Before iOS 11, iPhone users had to download a third-party app in order to scan a QR code. However, this functionality is now built in and you can use the stock Camera app on the iPhone to scan as many QR codes as your heart desires.

在iOS 11之前,iPhone用户必须下载第三方应用程序才能扫描QR码。 但是,此功能现已内置,您可以使用iPhone上的库存摄像头应用程序来扫描心跳所需的QR码。

If you’re not familiar with QR codes, they’re a special kind of barcode. When scanned, they can take you to a specific website, lead you to a file to download, and even just show a bunch of text about something. For example, if you were at the zoo and there was a QR code next to the lion exhibit, you could scan it to bring up more info about the lions on your phone.

如果您不熟悉QR码,它们就是一种特殊的条形码。 进行扫描时,他们可以带您到特定网站,引导您下载文件,甚至只是显示一堆有关某些内容的文字。 例如,如果您在动物园里,狮子展览旁边有一个QR码,则可以对其进行扫描以在手机上显示有关狮子的更多信息。

QR codes are pretty great, especially since you can make your own. However, if you just need to scan a QR code, here’s how to do it with your iPhone without needing to download a third-party app.

QR码非常好,尤其是因为您可以自己制作。 但是,如果您只需要扫描QR码,则可以使用以下方法在iPhone上进行操作,而无需下载第三方应用程序。

Start by opening up the Camera app and make sure that it’s set to “Photo” or “Square”. Either of these modes will work.

首先打开“相机”应用程序,并确保将其设置为“照片”或“方形”。 这些模式中的任何一种都将起作用。

Point your phone at the QR code like you’re about to take a picture of it. You actually don’t have to get that close to it, but you also can’t be too far away. Below was about the distance that the camera was able to read it without going out any farther.

将手机对准QR码,就像要拍照一样。 实际上,您不必如此接近,但也不能离得太远。 下方是相机无需外出就能读取的距离。

It should only take a second or two for the camera to read the QR code, and when it does, you’ll get a banner notification appear from the top.


Depending on what kind of information the QR code contains, the notification will let you interact with it in different ways. For example, if it contains a URL, simply tap on that notification to go that website. If it’s just some text, the notification will display it. Tapping on it will do a Google search for that text.

根据QR码所包含的信息类型,通知将使您以不同的方式与其进行交互。 例如,如果它包含URL,则只需点击该通知即可访问该网站。 如果只是文本,则通知将显示它。 轻触它会在Google中搜索该文本。

If the QR code contains contact information, the notification will let you add it to your iPhone’s contact list.


These are just a few examples of what you can do, and the possibilities are nearly endless, especially when you can attach just about anything to a QR code.




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