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The topic came up on a mailing list this morning, when a colleague (whom I respect and am friendly with, to be clear) posted an email where his email signature was, according to Scott Stanfield's measurements, about 810 pixels tall. It is recreated here in a two-page format, because the signature was too long to fit on one page.

这个话题是在今天早上的一个邮件列表中出现的,当时一位同事(我很尊重并很友好的人)张贴了一封电子邮件,根据斯科特·斯坦菲尔德(Scott Stanfield)的测量,他的电子邮件签名高约810像素。 由于签名太长而无法容纳在一页上,因此此处以两页格式重新创建。

I responded, in jest,


Could you speak up? I couldn’t hear you over your email signature…

你能说出来吗? 我听不到您的电子邮件签名...

...and a discussion about Email Signature Etiquette ensued. Adam Cogan has some good suggestions on signatures:

……随之而来的是有关电子邮件签名礼节的讨论。 Adam Cogan对签名有一些好的建议:

  • They should include the phone number – if you want business


  • They should *not* have the address/location – rarely needed so find it on the website


  • They should have a URL


  • They should have a tag line (Scott: I disagree)


  • They should *not* have the email address


  • I don’t believe in images in footers – although I now have an exception for photos as they make things more personal


  • I believe in a tiny bit of corporate colour – for branding purposes


  • Your big signature should only be included *once* a thread


Looking back in time through the list server, with Scott Stanfield's help, we see a lot of different email signature styles.

在斯科特·斯坦菲尔德(Scott Stanfield)的帮助下,通过列表服务器进行时光倒流,我们看到了许多不同的电子邮件签名样式。

Now, none of these are REALLY obnoxious...Some are classy and understated, with small icons as flair:


Some are a little louder and include a picture of a bull horn and a human ear:


Some are quick minimalist and to the point. Phone, Messenger, Blog. Full stop. I like.

有些是快速的极简主义。 电话,信使,博客。 句号我喜欢。

Some use five different fonts and 7 colors, without being too garish:


Some have the audacity to include a picture of the author's huge head and an animation. Apparently you can get banner ad space on the forehead for a price.

有些人大胆地包括了作者巨大头像的图片和动画。 显然,您可以在价格上获得横幅广告空间。

Some have logos and certifications as pictures...


Others include everything there is to know about that person, including a quote from Einstein.


After we teased him, Joel went minimalist, and it was good.


The he went more minimalist...


Then he, apparently, became a Buddhist, threw out all his worldly possessions and became like Prince, recognizable only as a symbol. ;)

然后,他显然变成了佛教徒,扔掉了他所有的世俗财产,变得像王子一样,只能被视为一种象征。 ;)

I think a good email signature says what you need it to say without distracting from the message.


As far as the address to my work, my phone number, these are things I'll send them out of band via Plaxo or IM, or whatever. Email is the primary way I start a conversation, and phones, IM, and other things are easily exchanged later, so I don't need them in my sig.

至于我的工作地址,电话号码,这些都是我将通过Plaxo或IM或其他方式将其发送出去的东西。 电子邮件是我开始对话的主要方式,以后可以轻松交换电话,即时消息和其他内容,因此我的信号不需要它们。

Now, go audit yourself. How long is your signature? Are you including inspirational quotes that might not be germaine to the conversation, or is your address and phone number on 8 lines instead of 2? Maybe we need a Daily WTF for Email Signatures?

现在,请自己审核。 您的签名多长时间? 您是否包含了可能对对话没有启发的鼓舞人心的报价,或者您的地址和电话号码是8行而不是2行? 也许我们需要使用每日WTF进行电子邮件签名?

If you have some REALLY obnoxious signature examples, post them on flickr, or on your site, link to them in HTML in the comments, or link back to this post.


UPDATE: I've since changed my mind and I'm against pics in signatures. I just have two dashes, then my name and domain. Like this:

更新:此后我改变了主意,反对签名中的图片。 我只有两个破折号,然后是我的姓名和域名。 像这样:



Scott Hanselman http://hanselman.com

斯科特·汉瑟曼(Scott Hanselman) http://hanselman.com

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/email-signature-etiquette-too-much-flair


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