

  • AVL树的概念
  • AVL树节点的定义
  • AVL树的插入
  • AVL树的旋转
    • 右单旋
    • 左单旋
    • 左右双旋
    • 右左双旋
  • AVL树的验证
  • 代码实现






如果一棵二叉搜索树是高度平衡的,它就是AVL树。如果它有n个结点,其高度可保持在 O(log2N),搜索时间复杂度O( log2N)




1. 按照二叉搜索树的方式插入新节点

2. 调整节点的平衡因子

pair<Node*, bool> Insert(const pair<K, V>& kv){if (_root == nullptr){_root = new Node(kv);return make_pair(_root, true);}// 找到存储位置,把数据插入进去Node* parent = _root, *cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_kv.first > kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (cur->_kv.first < kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}else{return make_pair(cur, true);}}cur = new Node(kv);Node* newnode = cur;if (parent->_kv.first < kv.first){parent->_right = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}else{parent->_left = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}// 控制平衡// 1、更新平衡因子// 2、如果出现不平衡,则需要旋转//while (parent)while (cur != _root){if (parent->_left == cur){parent->_bf--;}else{parent->_bf++;}if (parent->_bf == 0){break;}else if (parent->_bf == 1 || parent->_bf == -1){// parent所在的子树高度变了,会影响parent->parent// 继续往上更新cur = parent;parent = parent->_parent;}else if (parent->_bf == 2 || parent->_bf == -2){//parent所在子树已经不平衡,需要旋转处理一下if (parent->_bf  == -2){if (cur->_bf == -1){// 右单旋RotateR(parent);}else // cur->_bf == 1{RotateLR(parent);}}else // parent->_bf  == 2{if (cur->_bf == 1){// 左单旋RotateL(parent);}else // cur->_bf == -1{RotateRL(parent);}}break;}else{// 插入节点之前,树已经不平衡了,或者bf出错。需要检查其他逻辑assert(false);}}return make_pair(newnode, true);}



1. 新节点插入较高左子树的左侧—左左:右单旋

2. 新节点插入较高右子树的右侧—右右:左单旋

3. 新节点插入较高左子树的右侧—左右:先左单旋再右单旋

4. 新节点插入较高右子树的左侧—右左:先右单旋再左单旋


void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;subL->_right = parent;Node* parentParent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;_root->_parent = nullptr;}else{if (parentParent->_left == parent)parentParent->_left = subL;elseparentParent->_right = subL;subL->_parent = parentParent;}subL->_bf = parent->_bf = 0;}


void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;subL->_right = parent;Node* parentParent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;_root->_parent = nullptr;}else{if (parentParent->_left == parent)parentParent->_left = subL;elseparentParent->_right = subL;subL->_parent = parentParent;}subL->_bf = parent->_bf = 0;}


void RotateLR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;int bf = subLR->_bf;RotateL(parent->_left);RotateR(parent);// ...平衡因子调节还需要具体分析if (bf == -1){subL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = 1;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 1){parent->_bf = 0;subL->_bf = -1;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = 0;subL->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}else{assert(false);}}


void RotateRL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;int bf = subRL->_bf;RotateR(parent->_right);RotateL(parent);// 平衡因子更新if (bf == 1){subR->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = -1;subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 1;subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 0;subRL->_bf = 0;}else{assert(false);}}



  1. 验证其为二叉搜索树

  2. 验证其为平衡树


void _InOrder(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return;}_InOrder(root->_left);cout << root->_kv.first << ":"<<root->_kv.second<<endl;_InOrder(root->_right);}void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}int _Height(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return 0;}int leftHeight = _Height(root->_left);int rightHeight = _Height(root->_right);return rightHeight > leftHeight ? rightHeight + 1 : leftHeight + 1;}bool _IsBalance(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return true;}int leftHeight = _Height(root->_left);int rightHeight = _Height(root->_right);// 检查一下平衡因子是否正确if (rightHeight - leftHeight != root->_bf){cout << "平衡因子异常:"<<root->_kv.first<<endl;return false;}return abs(rightHeight - leftHeight) < 2&& _IsBalance(root->_left)&& _IsBalance(root->_right);}bool IsAVLTree(){return _IsBalance(_root);}


#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <assert.h>
using namespace std;template<class K, class V>
struct AVLTreeNode
{AVLTreeNode<K, V>* _left;AVLTreeNode<K, V>* _right;AVLTreeNode<K, V>* _parent;// 右子树的高度-左子树的高度int _bf; // 平衡因子  balance factorpair<K, V> _kv;AVLTreeNode(const pair<K, V>& kv):_left(nullptr), _right(nullptr), _parent(nullptr), _bf(0), _kv(kv){}
};template<class K, class V>
class AVLTree
{typedef AVLTreeNode<K, V> Node;
public:AVLTree():_root(nullptr){}// 拷贝构造和赋值需要实现深拷贝void _Destory(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return;}_Destory(root->_left);_Destory(root->_right);delete root;}~AVLTree(){_Destory(_root);_root = nullptr;}V& operator[](const K& key){pair<Node*, bool> ret = Insert(make_pair(key, V()));return ret.first->_kv.second;}pair<Node*, bool> Insert(const pair<K, V>& kv){if (_root == nullptr){_root = new Node(kv);return make_pair(_root, true);}// 找到存储位置,把数据插入进去Node* parent = _root, *cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_kv.first > kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_left;}else if (cur->_kv.first < kv.first){parent = cur;cur = cur->_right;}else{return make_pair(cur, true);}}cur = new Node(kv);Node* newnode = cur;if (parent->_kv.first < kv.first){parent->_right = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}else{parent->_left = cur;cur->_parent = parent;}// 控制平衡// 1、更新平衡因子// 2、如果出现不平衡,则需要旋转//while (parent)while (cur != _root){if (parent->_left == cur){parent->_bf--;}else{parent->_bf++;}if (parent->_bf == 0){break;}else if (parent->_bf == 1 || parent->_bf == -1){// parent所在的子树高度变了,会影响parent->parent// 继续往上更新cur = parent;parent = parent->_parent;}else if (parent->_bf == 2 || parent->_bf == -2){//parent所在子树已经不平衡,需要旋转处理一下if (parent->_bf  == -2){if (cur->_bf == -1){// 右单旋RotateR(parent);}else // cur->_bf == 1{RotateLR(parent);}}else // parent->_bf  == 2{if (cur->_bf == 1){// 左单旋RotateL(parent);}else // cur->_bf == -1{RotateRL(parent);}}break;}else{// 插入节点之前,树已经不平衡了,或者bf出错。需要检查其他逻辑assert(false);}}return make_pair(newnode, true);}void RotateLR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;int bf = subLR->_bf;RotateL(parent->_left);RotateR(parent);// ...平衡因子调节还需要具体分析if (bf == -1){subL->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = 1;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 1){parent->_bf = 0;subL->_bf = -1;subLR->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = 0;subL->_bf = 0;subLR->_bf = 0;}else{assert(false);}}void RotateRL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;int bf = subRL->_bf;RotateR(parent->_right);RotateL(parent);// 平衡因子更新if (bf == 1){subR->_bf = 0;parent->_bf = -1;subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == -1){parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 1;subRL->_bf = 0;}else if (bf == 0){parent->_bf = 0;subR->_bf = 0;subRL->_bf = 0;}else{assert(false);}}void RotateL(Node* parent){Node* subR = parent->_right;Node* subRL = subR->_left;parent->_right = subRL;if (subRL){subRL->_parent = parent;}subR->_left = parent;Node* parentParent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subR;if (parent == _root){_root = subR;_root->_parent = nullptr;}else{if (parentParent->_left == parent){parentParent->_left = subR;}else{parentParent->_right = subR;}subR->_parent = parentParent;}parent->_bf = subR->_bf = 0;}void RotateR(Node* parent){Node* subL = parent->_left;Node* subLR = subL->_right;parent->_left = subLR;if (subLR)subLR->_parent = parent;subL->_right = parent;Node* parentParent = parent->_parent;parent->_parent = subL;if (parent == _root){_root = subL;_root->_parent = nullptr;}else{if (parentParent->_left == parent)parentParent->_left = subL;elseparentParent->_right = subL;subL->_parent = parentParent;}subL->_bf = parent->_bf = 0;}Node* Find(const K& key){Node* cur = _root;while (cur){if (cur->_kv.first <  key){cur = cur->_right;}else if (cur->_kv.first > key){cur = cur->_left;}else{return cur;}}return nullptr;}// 1、工作中会用的(AVL树不会自己写,这里通过插入深入理解一下他的性质就够了)// 2、校招会考的(基本不会问删除的细节)// 有兴趣的可以下去实现一下。bool Erase(const K& key){return false;}void _InOrder(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return;}_InOrder(root->_left);cout << root->_kv.first << ":"<<root->_kv.second<<endl;_InOrder(root->_right);}void InOrder(){_InOrder(_root);}int _Height(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return 0;}int leftHeight = _Height(root->_left);int rightHeight = _Height(root->_right);return rightHeight > leftHeight ? rightHeight + 1 : leftHeight + 1;}bool _IsBalance(Node* root){if (root == nullptr){return true;}int leftHeight = _Height(root->_left);int rightHeight = _Height(root->_right);// 检查一下平衡因子是否正确if (rightHeight - leftHeight != root->_bf){cout << "平衡因子异常:"<<root->_kv.first<<endl;return false;}return abs(rightHeight - leftHeight) < 2&& _IsBalance(root->_left)&& _IsBalance(root->_right);}bool IsAVLTree(){return _IsBalance(_root);}
private:Node* _root;


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