
A:Your English is so good.

B:I think it's not good enough我觉得一般般吧.

A:Do you think the world should learn Chinese?你觉得外国人应该学汉语吗?

B:I think it should我觉得应该.because China is becoming a very important role in the world. The western countries don't know good enough about China. I think they should change their mind and see what the real China is.

A:How would you describe China?你会怎么形容中国

B:It's old and it's young.China is  a very old country for its old history and tradition.But  at the same time, it can keep up with the rest of world但她还能与其他国家齐头并进, and help it move forward共同推进世界发展.

A:Very well said. Have a wonderful day.


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