ceph-demo' (2) object 'rbd-demo.img' -> pg 2.7d92bf55 (2.15) -> up ([6,8,7], p6) acting ([6,8,7], p6)
    9. 禁用掉禁用在增加或者修改osd的时候自动分配curshmap,否在在重启服务或者添加osd的时候 会有大量的pg迁移。出现事故,在配置文件中添加osd crush update on start = false 添加了这个参数后,后面加了osd后 需要手动将osd添加到curshmap规则里 重新应用

      # vim ceph.conf
      osd crush update on start = false
      # ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push node1 node2 node3
      [ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (2.0.1): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy --overwrite-conf config push node1 node2 node3
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : True
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : push
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f1e65ed7b00>
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  client                        : ['node1', 'node2', 'node3']
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function config at 0x7f1e667c0c08>
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
      [ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
      [ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node1
      [node1][DEBUG ] connected to host: node1
      [node1][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
      [node1][DEBUG ] detect machine type
      [node1][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
      [ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node2
      [node2][DEBUG ] connected to host: node2
      [node2][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
      [node2][DEBUG ] detect machine type
      [node2][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
      [ceph_deploy.config][DEBUG ] Pushing config to node3
      [node3][DEBUG ] connected to host: node3
      [node3][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
      [node3][DEBUG ] detect machine type
      [node3][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf#重启osd 三台节点全部重启
      # systemctl restart ceph-osd.target


      • 在扩容和删除osd还有编辑curshmap的时候最好备份一个

      • 初始化就规划好curshmap的规则,否则应用过程中改变的话,就会有大量的pg迁移

      • 重启服务的时候就会自动修改curshmap,所以需要备份,也可以禁用在增加或者修改osd的时候自动分配curshmap

ceph-crush map区分ssd和hdd资源池相关推荐

  1. 修改ceph crush map,并指定到资源池

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  6. SSD与HDD如何混合组raid并永久挂载硬盘?

    前言:服务器上同时装有SSD和HDD硬盘,如果想把系统装在SSD上,HDD用来存数据,那么服务器应该如何组raid?又如何设置HDD硬盘永久挂载?下面将以装有1个SSD和3个HDD硬盘的服务器Ubun ...

  7. SSD与HDD、HHD的区别

    SSD与HDD.HHD的区别 HDD机械硬盘 SSD固态硬盘 HHD混合硬盘

  8. SSD/HHD/HDD/移动硬盘/U盘

    一.三种类型的硬盘 1.SSD 也就是固态硬盘,目前电脑硬盘用的最多,外观类型分为4种:2.5英寸的SATA类型.M2类型的2280.M2类型的2240.M2类型的2242,每个类型的的固态硬盘都自带 ...

  9. SSD和HDD的介绍

    SSD和HDD的介绍 1 硬盘的性能指标 2 HDD(机械硬盘) 2.1 HDD的介绍 2.2 HDD的接口 2.2.1 并 行接口(LPT接口) 2.2.2 串行接口(COM接口) 2.2.3 FC ...


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