
The Canary home security camera is an easy-to-use camera that connects directly to your Wi-Fi network (or over ethernet) and lets you see what’s going on while you’re away from home. Here’s how to set it up and get started with it.

Canary家庭安全摄像头是一种易于使用的摄像头,可直接连接到Wi-Fi网络(或通过以太网),并让您在出门在外时还能看到正在发生的事情。 这是设置和入门的方法。

While the Nest Cam is one of the most popular Wi-Fi cams available, the Canary is a popular option that comes with some pretty cool extra features—like temperature monitoring, or the ability to provide humidity and air quality levels in the room that it’s in. Plus, you can connect it via ethernet rather than Wi-Fi if you want.

Nest Cam是目前最流行的Wi-Fi 摄像机之一,Canary是一个受欢迎的选项,它具有一些非常酷的附加功能,例如温度监控,或者能够在房间内提供湿度和空气质量水平的功能另外,如果需要,您可以通过以太网而不是Wi-Fi进行连接。

To set up the Canary camera, you’ll first want to download the app to your iPhone or Android device. We’ll be doing this setup through the iPhone app, but the process is largely the same on both mobile platforms.

要设置Canary相机,您首先需要将应用程序下载到iPhone或Android设备。 我们将通过iPhone应用程序进行此设置,但是在两个移动平台上的过程基本相同。

Open up the app and tap on “Get Started”.


Enter in your email address and create a password for your Canary account. Then hit “Next” in the top-right corner of the screen.

输入您的电子邮件地址,并为您的Canary帐户创建一个密码。 然后点击屏幕右上角的“下一步”。

Tap on “Accept” to accept Canary’s terms and policies.


Next, Enter in your name and phone number, and then tap “Next”.


On the next screen, you’ll select whether or not you want the app to have access to your location, which allows it to automatically know if you’re home or away. Select either “Now Now” or “Allow” at the bottom.

在下一个屏幕上,您将选择是否要让该应用访问您的位置信息,以便它可以自动知道您是在家还是在外。 选择底部的“立即现在”或“允许”。

However, either way you’ll need to let the app know where you live, so it’s just a matter of the app finding your location automatically or manually entering in your location details on the next screen.


After that, select either “Not Now” or “Allow” when it comes to receiving notifications.


Next, it’s time to set up your Canary camera. In the app, select which Canary device you’re setting up—either the newer Canary Flex or the original Canary camera, which is the one we’re setting up.

接下来,是时候设置您的Canary相机了。 在应用程序中,选择要设置的Canary设备-我们正在设置的新Canary Flex或原始Canary相机。

If it isn’t already, go ahead and plug in your Canary camera to a power outlet. From there, it will automatically boot up and you’ll see a white LED glow on the bottom of the device.

如果还没有,请继续并将Canary相机插入电源插座。 从那里开始,它将自动启动,并且您会在设备底部看到一个白色的LED发光。

Hit “Next” in the app until you get to the “Activate” screen, which will have you choose either Bluetooth or an audio cable to connect the camera to the app. The Canary comes with an audio cable included in the box, but it’s easier to just use Bluetooth, so that’s what we’ll do.

在应用程序中单击“下一步”,直到进入“激活”屏幕,您可以选择蓝牙或音频线将相机连接到应用程序。 Canary随附包装盒中的音频线,但仅使用蓝牙会更容易,这就是我们要做的。

Next, simply touch the top of the Canary camera until the light at the bottom of the device starts flashing blue. In the app, your Canary camera should appear in the form of the device’s serial number. Tap on it to continue.

接下来,只需触摸Canary相机的顶部,直到设备底部的指示灯开始闪烁蓝色。 在应用程序中,您的Canary相机应以设备序列号的形式出现。 点击它继续。

Next, you can choose whether to connect the Canary camera via an ethernet connection, or use Wi-Fi. The choice is completely up to you, but ethernet will provide the best and most reliable connection, while Wi-Fi is great for when you can’t run an ethernet cable to where you want to place the camera. In this case, we’ll choose Wi-Fi.

接下来,您可以选择是通过以太网连接来连接Canary相机,还是使用Wi-Fi。 选择完全取决于您,但是以太网将提供最佳和最可靠的连接,而Wi-Fi对于无法将以太网电缆连接到要放置相机的位置非常有用。 在这种情况下,我们将选择Wi-Fi。

Choose your Wi-Fi network from the list—it must be a 2.4GHz network, not 5GHz.

从列表中选择您的Wi-Fi网络-它必须是2.4GHz网络,而不是5GHz 。

Next, enter in the password for your Wi-Fi network. and hit “Next”.

接下来,输入您的Wi-Fi网络的密码。 然后点击“下一步”。

Give your Canary camera a name by choosing a pre-existing name from the list or type in your own name by selecting “Custom” at the top. Tap on “Next” when you’re done.

通过从列表中选择一个预先存在的名称来为Canary相机命名,或者通过选择顶部的“自定义”来键入您自己的名称。 完成后,点击“下一步”。

Your camera may begin installing an update, but in the meantime you can tap on “Continue” to learn more about the Canary camera and the app, as well as choosing some preferences.


Once you’re done with that, your camera might still be updating, so hang tight for a little bit longer, but when it’s done, you’ll get a message saying “Update complete” and you can hit “Next”.


From there, you’ll be taken to the main screen in the app, where you’ll get an overview of your camera and quick access to the different features. Tapping on “Watch Live” will give you a live view of the camera, while “View Timeline” at the bottom will show you saved recordings of when motion was detected by the camera.

从那里,您将进入应用程序的主屏幕,在该屏幕上,您将获得相机的概述以及对各种功能的快速访问。 轻按“实时观看”将为您提供摄像机的实时视图,而底部的“查看时间线”将为您显示摄像机检测到运动时的已保存记录。

When you’re viewing the live view, you can sound a siren and even quickly call emergency services if need be.


From that same screen, you can also pinch to zoom, as well as rotate your device in landscape mode to have the video feed take up the whole screen.





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