
iCloud Optimized Storage is the newest addition to the iCloud lineup, saving space on your Mac’s hard drive by storing documents you don’t use too often in iCloud. If you’ve already got an iCloud plan for your iPhone, and are running out of storage on your Mac, you can use it to get rid of those “Disk Space Full” notifications.

iCloud Optimized Storage是iCloud阵容的最新成员,它通过在iCloud中存储不经常使用的文档来节省Mac硬盘上的空间。 如果您已经为iPhone准备了iCloud计划,并且Mac上的存储空间不足,则可以使用它来摆脱那些“磁盘空间已满”通知。

优化的存储设置 (Optimized Storage Settings)

To get to the settings, head to Apple Menu > About This Mac > Storage > Manage.



This will open up the System Information app, where you can configure iCloud Optimized Storage. The “Store in iCloud” setting is the one that should be turned on. “Optimize Storage” is different, and just optimizes your iTunes files. From here you can also empty the Trash automatically and review large files for deletion.

这将打开系统信息应用程序,您可以在其中配置iCloud Optimized Storage。 “在iCloud中存储”设置是应启用的设置。 “优化存储”是不同的,只是优化您的iTunes文件。 您还可以从此处自动清空垃圾箱并查看大型文件以将其删除。

Optimized Storage is enabled by default on newer macOS versions, so you may not have to enable anything.


禁用优化的存储 (Disabling Optimized Storage)

While optimized storage is great if you have a paid iCloud account, if you’re stuck on the 5GB free tier, you’ll quickly run out of space.


To disable it, uncheck the box next to iCloud Drive. However, make certain you select “Keep a Copy” on the confirmation screen, or else Apple will delete a lot of your documents that you think are stored on your drive, but are just in iCloud.

要禁用它,请取消选中iCloud Drive旁边的框。 但是, 请确保在确认屏幕上选择“保留副本” ,否则Apple会删除您认为存储在驱动器中但只是在iCloud中的许多文档。

Annoyingly, when you turn it off, instead of just downloading the remaining files, it uploads your entire Desktop and Documents folders to iCloud and then moves them to a completely different folder. It can take forever, but you can get around it by clicking “Stop Updating and Turn Off.”

烦人的是,当您关闭它时,它不仅将剩余文件下载,还将整个Desktop和Documents文件夹上载到iCloud,然后将它们移动到一个完全不同的文件夹中。 它可能永远存在,但是您可以通过单击“停止更新并关闭”来解决它。

And then confirm that you want to turn off iCloud Drive immediately.

然后确认您要立即关闭iCloud Drive。

Even this will move all of your Desktop and Document items to an archived folder in your home folder. Your files won’t be deleted, just misplaced. Luckily, they’re organized by folder, so it’s easy to place them back where they were.

即使这样,也会将所有“桌面”和“文档”项目移动到主文件夹中的存档文件夹中。 您的文件不会被删除,只会放错位置。 幸运的是,它们是按文件夹组织的,因此很容易将它们放回原处。




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