$sss = <<<s
Retrieving account settings, please wait...
Done retrieving account settings
Sending account settings, please wait...
Done sending account settings.
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH TLS
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH SSL
(000001)[日期时间A] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000001)[日期时间B] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> USER [甲方名称]
(000001)[日期时间B] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 331 Password required for [甲方名称]
(000001)[日期时间B] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> PASS **********
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 230 Logged on
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> SYST
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> FEAT
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 211-Features:
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  MDTM
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  REST STREAM
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  SIZE
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  MLST type*;size*;modify*;
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  MLSD
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  UTF8
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  CLNT
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])>  MFMT
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 211 End
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/\" is current directory.
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE I
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to I
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,65)
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000001)[日期时间B] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD [root文件夹]
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]\" is current directory.
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/[root文件夹]\" is current directory.
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,78)
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000001)[日期时间C] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD [项目名称简称]
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]\" is current directory.
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]\" is current directory.
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,92)
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000001)[日期时间D] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH TLS
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH SSL
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> USER [甲方名称]
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 331 Password required for [甲方名称]
(000002)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> PASS **********
(000002)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 230 Logged on
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> Connected, sending welcome message...
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-FileZilla Server version 0.9.41 beta
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220-written by Tim Kosse (Tim.Kosse@gmx.de)
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 220 Please visit http://sourceforge.net/projects/filezilla/
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH TLS
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> AUTH SSL
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 502 SSL/TLS authentication not allowed
(000002)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD /[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]
(000002)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]\" is current directory.
(000002)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000002)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]\" is current directory.
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> USER [甲方名称]
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> 331 Password required for [甲方名称]
(000003)[日期时间E] - (not logged in) ([IP.])> PASS **********
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 230 Logged on
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD /[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/Build
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/Build\" is current directory.
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/Build\" is current directory.
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE I
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to I
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,106)
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000003)[日期时间E] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE A
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to A
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE A
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to A
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,109)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,110)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR index.html
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR UnityLoader.js
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD /[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/Build
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/Build\" is current directory.
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE I
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to I
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,113)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].asm.code.unityweb
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE I
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to I
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,115)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,116)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].asm.framework.unityweb
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,119)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].asm.code.unityweb
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,121)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,123)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,125)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].asm.memory.unityweb
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].asm.code.unityweb
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,127)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].data.unityweb
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,129)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR [项目名称简称].json
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD /[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/TemplateData
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/TemplateData\" is current directory.
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PWD
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 257 \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/TemplateData\" is current directory.
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,131)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> MLSD
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 150 Connection accepted
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 226 Transfer OK
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,133)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> CWD /[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/TemplateData
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 250 CWD successful. \"/[root文件夹]/[项目名称简称]/TemplateData\" is current directory.
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR favicon.ico
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,135)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR fullscreen.png
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,138)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressEmpty.Dark.png
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,140)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressEmpty.Light.png
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,142)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressFull.Dark.png
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,144)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressFull.Light.png
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,146)
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressLogo.Dark.png
(000002)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,148)
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR progressLogo.Light.png
(000003)[日期时间F] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE A
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to A
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,150)
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR style.css
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE A
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to A
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,152)
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR UnityProgress.js
(000003)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> TYPE I
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 200 Type set to I
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> PASV
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 227 Entering Passive Mode ([IP,],13,154)
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> STOR webgl-logo.png
(000002)[日期时间G] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> 550 Permission denied
(000002)[日期时间H] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> disconnected.
(000003)[日期时间H] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> disconnected.
(000001)[日期时间H] - [甲方名称] ([IP.])> disconnected.=====APACHE=====
[日期时间apache]  [Apache]  Apache Service is already running on port 80
[日期时间apache]  [Apache]  Apache Service is already running on port 443=====PHP=====
[ [日期时间php] ] GET [项目名称简称].our360vr.com/index/api/tongji?qlkey=qlkj360
[运行时间:0.879843s] [吞吐率:1.14req/s] [内存消耗:3,655.31kb] [文件加载:145]
[ info ] [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/xiangmu/[项目名称简称]/thinkphp/lang/zh-cn.php
[ info ] [ ROUTE ] array ('type' => 'module','module' => array (0 => 'index',1 => 'api',2 => 'tongji',),
[ info ] [ HEADER ] array ('host' => '[项目名称简称].our360vr.com','connection' => 'close','accept' => 'application/json, text/plain, */*','user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36','sec-fetch-site' => 'same-origin','sec-fetch-mode' => 'cors','sec-fetch-dest' => 'empty','referer' => 'http://localhost:8080/','accept-encoding' => 'gzip, deflate, br','accept-language' => 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9','cookie' => 'Webstorm-1ebcc768=adac04b4-dda9-416d-a30a-4b0b06ac82e8; _identity-backend=2536ab84e03190e4a0e3ae3b0354c1a1341e66f69e812b693ecc63e77d74c9daa%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A17%3A%22_identity-backend%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A46%3A%22%5B1%2C%22Pon9u5QLL-k6Jo9eRv5Sh429DFFLIzaQ%22%2C2592000%5D%22%3B%7D; Hm_lvt_1f6185944af4f0f2c9e04d72c7750023=1617755011,1617774129,1617928938,1618378933; Hm_lvt_35b8a115821617ba2725ac0b6704f277=1618881387; _identity-merchant=f24c6d87ac1a154db9db5183d8c09e9c50f527f4b6f06886b4c0ea46abc4c617a%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A18%3A%22_identity-merchant%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A46%3A%22%5B9%2C%22S3b4wiS-ZBlM005aoNKhJkOQDZ9KP3LM%22%2C2592000%5D%22%3B%7D; Hm_lvt_be8c05e18e3f7ee402b92b048315a9b8=1619420784,1619424361,1619431170,1619439520','x-forwarded-for' => '','x-forwarded-port' => '8080','x-forwarded-proto' => 'http','x-forwarded-host' => 'localhost:8080',
[ info ] [ PARAM ] array ('qlkey' => 'qlkj360',
[ info ] [ RUN ] app\index\controller\Api->tongji[ /www/wwwroot/xiangmu/[项目名称简称]/application/index/controller/Api.php ]
[ info ] [ CACHE ] INIT File
[ info ] [ DB ] INIT mysql
[ info ] [ LOG ] INIT File
[ sql ] [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000315s ] mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=[项目名称简称];charset=utf8
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vr_teacher` [ RunTime:0.000456s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_teacher` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000187s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vr_student` [ RunTime:0.000429s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000296s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vr_report` [ RunTime:0.000334s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000126s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT SUM(seconds) AS tp_sum FROM `vr_report` LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000421s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001270s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001779s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001270s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 2 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001210s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001252s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 3 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001513s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 4 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001676s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_student` WHERE  `role` = 4 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001238s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res > 90 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001408s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res > 90 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001547s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (    source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 81 AND 90 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001301s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 81 AND 90 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001282s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (   source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 71 AND 80 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001136s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 71 AND 80 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001269s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (   source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 61 AND 70 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001116s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 61 AND 70 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001269s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (   source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 0 AND 60 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001132s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_report` WHERE  (  source + simup_res + cost_res BETWEEN 0 AND 60 ) LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.001263s ]
[ [日期时间php] ] GET [项目名称简称].our360vr.com/index/api/comment_list?qlkey=qlkj360&per_page=10&page=1&per_page_parent=0&page-parent=0
[运行时间:0.041165s] [吞吐率:24.29req/s] [内存消耗:2,664.09kb] [文件加载:108]
[ info ] [ LANG ] /www/wwwroot/xiangmu/[项目名称简称]/thinkphp/lang/zh-cn.php
[ info ] [ ROUTE ] array ('type' => 'module','module' => array (0 => 'index',1 => 'api',2 => 'comment_list',),
[ info ] [ HEADER ] array ('host' => '[项目名称简称].our360vr.com','connection' => 'close','accept' => 'application/json, text/plain, */*','user-agent' => 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/86.0.4240.198 Safari/537.36','sec-fetch-site' => 'same-origin','sec-fetch-mode' => 'cors','sec-fetch-dest' => 'empty','referer' => 'http://localhost:8080/','accept-encoding' => 'gzip, deflate, br','accept-language' => 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9','cookie' => 'Webstorm-1ebcc768=adac04b4-dda9-416d-a30a-4b0b06ac82e8; _identity-backend=2536ab84e03190e4a0e3ae3b0354c1a1341e66f69e812b693ecc63e77d74c9daa%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A17%3A%22_identity-backend%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A46%3A%22%5B1%2C%22Pon9u5QLL-k6Jo9eRv5Sh429DFFLIzaQ%22%2C2592000%5D%22%3B%7D; Hm_lvt_1f6185944af4f0f2c9e04d72c7750023=1617755011,1617774129,1617928938,1618378933; Hm_lvt_35b8a115821617ba2725ac0b6704f277=1618881387; _identity-merchant=f24c6d87ac1a154db9db5183d8c09e9c50f527f4b6f06886b4c0ea46abc4c617a%3A2%3A%7Bi%3A0%3Bs%3A18%3A%22_identity-merchant%22%3Bi%3A1%3Bs%3A46%3A%22%5B9%2C%22S3b4wiS-ZBlM005aoNKhJkOQDZ9KP3LM%22%2C2592000%5D%22%3B%7D; Hm_lvt_be8c05e18e3f7ee402b92b048315a9b8=1619420784,1619424361,1619431170,1619439520','x-forwarded-for' => '','x-forwarded-port' => '8080','x-forwarded-proto' => 'http','x-forwarded-host' => 'localhost:8080','content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8',
[ info ] [ PARAM ] array ('qlkey' => 'qlkj360','per_page' => '10','page' => '1','per_page_parent' => '0','page-parent' => '0',
[ info ] [ RUN ] app\index\controller\Api->comment_list[ /www/wwwroot/xiangmu/[项目名称简称]/application/index/controller/Api.php ]
[ info ] [ DB ] INIT mysql
[ info ] [ LOG ] INIT File
[ sql ] [ DB ] CONNECT:[ UseTime:0.000236s ] mysql:host=localhost;port=3306;dbname=[项目名称简称];charset=utf8
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SHOW COLUMNS FROM `vr_comment` [ RunTime:0.000458s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 0  AND `type` = 0 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000209s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 0  AND `type` = 0 ORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 0,10 [ RunTime:0.000242s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 8 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000181s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 8 ORDER BY `created` DESC [ RunTime:0.000188s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 5 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000150s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 5 ORDER BY `created` DESC [ RunTime:0.000169s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT COUNT(*) AS tp_count FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 1 LIMIT 1 [ RunTime:0.000147s ]
[ sql ] [ SQL ] SELECT * FROM `vr_comment` WHERE  `parent_id` = 1 ORDER BY `created` DESC [ RunTime:0.000176s ]
s;//[日期时间apache]        2019-06-08 17:05:38
//[日期时间php]             2019-06-08 17:09:42
//[甲方名称]            whgsxy
//[项目名称简称]              ZZF
echo $_POST["甲方名称简称"];
echo $_POST["项目名称简称"];
echo $_POST["root文件夹"];
echo $_POST["IP1"];
echo $_POST["IP2"];
echo $_POST["IP3"];
echo $_POST["IP4"];
$ip1 = $_POST["IP1"] . "." . $_POST["IP2"] . "." . $_POST["IP3"] . "." . $_POST["IP4"];
$ip2 = $_POST["IP1"] . "," . $_POST["IP2"] . "," . $_POST["IP3"] . "," . $_POST["IP4"];
echo $_POST["date1"];
echo $_POST["date2"];
echo $_POST["date3"];
$dta = strtotime($_POST["date2"]);
$rands = rand(0, 59);
$dta = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $dta + $rands);
echo "<br>";
echo $dta;
echo "<br>";
$dtb = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dta) + rand(0, 59));
$dtc = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dtb) + rand(0, 59));
$dtd = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dtc) + rand(0, 59));
$dte = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dtd) + rand(0, 59));
$dtf = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dte) + rand(0, 59));
$dtg = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dtf) + rand(0, 59));
$dth = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime($dtg) + rand(0, 59));$sss = str_replace("[甲方名称]", $_POST["甲方名称简称"], $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[项目名称简称]", $_POST["项目名称简称"], $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[root文件夹]", $_POST["date1"], $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[IP,]", $ip2, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[IP.]", $ip1, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间apache]", $_POST["date1"], $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间php]", $_POST["date3"], $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间A]", $dta, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间B]", $dtb, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间C]", $dtc, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间D]", $dtd, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间E]", $dte, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间F]", $dtf, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间G]", $dtg, $sss);
$sss = str_replace("[日期时间H]", $dth, $sss);echo $sss;$open = fopen("D:/WorkStation/xp.cn/www/wwwroot/admin/localhost_80/wwwroot/schoollog/" . $_POST["项目名称简称"] . time() . "log.txt", "a");
fwrite($open, $sss);


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    1 linux的cat -n命令查看文件内容一共有多少行 1.cat -n命令查看文件多少行 cat -n filename 如:cat -n gallery_color_depth.txt - 2. ...

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    调用sed命令有两种形式: sed [options] 'command' file(s) sed [options] -f scriptfile file(s) 删除:d命令  $ sed '2d' ...

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