
Amidst the economic devastation of COVID-19, online businesses have become dependent on SEO now more than ever. Times like these illustrate the power and importance of Search Engine Optimization.

在COVID-19的经济灾难中,在线业务现在比以往任何时候都更加依赖SEO。 像这样的时代说明了搜索引擎优化的力量和重要性。

什么是SEO? (What is SEO?)

SEO is the practice of increasing quantity and quality of traffic to a web page through organic search engine results. Organic search results are derived from an internal algorithm of the search engine and not the result of paid advertising. Below is a list of related terminology.

SEO是通过自然搜索引擎结果来增加访问网页的流量的数量和质量的一种做法。 自然搜索结果是从搜索引擎的内部算法中得出的,而不是付费广告的结果。 以下是相关术语的列表。

  • SERP or Search Engine Results Page is simply the results page that drive clicks. These pages include a combination of paid search results and organic.

    SERP或搜索引擎结果页只是驱动点击的结果页。 这些页面包含付费搜索结果和自然搜索的组合。

  • SEM or Search Engine Marketing is the practice of marketing a business using paid advertisements that appear on SERPs.


  • PPC stands for pay-per-click, a model of internet marketing in which advertisers pay a fee each time one of their ads is clicked.


Learning SEO basics and more advanced topics can be a bewildering process. In this post we'll take a look at simple steps to help create SEO friendly web pages and tools to maintain them.

学习SEO基础知识和更高级的主题可能是一个令人困惑的过程。 在本文中,我们将介绍一些简单的步骤,以帮助创建SEO友好的网页和维护它们的工具。

相关有意义的内容 (Relevant and Meaningful Content)

The most important driver of an SEO friendly website is unique, relevant, and meaningful content. Although this seems obvious, it's easier to mess up than get right.

SEO友好网站的最重要驱动因素是独特,相关和有意义的内容。 尽管这似乎很明显,但搞砸比搞定要容易。

A deep understanding of the website's users is crucial in mastering content creation. Content that establishes a strong connection to the user will boost interaction and reduce bounce rate. Search engines recognize time users spend on a website and levels of interaction.

对网站用户的深刻理解对于掌握内容创建至关重要。 与用户建立牢固联系的内容将促进互动并降低跳出率。 搜索引擎可以识别用户在网站上花费的时间和互动程度。

Don't get too clever. SEO isn't a card game in which you need to outsmart the opponent. "Over-optimizing" is a term that describes age-old techniques that attempt to trick search engines, like "link stuffing" and "content stuffing" for example. In the past, some tricks were proven effective, but they were ultimately short-lived.

不要太聪明 。 SEO不是您需要超越对手的纸牌游戏。 “过度优化”是一个术语,描述尝试欺骗搜索引擎的古老技术,例如“链接填充”和“内容填充”。 在过去,一些技巧被证明是有效的,但最终都是短暂的。

Keyword strategy can lead to SEO success when done correctly. Finding the right balance between keyword usage and subject relevance is crucial in achieving this success.

如果正确完成, 关键字策略可以导致SEO成功。 在关键字使用和主题相关性之间找到适当的平衡对于取得成功至关重要。

Variety in content and format is an effective way to hold attention. A rich set of content including imagery, video, tables and lists will captivate those eyeballs.

内容和格式的多样性是引起关注的有效方法。 丰富的内容集,包括图像,视频,表格和列表,将吸引那些眼球。

Organizing content in a logical website hierarchy is another fundamental aspect in creating an SEO friendly website. Google's Search Console Help page "Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Starter Guide" provides an elaborate guide in organizing content.

以合理的网站层次结构组织内容是创建SEO友好网站的另一个基本方面。 Google的Search Console帮助页面“ Search Engine Optimization(SEO)入门指南 ”为组织内容提供了详尽的指南。

语义标记和结构化数据 (Semantic Markup and Structured Data)

Well-constructed content is key for SEO along with well constructed code that our browsers and search engines use to interpret content.


Many HTML tags have semantic meaning that help interpreters understand and classify types of content. As web developers, we sometimes feel powerless in the marketing-heavy world of SEO, but writing semantic markup is one of the most impactful tools in our tool belt.

许多HTML标记具有语义含义,可帮助解释者理解和分类内容的类型。 作为Web开发人员,有时在SEO营销繁重的世界中,我们有时会感到无能为力,但是编写语义标记是工具带中影响力最大的工具之一。

Why write every HTML element as a div when we have a full spectrum of tags to identify different types of content. Below are some of the more useful semantic tags.

当我们有各种各样的标签来标识不同类型的内容时,为什么将每个HTML元素都写为div 。 以下是一些更有用的语义标记。

  • Page titles
  • Page descriptions
  • Paragraphs
  • Lists
  • Articles
  • Sections
  • Headers
  • Footers
  • Etc, etc

Again, it's important to be clever authoring HTML, but not too clever. A well-balanced sprinkling of shared keywords across titles, descriptions, h1s and h2s can go a long way. Titles and descriptions should be unique between pages and relevant in content.

同样,聪明的编写HTML很重要,但不要太聪明。 在标题,描述,h1和h2之间均匀分布的共享关键字可以大有帮助。 标题和描述在页面之间应该唯一并且内容相关。

Structured data is a newer data format, following the JSON-LD specification, that can be embedded on HTML pages. Search engines like Google interpret structured data to understand the content of the page, as well as to gather information about the web and the world in general as explained in "Understand how structured data works". Below is a simple example.

结构化数据是遵循JSON-LD规范的一种更新的数据格式,可以嵌入HTML页面中。 诸如Google之类的搜索引擎会解释结构化数据,以了解页面的内容,以及收集有关网络和整个世界的信息,如“ 了解结构化数据的工作原理 ”中所述。 以下是一个简单的示例。

<script type="application/ld+json">
{"@context": "","@type": "Organization","name": "Foo Software | Website Quality Monitoring","url": "","sameAs": ["","","",""]

网站的可访问性和性能 (Website Accessibility and Performance)

Search engines will surely continue to raise the bar for acceptable web standards. In 2018 Google announced the beginning of its migration to mobile-first indexing and expanded by announcing mobile-first indexing for the whole web in 2020. Web page performance and accessibility encompass user-centric metrics that can ultimately impact SEO.

搜索引擎肯定会继续提高可接受的Web标准的标准。 Google在2018年宣布开始向移动优先索引过渡,并于2020年宣布对整个网络 进行移动优先索引扩展。 网页性能和可访问性包含以用户为中心的指标,这些指标最终可能会影响SEO。

Website performance captures the user journey, marking various moments of the user experience. Below are important performance metrics.

网站的性能记录了用户的旅程,标志着用户体验的各个时刻。 以下是重要的性能指标。

  • First contentful paint (FCP): measures the time from when the page starts loading to when any part of the page's content is rendered on the screen.

    第一内容绘画(FCP) :衡量从页面开始加载到屏幕上呈现页面内容的任何部分的时间。

  • Largest contentful paint (LCP): measures the time from when the page starts loading to when the largest text block or image element is rendered on the screen.

    最大内容绘画(LCP) :测量从页面开始加载到屏幕上最大的文本块或图像元素被渲染的时间。

  • First input delay (FID): measures the time from when a user first interacts with your site (i.e. when they click a link, tap a button, or use a custom, JavaScript-powered control) to the time when the browser is actually able to respond to that interaction.

    首次输入延迟(FID) :测量从用户首次与您的网站进行交互(即当他们单击链接,点击按钮或使用自定义JavaScript驱动的控件)到浏览器实际能够访问之间的时间。回应这种互动。

  • Time to Interactive (TTI): measures the time from when the page starts loading to when it's visually rendered, its initial scripts (if any) have loaded, and it's capable of reliably responding to user input quickly.

    互动时间(TTI) :衡量从页面开始加载到可视化呈现之间,它的初始脚本(如果有)已加载以及可以可靠地快速响应用户输入的时间。

  • Total blocking time (TBT): measures the total amount of time between FCP and TTI where the main thread was blocked for long enough to prevent input responsiveness.

    总阻塞时间(TBT) :测量FCP和TTI之间主线程被阻塞足够长的时间以防止输入响应的总时间。

  • Cumulative layout shift (CLS): measures the cumulative score of all unexpected layout shifts that occur between when the page starts loading and when its lifecycle state changes to hidden.

    累积布局转移(CLS) :衡量在页面开始加载到页面生命周期状态变为隐藏之间发生的所有意外布局转移的累积分数。

Website accessibility is another important concept to keep in mind when building a search engine optimized website. Not only are there a variety of humans reading our websites, but also a variety of machines like screen-readers doing the same.

网站可访问性是构建搜索引擎优化网站时要记住的另一个重要概念。 不仅有各种各样的人在阅读我们的网站,而且还有各种各样的机器,例如屏幕阅读器都在做同样的事情。

Improving accessibility makes your site more useable for everyone. ~ Addy Osami | Accessibility tips for web developers

可访问性的提高使您的网站对每个人都更有用。 〜Addy Osami | Web开发人员的辅助功能提示

SEO工具 (SEO Tools)

In this post we've taken a look at ways to improve SEO, but how do we maintain these standards over time? Many tools can help us analyze and monitor SEO.

在本文中,我们探讨了改善SEO的方法,但是随着时间的推移,我们如何维护这些标准? 许多工具可以帮助我们分析和监视SEO。

Foo’s Automated Lighthouse Check monitors quality of web pages with Lighthouse. It provides detailed SEO, performance, and accessibility reporting. Free and premium plans are available.

Foo的自动灯塔检查功能使用Lighthouse监控网页的质量。 它提供了详细的SEO,性能和可访问性报告。 提供免费和高级计划。

Google Search Console is a must have for any website owner who cares about SEO. It provides insight into which search terms are receiving organic traffic and a granular level of analysis. You can filter by location, device and more.

任何关心SEO的网站所有者都必须拥有Google Search Console 。 它提供洞察力,哪些搜索词正在接收自然流量和更详细的分析。 您可以按位置,设备等进行过滤。

结论 (Conclusion)

SEO is not an easy practice to master, but among the trending tricks of the trade that come and go over time, the most effective approach should come naturally. Meaningful, well formed content combined with well formed code, delivered in a performant, accessible way will surely appease the SEO gods.

SEO并非易事,但是随着时间的推移,在交易趋势中,最有效的方法应该自然而然地出现。 以性能,可访问的方式交付的有意义,格式正确的内容与格式正确的代码的结合必将使SEO众神安抚。




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