The Woes of the Craft --职业的苦恼

Not all is delight, however, and knowing the inherent woes makes it easier to bear them when they appear.


The computer resembles the magic of legend in this respect, too.


Adjusting to the requirement for perfection is,


Next, other people set one's objectives, provide one's resources, and furnish one's information.


One rarely controls the circumstances of his work, or even its goal.


It seems that in all fields, however, the jobs where things get done never have formal authority commensurate with responsibility.


In practice, actual (as opposed to formal) authority is acquired from the very momentum of accomplishment.


These are often maldesigned, poorly implemented, incompletely delivered (no source code or test cases), and poorly documented.


So he must spend hours studying and fixing things that in an ideal world would be complete, available, and usable.


The next woe is that designing grand concepts is fun; finding nitty little bugs is just work.


With any creative activity come dreary hours of tedious, painstaking labor, and programming is no exception.


Next, one finds that debugging has a linear convergence, or worse, where one somehow expects a quadratic sort of approach to the end. (另外,人们发现调试和查找是呈线性收敛的,或者更糟糕的是,具有二次方的复杂度)

So testing drags on and on, the last difficult bugs taking more time to find than the first. (因此测试一拖再拖,查找最后一个错误竟会比第一个错误花费更多的时间)

The last woe, and sometimes the last straw, is that the product over which one has labored so long appears to be obsolete upon (or before) completion.


Already colleagues and competitors are in hot pursuit of new and better ideas.


Already the displacement of one's thought-child is not only conceived, but scheduled.


The real tiger is never a match for the paper one, unless actual use is wanted. Then the virtues of reality have a satisfaction all their own.


Of course the technological base on which one builds is always advancing.


As soon as one freezes a design, it becomes obsolete in terms of its concepts.


he obsolescence of an implementation must be measured against other existing implementations, not against unrealized concepts.


For many, the joys far outweigh the woes, and for them the remainder of this book will attempt to lay some boardwalks across the tar.


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