STAR CCM有限元分析软件的实例教程1

It appears from the plot that there is turbulence generated aft of the cylinder, but we are frankly not quite sure what to make of the plot.

35) We make a scalar plot of the turbulent kinetic energy:

Like the previous plot, it appears that the turbulent kinetic energy is about what one

might expect, with larger turbulence in the wake, but again, we are not quite sure what to make of the plot.

It’s interesting to note that the tunnel appears to smooth out the flow after entry.

36) To see the drag coefficient, click on the force monitor icon (to the left of where it says Force Monitor, on the icon that looks like a paper). The drag coefficient is

considerably different from experimental values: at Re = 1E7, the drag coefficient should be about 0.4 (Re is calculated by Re = VD/ν, where ν is the kinematic viscosity).

Clearly something is wrong with our analysis. We now investigate the effects of grid size in the assignment below. We expect the separation point of the flow to be at 120 degrees in turbulent flow (the transition to turbulent flow occurs at about Re = 3E5, so make sure any runs you make are at a Reynolds number greater than this:

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