维京猎人 博客

Ah, Vikings. The mention of the word probably generates a similar image for most people: big, bearded Scandinavian men and strong, fierce women wielding huge circular shields and battle axes, covered in fur, leather, and war paint.

一个 小时, 维京人 一词提及对大多数人来说可能会产生相似的印象:大胡子的斯堪的纳维亚男人和坚强而凶猛的女人挥舞着巨大的圆形盾牌和战斧,上面覆盖着毛皮,皮革和战漆。

Many of us have wondered what it would be like to be one of these warriors of yore, and because of this we have been walking in the virtual boots of Viking jǫru-fægir for nearly four decades, with 1984 seeing the release of Viking Raiders for the ZX Spectrum 48k. Fast forward 36 years, and we have the upcoming Ubisoft epic RPG Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. Establishing a reason pertaining to why we love embodying our Scandinavian ancestors is difficult. It could be the hundreds of years of exploration and expansion the many Viking tribes partook in. Perhaps it’s the animalistic nature of their reputation, the brutality of their warriors and their rituals being the thing of legends. From berserkers to blood eagles, the savagery of the Northmen proved severe enough to stand the test of history’s time. Maybe it’s the Viking god pantheon, the fabled Æsir and Ásynjur spread out through the cosmos and the nine realms, keeping Frost Giants at bay and preparing for Ragnarok. Norse mythology is rife with elements of great storytelling: love, loss, betrayals, murder, justice, and action. Because of all of this, gaming has embraced the Vikings with open arms, with multiple titles seeing players swinging battle axes and dealing with Norse Gods. With so much to choose from, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when you want to dive into the icy lands of the Vikings. As such, here’s a list of the seven best Nordic inspired games to get your Viking fill.

我们中的许多人都想知道成为昔日的勇士之一会是什么样子,因此,我们在Vikingjǫru-fægir的虚拟靴子里了近四十年,1984年看到了Viking Raiders的发布 适用于ZX Spectrum 48k。 快进36年了,我们将推出即将推出的Ubisoft史诗般的RPG 刺客信条Valhalla。 很难找到与我们热爱斯堪的纳维亚祖先有关的理由。 许多维京部落可能参与了数百年的探索和扩张 。也许这是他们声望的动物性,战士的残酷无情和他们的仪式是传说中的事情。 从狂暴者到血鹰,诺斯曼人的野蛮行为被证明足以经受住历史的考验。 也许是维京神殿,传说中的ÆsirÁsynjur在宇宙和九个境界散布开来,将霜巨人拒之门外 ,为Ragnarok做准备。 北欧神话中充斥着讲故事的元素:爱,损失,背叛,谋杀,正义和行动。 正因为如此,游戏已经张开双臂拥抱了维京人,拥有多个冠军头衔,玩家可以摆动战线并与北欧诸神打交道。 有很多选择,当您想进入维京人的冰冷土地时,很容易不知所措。 因此,这里列出了七个最受北欧启发的游戏,可以让您的维京人感到满意。

7.京东 (7. JOTUN)

2015 (PC, XBOX, PS4, SWITCH)


Jotun. Source: IndieDB.
佐敦 资料来源:IndieDB。

Jotun is an action-exploration game set in the middle of Norse mythology. You play as Thora, a Viking warrior who died an inglorious death, thus denying her entrance into Valhalla. Thora must fight her way into the Gods’ favor so she can forever feast in the halls of Valhalla. Created by Canadian studio Thunder Lotus Games, Jotun is a gorgeously hand animated action puzzler that tells an incredible story of one soul trying to prove her worth. The gameplay is slow and methodical, broken up with the fast paced engagements with the titular Jotuns. If you have any interest in Norse Mythology, this indie gem is worth your time.

Jotun是一款动作探索游戏,背景设定在北欧神话中。 您扮演的是维京战士索拉(Thora),死于不光彩的死亡,因此拒绝了她进入瓦尔哈拉(Valhalla)的大门。 索拉必须竭尽所能,赢得众神的青睐,这样她才能永远在瓦尔哈拉的大厅里大饱口福。 由加拿大工作室Thunder Lotus Games创建的Jotun是一款华丽的手工动作益智游戏,讲述了一个灵魂试图证明自己的价值的令人难以置信的故事。 游戏玩法缓慢而有条理,与名义上的佐敦人的快节奏交战破裂。 如果您对北欧神话感兴趣,那么这款独立的宝石值得您光顾。


2014–2018 (MOBILE, PC, XBOX, PS4, SWITCH)


The Banner Saga Trilogy. Source: Destructoid.
横幅传奇三部曲。 资料来源:Destructoid。

The Banner Saga Trilogy is a set of three tactical RPGs. While not actually taking place in the real world, the names, places, plot, characters, and weapons are all based off of Viking legend. Your choices make all the difference in the Banner Saga, as who lives, who dies, and the bonds you make along the way are carried over from one game to the next. You must try to save the world from the Dredge, an ancient race who was previously considered extinct, and how you get there is up to you. The visuals, much like Jotun, are astoundingly hand drawn. The combat is as engaging as the story, and if you’re looking to dive into a Norse-adjacent adventure full of memorable characters and impactful storytelling, The Banner Saga Trilogy is for you. Developed by Stoic Studios, The Banner Saga Trilogy will more than satiate your Viking needs.

旗帜传奇三部曲是一套三套战术RPG。 尽管实际上并不是在现实世界中发生的,但它们的名称,位置,情节,人物和武器都基于维京传奇。 您的选择将使Banner Saga的一切与众不同,因为谁活着,谁死了,以及您在整个过程中建立的联系就从一个游戏转移到了另一个游戏。 您必须设法从挖泥船中拯救世界,挖泥船是一个以前被认为已经灭绝的古老种族,而如何到达那里则取决于您自己。 视觉效果就像佐敦一样都是惊人的手绘。 战斗就像故事一样引人入胜,如果您想潜入充满趣味的角色和富有影响力的讲故事的北欧邻国冒险,那么Banner Saga三部曲就是您的最佳选择。 Banner Saga Trilogy由Stoic Studios开发,不仅可以满足您的北欧海盗需求。


2017 (PC)


Expeditions: Vikings is a top down strategy CRPG (Classic Role Playing Game) set in 790 AD. You are the newly appointed chieftain of your clan, and you are tasked with heading west — towards Britain — to plunder and pillage for glory and gold. There’s a ton of customization options in Logic Artists’ Viking epic, with multiple classes to choose from and curtail your Viking to your preferences. Will you succeed in carving your name into history’s runestones, or does Valhalla await you? It depends on the way you take care of your camp, and how strategic you are in battle. Expeditions: Vikings has a solid story with lots of twists and turns as you navigate the diplomatic side of Norse factions and try to deduce who can be trusted and who will stab you in the back. If you enjoy classic RPGs and want one with a Norse twist, Expeditions: Vikings is highly recommended.

远征队:维京人是一种自上而下的策略CRPG(经典角色扮演游戏),成立于公元790年。 您是新任命的氏族首领,您的任务是向西(前往英国)掠夺和掠夺荣耀和黄金。 Logic Artists的 Viking史诗中有大量的自定义选项,有多个类可供选择并将Viking限制为您的首选项。 您会成功地将自己的名字刻在历史的符石上,还是瓦尔哈拉(Valhalla)等待着您? 这取决于您照顾营地的方式以及战斗中的战略性。 远征队:在您浏览北欧派系的外交方面并尝试推论出谁可以被信任以及谁会在背后刺伤您时, 维京人的故事充满曲折。 如果您喜欢经典RPG,并且想要一款带有北欧风味的RPG,则强烈建议您使用Expeditions:Vikings

4.坏北 (4. BAD NORTH)

2018 (PC, XBOX, PS4, SWITCH)


Bad North. Source: StrategyGamer.
坏北。 资料来源:StrategyGamer。

Bad North is another strategy game set in the Viking age, but with a twist. In Bad North, you’re defending against the Viking hoard instead of joining it. Described as “brutally hard”, this procedurally generated world sees you strategically maneuver your troops across small islands in defense of the people of your nation. In Plausible Concept’s Roguelite, your tactical decisions matter. If you lose too many soldiers on one of your excursions, the next few battles will be nearly impossible. Challenging, engaging, but never unfair, Bad North is a great way to sink your teeth in a strategy game without a crazy hours long commitment.

Bad North是维京时代的另一款策略游戏,但有所不同。 在Bad North中 ,您正在防御Viking宝库,而不是加入它。 被描述为“残酷地奋斗” ,这个程序产生的世界使您可以战略性地在小岛上调动部队,以捍卫您的民族。 在Plausible Concept的 Roguelite中,您的战术决策至关重要。 如果您在一次旅行中失去太多士兵,接下来的几场战斗几乎是不可能的。 充满挑战,参与但从未失衡的Bad North是一种出色的策略游戏,无需长时间的疯狂投入即可沉迷其中。


2017 (PC, XBOX, PS4, SWITCH)


Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice. Source: VentureBeat.
地狱之刃:塞努阿的牺牲。 资料来源:VentureBeat。

Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice is a fantasy action-adventure game, set in the late 8th century. Hellblade sees you in the mind of Senua, a Pict warrior who has arrived at the border of Helheim in order to save the soul of her dead lover, Dilion. Touted for its incredible graphics, facial animations, and story, Hellblade will take you through a terrifying story of tragedy and love, all wrapped up in a glorious Norse package. It’s not for the faint of heart, however, as Hellblade also comments on mental illness and the struggles that go along with it. If a deep dive into the psyche of someone slowly losing their mind with grief, along with outstanding visuals and pretty captivating gameplay sounds like something you’d be into, give Ninja Theory’s Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice a look.

地狱之刃:塞努阿的献祭是一部幻想动作冒险游戏,成立于8世纪后期。 地狱之刃塞纳(Senua)的脑海中看到您,他是Pict战士,已抵达海尔海姆( Helheim)边境,以挽救她死去的情人迪利安(Dilion)的灵魂。 因其令人难以置信的图形,面部动画和故事而吹捧 , 地狱之刃将带您穿越一个充满悲剧的悲剧和爱情故事,全部包裹在光荣的北欧包装中。 但是,这并不是为了虚弱,因为地狱之刃也评论了精神疾病以及随之而来的挣扎。 如果您深入了解某人的心理,并逐渐因悲伤而失去理智,并拥有出色的视觉效果和迷人的游戏音效,就像您会喜欢的那样,那么请看一下《 忍者理论》的《 地狱刃:塞努阿的牺牲》

2.符文/符文经典 (2. RUNE/RUNE CLASSIC)

2000/2012 (PC, PS2)


Rune. Source: Steam.
符文 资料来源:Steam。

Rune (Rune Classic is the incredible HD remaster) is an action-adventure game, and it doesn’t get much more Norse than this. You are Ragnar, a young Viking warrior sworn into the Odinsblade, an order of warriors bound to protect the runestones created by Odin to bind the evil deceiver of the gods, Loki. If the runestones are destroyed, Loki will be free to start Ragnarok, seeing to the end of reality as we know it. Despite being twenty years old, Rune holds up impressively well. The story is interesting, the combat system is still solid, with a variety of weapons and — especially for the time — a surprising medley of ways to advance in different areas. It looks a little rough around the edges by today’s standards, but if you’re a fan of Viking mythology, Human Head Studio’s cult classic is a must play.

符文 ( 符文经典版是令人难以置信的高清重制版)是一款动作冒险类游戏,没有比这更多的北欧语了。 您是Ragnar,一个年轻的维京战士宣誓进入奥丁之刃,这是一系列战士,必须保护奥丁制造的符石,以捆绑诸神的邪恶骗子Loki。 如果符石被破坏,Loki将可以自由地开始《仙境传说》,我们将目睹现实的终结。 尽管已经20岁了, Rune的表现依然出色。 这个故事很有趣,战斗系统仍然牢固,配备了各种武器,而且-尤其是在当时-令人惊讶的混合前进方式。 以今天的标准来看,它看起来有些粗糙,但是如果您是维京神话的忠实拥护者, Human Head Studio的经典经典将是必不可少的。

1.战争神 (1. GOD OF WAR)

2018 (PS4)


God of War. Source: OnlySP.
战争之神。 资料来源:OnlySP。

The God of War series has been releasing games since 2005. Eight games in total grace the franchise, with seven of them focusing mainly on the Greek pantheon. The eighth installment, however, finds Kratos in ancient Norway. Having grown tired of his destructive ways, Kratos decides to live a quiet life in the Norwegian wilderness in Midgard with is wife, Faye, and his son, Atreus. The game starts with the passing of Faye, and a visit from a curious stranger with god-like powers. From there you are set to explore six of the nine realms as you attempt to unravel the mystery of why the Æsir and Ásynjur have taken notice of you and your family. God of War (2018) completely flips the God of War formula on its head. The button mashing has been replaced by souls-like combat, and the brash, aggressive nature of a story of vengeance has been turned into a heartfelt tale of a father and son learning to exist together and survive in a hostile world. It also inverts expectations of the gods themselves; as is tradition with God of War games, the gods are malevolent, hateful, greedy, vein individuals that stand as obstacles and a monument to what power can do to those who are unchallenged, as opposed to the noble and charitable beings represented in Norse Mythology. The combat is fantastic, the story grips you from the beginning, and the graphics are still some of the best the business has to offer. Santa Monica Studios are veterans in the industry, and they have outdone themselves with God of War (2018).

自2005年以来,《 战神》系列就开始发行游戏。该系列游戏总共有8款游戏,其中有7款主要专注于希腊万神殿。 然而,第八部分在古代挪威发现了克拉托斯。 克雷托斯(Kratos)厌倦了自己的破坏性方式后,决定与妻子费耶(Faye)和儿子阿特鲁斯(Atreus)一起在Midgard的挪威荒野中过着安静的生活。 游戏开始于Faye的逝世,以及一位具有神般能力的好奇陌生人的来访。 从那里开始,您将尝试探索九个领域中的六个,以揭开ÆsirÁsynjur为何注意到您和您的家人的谜团。 《战神》(2018)彻底颠覆了《 战神》公式。 扣人心弦的捣蛋已被灵魂般的战斗所取代,复仇故事的野蛮,侵略性已经变成了父子俩学会共同生活并在敌对世界中生存的发自内心的故事。 它还颠覆了众神的期望。 就像《 战神》游戏的传统一样,众神都是恶意的,可恨的,贪婪的,脉络重重的个体,它们是障碍,是力量对不受挑战者的力量的纪念碑,这与北欧神话中所代表的高尚和慈善众生相反。 战斗真是太棒了,故事从一开始就令人着迷,而图形仍然是企业所能提供的最好的部分。 圣塔莫尼卡制片厂是该行业的资深人士,他们在《 战神》(2018)中表现不俗。

Viking games are a trend the industry has been following for years, with no sign of slowing down. As long as we love to spend time roaming the nine realms and exploring the endless well that is Norse Mythology and history, more games will dive into this subject matter to make interesting experiences for us to enjoy. We have yet to see if Assassin’s Creed Valhalla will be the next great addition to our Viking library, but until then, I’ll be scratching my berserker itch with the countless other games taking place in the wonderful world of the Northmen.

北欧海盗游戏是该行业多年来一直遵循的趋势,并且没有放缓的迹象。 只要我们喜欢花时间漫游九个领域并探索无尽的北欧神话和历史,那么更多游戏将潜入该主题,为我们带来有趣的体验。 我们还没有看到刺客信条瓦尔哈拉是否会成为我们维京人图书馆的下一个重要成员,但是在那之前,我将与在北国奇妙世界中发生的无数其他游戏一起be手痒。

Thank you so much for reading everyone! I know there’s plenty of other Norse based video games out there to play, these are just the ones that I’ve enjoyed the most over the years! I’m really looking forward to trying Assassin’s Creed Valhalla and I hope it’s as good as the other games on this list. Thanks again for reading!

非常感谢您阅读大家! 我知道还有很多其他基于北欧的视频游戏可以玩,这些只是我多年来最喜欢的视频游戏! 我真的很期待尝试刺客的信条瓦尔哈拉,我希望它能和这个名单上的其他游戏一样好。 再次感谢您的阅读!

Jared McCarty

贾里德·麦卡蒂(Jared McCarty)

翻译自: https://medium.com/super-jump/7-viking-games-to-hold-you-over-until-assassins-creed-valhalla-4c6bb68b6ac9

维京猎人 博客



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