
It’s become an internet cliché—”cartoonify yourself!” But given a few moments in Photoshop, you can cut out the middleman and turn one of your own photos into a surprisingly nice photo filter cartoon. C’mon, you know you have a minute.

它已成为互联网陈词滥调-“将自己卡通化!” 但是在Photoshop中花了一些时间,您可以删掉中间人,然后将自己的照片变成令人惊讶的漂亮照片滤镜卡通。 来吧,你知道你有时间。

While some photos will work better than others, it’s possible to turn just about any photo into a “cartoon” image with cool lineart and bright, smooth colors. And, seriously, one minute might even be overstating the case! Keep reading and see how easy it can be.

虽然有些照片会比其他照片更好,但是可以将几乎任何照片转换为具有冷线稿和明亮,平滑色彩的“卡通”图像。 而且,严重的是,一分钟甚至可能夸大了案件! 继续阅读,看看它有多容易。

将一张简单的照片变成照片滤镜卡通 (Turning A Simple Photo Into A Photo Filter Cartoon)

We’ll need to start with a high resolution image of a person with good details and fairly flat skin tones. Today, we’ll be using this image of this pretty lady in the San Francisco Carnavale Parade, which meets those needs fairly well. Your image will also need to have well defined facial features, but not excessive contrast—no heavy shadows. When you have an appropriate image, open it in Photoshop. (This how to is mostly GIMP friendly, so try it out if you’re using our favorite GNU image editor.)

我们需要从具有良好细节和平坦肤色的人的高分辨率图像开始。 今天,我们将在旧金山狂欢节游行中使用这位漂亮女士的照片,它可以很好地满足这些需求。 您的图像还需要具有清晰的脸部特征,但对比度不能太高-不应有阴影。 拥有合适的图像后,在Photoshop中将其打开。 (此方法主要是对GIMP友好的,因此,如果您使用的是我们最喜欢的GNU图像编辑器,请尝试一下。 )

Duplicate your background layer by right clicking in the layers panel. This is a good first step to ensure you don’t accidently overwrite your original file.

通过右键单击“图层”面板来复制背景图层。 这是确保您不会意外覆盖原始文件的良好第一步。

Navigate to Filters > Blur > Smart Blur. You can use these values or come up with your own, depending on how you want your image to shape up.

导航到过滤器>模糊>智能模糊。 您可以使用这些值,也可以使用自己的值,具体取决于图像的形状。

This will reduce the skin textures and smooth our your image, which will be important later.


A quick levels adjustment (Ctrl + L) can help push contrast and make your image work better as a cartoon. Try these settings, or your own, as you see fit.

快速的水平调整(Ctrl + L)可以帮助提高对比度,并使图像更像卡通。 您可以尝试尝试这些设置,也可以尝试自己设置。

Your image should have even flatter skin tones, very little detail in the skin, still recognizable facial features, and good detail still in the image. But even if your image isn’t perfect, give it a shot.

您的图像应该具有更平坦的肤色,很少的皮肤细节,仍可识别的面部特征以及仍然在图像中的良好细节。 但是,即使您的图像不完美,也请尝试一下。

Once your levels are finished, make a duplicate copy of that layer by right clicking and selecting “Duplicate.” Don’t copy your original background layer, but instead duplicate the layer you just ran filters on. In our example, it’s called “Background copy.” Select the new copy as shown.

关卡完成后,右键单击并选择“复制”,即可复制该层。 不要复制原始背景图层,而要复制刚在其上运行滤镜的图层。 在我们的示例中,它称为“背景副本”。 如图所示选择新副本。

Navigate to Filters > Sketch > Photocopy. (GIMP users also have a Photocopy filter, located under Filters > Artistic > Photocopy.) Adjust the detail and darkness sliders roughly as shown here, or to whatever values make your image look good. You may find you need to bump up the “detail” or “darkness” setting dependent on what your image needs to work well.

导航到滤镜>素描>影印。 ( GIMP用户也有一个“影印”滤镜,位于“滤镜”>“艺术”>“影印”下。 )大致按此处所示调整“细节”和“暗度”滑块,或将其设置为任何值都可以使图像看起来不错。 您可能会发现需要根据图像的工作状况来调整“详细信息”或“黑暗度”设置。

One of the frustrating, weird quirks of the Photocopy filter in Photoshop is that it uses the colors you have active in your foreground/background palette in your toolbox. You may get strange results unless your toolbox has these colors, which you can get quickly by pressing the “D” key on your keyboard.

Photoshop中的“复印”滤镜令人沮丧,奇怪的怪癖之一是,它使用了工具箱中前景/背景调色板中有效的颜色。 除非您的工具箱具有这些颜色,否则您可能会得到奇怪的结果,您可以通过按键盘上的“ D”键快速获得这些颜色。

Providing you don’t run into trouble with the photocopy filter, you’ll end up with an image similar to this one. You may have to use the eraser or brush to clean up some of your skin or facial areas. In our example, we’ve not had to do much of it.

如果您没有遇到使用影印滤镜的麻烦,那么最终得到的图像将与此类似。 您可能必须使用橡皮擦或刷子来清洁某些皮肤或面部区域。 在我们的示例中,我们不必做很多事情。

Select your topmost layer and set it to a blending mode of “Multiply” as shown above highlighted in blue.


Our image is beginning to take shape, but let’s get a more convincing flat-cartoon color layer for our base.


Select the bottommost copy layer, which is probably the one in the middle, if you’re following along.


Navigate to Filter > Artistic > Cutout to use the cutout filter. Adjust the sliders as shown to get fairly good detail in your image, without it becoming to simple or losing color.

导航到滤镜>艺术>抠图以使用抠图滤镜。 如图所示调整滑块,以在图像中获得相当不错的细节,而不会变得简单或褪色。

Our final image is a nice, colorful image, with smooth colors under a good example of Photoshop filter lineart. It might not get you a job as a professional artist, but it is a fun trick to pull on a set of your photographs. Have fun with it!

我们的最终图像是一个漂亮的彩色图像,在Photoshop滤镜线稿的一个很好的例子下,颜色平滑。 它可能不会使您找到专业艺术家的工作,但这是获取一组照片的有趣技巧。 玩得开心!

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article.

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到 ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

Pretty blue feathered latina dancer by Chris Willis, available under Creative Commons.

克里斯·威利斯( Chris Willis)的漂亮蓝色羽毛拉丁舞者,可在“创作共用”下找到。




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