WebGL 是一项在网页浏览器呈现3D画面的技术,有别于过去需要安装浏览器插件,通过 WebGL 的技术,只需要编写网页代码即可实现3D图像的展示。WebGL 可以为 Canvas 提供硬件3D加速渲染,这样 Web 开发人员就可以借助系统显卡来在浏览器里更流畅地展示3D场景和模型了。在这篇文章中20个不可思议的 WebGL 示例来增强你对于这个新技术的理解。

1. Aquarium

Image Source:www.webglsamples.org

Created by Greggman and Human Engines. The aquarium runs almost entirely based on a clock.That means the position of the camera and every fish will be the same across machines if their clocks are in sync. When in networked mode each machine keeps its clock in sync by periodically asking the server for the current time.

2. 3 Dreams of Black

Image Source:www.ro.me

A Semi-Intereactive film authored by Chris Milk. It was developed using technology developed by Google and other sources.

It works with chrome mixing 2D and 3D computer graphics, showcasing the song “Black” by Danger Mouse and Daniel Luppi ,with Norah Jones and Jack White.

3. Cube

Image Source:www.playmapscube.com

A WebGL innovative game inspired with Google maps technology. It consists of elements you see in Google Maps and analog labyrinth games combined with amazing controls that can break an experience.

4. Chemdoodle

Image Source:www.web.chemdoodle.com

Chemdoodle is a scientific visualization which lets you pick one of a number of medicines and see a 3D display of its chemical structure on compatible browsers, developed by iChemLabs.

5. Chrysaora

Image Source:www.aleksandarrodic.com

A dynamic Jellyfish WebGL demo built with Vladimir Vuki?evi?’s mjs matrix library. It showcases simulated skeletons, partial server-side simulation and synchronization with WebSocket, and camera facing a particle system and volumetric light effect.

6. WebGL Bookcase

Image Source:www.workshop.chromeexperiments.com

Google Books’ new flashy interface styled after a helix. Within the spiral books are sorted by subject and clicking on any book takes you to the entry in Google Books.

7. Just a Reflektor

Image Source:www.justareflektor.com

Just a Reflektor is a band Arcade Fire music video which was collaborated by Google. Using your mouse you can adjust various real-time filters and effects. This WebGL will require a webcam or simply your mouse.

8. WebGL Earth

Image Source:www.webglearth.com

An open source software enabling exploration, zooming and “playing” with the 3D globe in a web browser. The project is sustained through the support and cooperation of the developer community.

9. 3Dtin

Image Source:www.3dtin.com

3Dtin is an easy to use tool for creating shapes with a natural voxel-oriented 3D pixel approach, with the feature to export your project in 3D printing services.

10. The Biodigital Human

Image Source:www.biodigitalhuman.com

The BioDigital Human is a virtual 3D body that brings to life thousands of medically accurate anatomy objects and health conditions, in an interactive Web-based platform.

11. WebGL Rubik’s Cube

Image Source:www.randelshofer.ch

A Rubik’s Cube applets from Java to WebGL developed by Werner Randelshofer. Parts of the code are from the WebGL demo repository. Codes use in this WebGL are copyrighted by Apple Inc. and by Google Inc. and is used under permission.

12. GLGE

Image Source:www.glge.org

A framework for making WebGL developed by by Paul Brunt. It is a javascript library intended to ease the use of WebGL; which is basically a native browser javascript API giving direct access to openGL ES2, allowing for the use of hardware accelerated 2D/3D applications without having to download any plugins.

13. Ctrl+[P]aper

Image Source:www.grouek.com

Digital studio Grouek designed this Web GL website, that allows anyone to create its paper toy in 3 easy steps. Once you’re done, print the PDF, cut, fold and glue following instructions. In less time than you think, a beautiful, unique, self-created paper toy will proudly stand on your desktop.

14. A holiday message

Image Source:www.itsamessage.com

Developed by @thespite and @mrdoob. It will first require you to put on your address before proceeding. Once entered you’ll see a beautiful 3D scene that has a holiday greetings on it, where as you can move along using your mouse to view the whole 3D models.

15. Materials: Cars

Image Source:www.alteredqualia.com

With this WebGL you can choose to view 3D looks of Bugatti Veyron, Lamborghini Gallardo, Ferrari F50 and Chevrolet Camaro in your browser. Pick your ride and enjoy the view. Guest what, you can even choose their colors.

16. Quake 3

Image Source:www.media.tojicode.com

Developed by Brandon Jones, it is an impressive WebGL game demo complete with music. You can play it by just using your keyboard and mouse.

17. WebGL Image Filter

Image Source:www.evanw.github.io

A WebGL graphic editor application by Evan Wondrasek ,with a smooth and fast interface. You can play around with filter effects like the brightness and contrast, similar to the features you see in Photoshop.

18. From Dust

Image Source:www.bing.com

A WebGL game originally released a couple years ago on some traditional gaming platforms. Ubisoft has ported this game to WebGL and contains amusing and amazing effects and controls on it.

19. Acko.net

Image Source:www.acko.net

A WebGL that offers 3D logo on the header with a basic setting of a site when scrolled down. It offers a possibility that WebGL can be used as a practical setting to a website or software application.

20. WebGL Terrain

Image Source:www.alteredqualia.com

A WebGL demo with dynamic procedural terrain using 3d simplex nois. It features birds from ro.me and the background sound by Kevin Maclead.


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