
The first public beta for Unity 2018.1 is available; download it now to get a sneak peek of what’s coming.

Unity 2018.1的第一个公开测试版可用; 立即下载它,以了解一下即将发生的事情。

This beta introduces many new and improved features across the board like Tessellation for Metal, GPU Instancing support for GI, editor Presets for import settings and components, Dynamic Resolution for PS4,  Stereoscopic 360 image and video recording (experimental), experimental sprite animation API,  FBX import improvements, new Particle System improvements, and much more.

该Beta版全面引入了许多新的和改进的功能,例如用于金属的Tessellation,对GI的GPU实例化支持, 用于导入设置和组件的 编辑器 预设 ,用于PS4的动态分辨率,立体360图像和视频录制(实验性),实验性Sprite动画API, FBX导入改进,新的粒子系统改进等。

Get the beta here, and be sure to check the release notes to get the complete list.


We’ll be posting detailed feature previews on our blog as we progress in the beta cycle, so stay tuned.


新的渲染架构:可编写脚本的渲染管道(又名SRP) (New rendering architecture: Scriptable Render Pipeline (aka SRP))

As part of the Unity 2018.1 release, we will introduce a new real-time rendering architecture option known as Scriptable Render Pipeline (SRP). We will roll out SRP iteratively adding new functions and improvements with each new release. SRP places the power of modern hardware and GPUs directly into the hands of developers and technical artists, without having to digest millions of lines of C++ engine code. SRP is an extensible and powerful option that makes it easy to customize the rendering pipeline via C# code and material shaders.

作为Unity 2018.1发行版的一部分,我们将引入一个称为Scriptable Render Pipeline(SRP)的新实时渲染架构选项。 我们将在每个新版本中迭代推出SRP,以添加新功能和改进。 SRP将现代硬件和GPU的功能直接交给开发人员和技术人员,而无需消化数百万行C ++引擎代码。 SRP是可扩展且功能强大的选项,可轻松通过C#代码和材质着色器自定义渲染管道。

We will provide out-of-the-box templates that take advantage of SRP and are optimized for different scenarios, starting with Lightweight and High-Definition pipelines. The Lightweight one targets general cross-platform scenarios, and the High-Definition one is for a scenario with ambitious graphical goals aimed at the most powerful platforms like high-end PC/consoles.

我们将提供利用SRP的现成模板,并从轻量级和高清晰度管道开始针对不同的场景进行优化。 轻量级版针对一般的跨平台方案,而高清晰度级版则针对具有雄心勃勃的图形目标的方案,目标是最强大的平台,例如高端PC /控制台。

SRP is in the experimental stage, and you can, of course, continue to use the built-in rendering pipeline and its various configuration options.


适用于艺术家的新着色器图工具:视觉着色器创建 (New Shader Graph tool for artists: visual shader creation)

The new Shader Graph, which is designed to work with the SRP, enables you to build shaders visually. Instead of hand-writing code, you can create and connect nodes in a graph network with previews at every step to help you design and debug your shaders.

旨在与SRP配合使用的新“ Shader Graph”使您可以直观地构建着色器。 您可以在每一步中使用预览来创建和连接图网络中的节点,而无需手写代码,以帮助您设计和调试着色器。

How to get your hands on SRP and the Shader Graph

如何掌握SRP和Shader Graph

In the next iterations of the beta, we will integrate these elements in a friendly user workflow for creating and using projects. But if you can’t wait to try them out, we made a simple sample that uses SRP, built on the Lightweight pipeline, and also includes the Shader Graph tool.

在Beta的下一个迭代中,我们将把这些元素集成到一个友好的用户工作流程中,以创建和使用项目。 但是,如果您迫不及待想尝试它们,我们制作了一个使用SRP的简单示例,该示例基于Lightweight管道构建,还包括Shader Graph工具。

To get started, download the sample project, open it with Unity 2018.1 beta, and start exploring! We have a forum post with basic instructions, share your feedback there.

首先,下载 示例项目, 使用 Unity 2018.1 beta 打开它 ,然后开始探索! 我们有一个带有基本说明的论坛帖子 ,在此分享您的反馈。

即将推出:C#作业系统 (Coming soon: the C# Job System)

During the beta 2018.1 cycle, we will also make the C# Job System & the experimental Entity Component System available. These will make it easier to write safe, multithreaded code and increase performance.

在beta 2018.1周期中,我们还将提供C#作业系统和实验性实体组件系统。 这些将使编写安全的多线程代码变得更加容易,并提高了性能。

Download the Unity 2018.1 beta now.

立即下载Unity 2018.1 beta。

系统要求变更 (Changes to System Requirements)

  • We are removing built-in support for import of Substance Designer materials in the editor, however, you will still be able to import and use Substance Designer materials in your projects using an external importer provided by Allegorithmic. Read more about the background for this decision.

    我们将在编辑器中删除对Substance Designer材质导入的内置支持,但是,您仍然可以使用Allegorithmic提供的外部导入器在项目中导入和使用Substance Designer材质。 详细了解此决定的背景 。

  • Wii U support removed

    Wii U支持已删除

  • Removed support for Windows XP in standalone player builds. Windows Vista is now the earliest supported OS for Windows standalone player.

    删除了独立播放器版本中对Windows XP的支持。 Windows Vista现在是Windows独立播放器最早支持的操作系统。

  • We have also deprecated support for MonoDevelop meaning that Visual Studio is now the recommended and supported C# editor on both macOS and Windows.

    我们还 弃用了对MonoDevelop的支持, 这意味着Visual Studio现在是macOS和Windows上推荐和支持的C#编辑器。

  • Unity Editor macOS system requirements have changed to macOS 10.11, as this is required for Visual Studio for Mac, and thus we now also require that for the editor.

    Unity Editor macOS系统要求已更改为macOS 10.11,因为这对于Visual Studio for Mac是必需的,因此,我们现在也对编辑器提出了要求。

旧粒子系统退役 (Legacy Particle System retirement)

Unity 2018.1 marks the beginning of the removal of the Legacy Particle System. Our target is to fully remove the Legacy Particle System in Unity 2018.2. It was replaced by a new system (Shuriken) in Unity 3.5 and has been fully deprecated since Unity 5.4. Our analytics show almost non-existent usage, which prompted us to take the step of removing the Legacy Particle System.
If this affects you, you have some options:

Unity 2018.1标志着删除旧粒子系统的开始。 我们的目标是完全删除Unity 2018.2中的旧粒子系统。 它在Unity 3.5中被新系统(Shuriken)取代,自Unity 5.4起已完全弃用。 我们的分析显示几乎不存在使用情况,这促使我们采取了删除旧粒子系统的步骤。

  • Migrate your Legacy Particle Systems to Shuriken


  • Use our auto-updater script to attempt automatic conversion


  • Reach out to us for help here.


You can see some examples on the latest particle system improvements from 2017.3 here.

您可以在此处查看有关 2017.3以来最新粒子系统改进的一些示例。

期待什么 (What to expect)

As with any beta program, you’ll have early access to features that are still under development. That means you’ll experience Unity as less stable than the final version. The beta test is currently expected to run until March and several beta versions will be made available in that time.

与任何Beta版程序一样,您将尽早使用仍在开发中的功能。 这意味着您将体验到Unity不如最终版本稳定的问题。 目前,该Beta测试预计将持续到三月,届时将提供多个Beta版本。

Info on the Mixed Reality 17.3 beta sweepstake winners

有关混合现实17.3 Beta抽奖活动获胜者的信息

We have contacted the three lucky beta participant winners to tell them that their Acer Mixed Reality Headset and motion controller prize, which was sponsored by Microsoft, is on its way. Stay tuned for more info on upcoming beta sweepstakes!

我们已经联系了三个幸运的Beta参与者获奖者,告诉他们他们的Acer混合现实耳机和运动控制器奖由微软赞助,正在筹划中。 请继续关注即将到来的Beta抽奖活动的更多信息!

Get early access now


It’s simple to get started and participate in the beta process. Simply head over to our beta testing section, read our guide and download the installer to get access to the 2018.1 beta.

入门和参与Beta流程很简单。 只需转到我们的 Beta测试部分 ,阅读我们的指南并下载安装程序即可访问2018.1 beta。

We also encourage you to sign up for the optional beta tester email list below. Signing up will enable us to send you notifications when new versions are available, as well as tips on how to be an effective beta tester.

我们也建议您在下面注册可选的Beta测试人员电子邮件列表。 注册后,我们将可以在有新版本可用时向您发送通知,以及有关如何成为有效的Beta测试人员的提示。

The beta release is available for free to all Unity users, including Personal Edition users. In the release notes section, you’ll find a complete list of all the new features, improvements and bug fixes included in the release.

Beta版对所有Unity用户(包括个人版用户)免费提供。 在 发行说明部分中 ,您将找到该发行版中包含的所有新功能,改进和错误修复的完整列表。

Sign up for the beta newsletter


First Name: Last Name: Email Address: Processing… Thank you! Your data has been successfully sent. We are sorry! Some error occurred. please, try again later.
名字: 姓: 电子邮件地址: 处理中… 谢谢! 您的数据已成功发送。 很抱歉! 发生了一些错误。 请稍后再试。

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2018/01/10/get-early-access-to-unity-2018-1-the-beta-is-out/


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