这个系列是从这篇博客开始的,主要是复现Jason Turner的“C++ Weekly With Jason Turner”视频中的代码。

024 Structured bindings

Jason在这期里简单介绍了structured binding在C++17中的运用,挺有意思。其实我在想,要是structured binding可以忽略一些变量就好了,就像是Python里的下划线“_”的作用。目前可以通过std::tiestd::ignore来实现类似的功能,但是要预先定义变量。

Structured bindings除了用在std::pairstd::tuple上之外,用在普通的array和std::array上也是可以的。

Jason同时演示了structured binding可以用在struct的成员变量上。但是当struct/class具有继承关系时,structured bindings就基本失效了。当一个class具有私有成员变量时也不行。可以看这里的讨论。

最后需要指出的是,在使用structured bindings时,注意autoauto&的差别。

#include <array>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <tuple>struct A {int    a = 0;float  b = 1.1f;double c = 2.2;std::string d = "d";
};class B {public:int a = 0;int b = 1.1f;
private:int c = 2.2;
};class C {public:int a = 0;int b = 1;
public:void f() {}
private:void g() {}
public:int c = 2;
};class D {public:int d = 3;
};class E0 : public C {public:int e = 4;
};class E1 : public C, D {public:int e = 4;
};class F {public:static int a;
};int F::a = 0;class G : public F {public:static int b;
};int G::b = 0;int& add_v( std::map<std::string, int>& v, const std::string& name) {if ( auto [ iter, flag ] = v.insert({name, 0}); flag ) {return iter->second;} else {throw std::runtime_error("Add failed. ");}
}int main() {std::cout << "Hello, StructuredBinding! \n";std::map<std::string, int> m;auto& ret = add_v(m, "v0");std::cout << "m[\"v0\"] = " << m["v0"] << '\n';ret = 1;std::cout << "m[\"v0\"] = " << m["v0"] << '\n';std::cout << '\n';// Test std::tie and std::ignore.bool flag = false;std::tie( std::ignore, flag ) = m.insert({"v1", 0});std::cout << "Test with plain array and std::array. \n";{int a[] = {0, 1, 2};auto [ a0, a1, a2 ] = a;std::array b = { 0, 1, 2 };auto [ b0, b1, b2 ] = b;}std::cout << "Test structured binding with structs and classes. \n";{auto [ a, b, c, d ] = A();std::cout << "a = " << a << '\n';std::cout << "b = " << b << '\n';std::cout << "c = " << c << '\n';std::cout << "d = " << d << '\n';// Decompose A into 2 elements.// auto [ aa, bb ] = A(); // This is an error.}// Test structured binding with class.{// Structured binding with privatre data members.// auto [ a, b ] = B(); // This is an error.auto [ a, b, c ] = C();C objC;auto [ ca, cb, cc ] = objC;ca = -1;std::cout << "objC.a = " << objC.a << '\n';auto & [ rca, rcb, rcc ] = objC;rca = -2;std::cout << "objC.a = " << objC.a << '\n';}// Test structured binding with class hierarchy.{// auto [ a, b, e ] = E0(); // This is an error.// auto [ a, b, d, e ] = E1(); // This is an error.// auto [ a, b ] = G(); // This is an error.}return 0;


Hello, StructuredBinding!
m["v0"] = 0
m["v0"] = 1Test with plain array and std::array.
Test structured binding with structs and classes.
a = 0
b = 1.1
c = 2.2
d = d
objC.a = 0
objC.a = -2

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