Flink CDC 系列文章:
《Flink CDC 系列(1)—— 什么是 Flink CDC》
《Flink CDC 系列(2)—— Flink CDC 源码编译》
《Flink CDC 系列(3)—— Flink CDC MySQL Connector 与 Flink SQL 的结合使用案例Demo》
《Flink CDC 系列(4)—— Flink CDC MySQL Connector 常用参数表》
《Flink CDC 系列(5)—— Flink CDC MySQL Connector 启动模式》
《Flink CDC 系列(6)—— Flink CDC MySQL Connector 工作机制之 Incremental Snapshot Reading》
《Flink CDC 系列(7)—— 从 MySQL 到 ElasticSearch》


  • 简介
  • 系统环境和软件版本
  • MySQL 测试数据准备
  • ElasticSearch 安装
    • 1. 安装包选择和下载
    • 2. 解压
    • 3. 启动 ElasticeSearch
    • 4. 验证是否启动成功
  • Flink 集群准备
  • 演示开始
  • 总结


本文介绍了通过 Flink CDC + Flink SQL 同步 MySQL 数据到 ElasticSearch 的案例。案例包含了 Insert/Update/Delete 的操作。


Ubuntu 20.04
JDK 1.8
Maven 3.6.3
Flink 1.13.6
ElasticSearch 7.16.2

MySQL 测试数据准备

mysql> CREATE DATABASE mydb;mysql> USE mydb;mysql> CREATE TABLE products (id INTEGER NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY,name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL,description VARCHAR(512));mysql> INSERT INTO products VALUES (default,"scooter1","Small 1-wheel scooter");
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.01 sec)

ElasticSearch 安装

1. 安装包选择和下载


笔者当前的系统环境是基于苹果M1芯片安装Ubuntu 20.04操作系统,因此选择了 LINUX ARRCH64 的安装包。


axel -n 20 https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/elasticsearch/elasticsearch-7.16.2-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

2. 解压

tar xvf elasticsearch-7.16.2-linux-aarch64.tar.gz

3. 启动 ElasticeSearch

cd elasticsearch-7.16.2

4. 验证是否启动成功

curl http://localhost:9200


Flink 集群准备

1. 下载 flink 1.13.6 的二进制安装包

axel -n 20 https://archive.apache.org/dist/flink/flink-1.13.6/flink-1.13.6-bin-scala_2.11.tgz

2. 解压

tar xvf flink-1.13.6-bin-scala_2.11.tgz

3. 将flink-sql-connector-mysql-cdc-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar 拷贝到 flink lib 目录下,该文件由 Flink CDC 源码编译得到

cp /opt/flink-cdc-connectors/flink-sql-connector-mysql-cdc/target/flink-sql-connector-mysql-cdc-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar /opt/flink-1.13.6/lib

如何通过 Flink CDC 源码编译得到 flink-sql-connector-mysql-cdc-2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar,请参考:
《Flink CDC 系列(2)—— Flink CDC 源码编译》

4. 修改 /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf/workers

vi /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf/workers




5. 修改 /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf/flink-conf.yaml

vi  /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf/flink-conf.yaml

设置参数: taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots: 2

6. 下载 flink hadoop uber jar 文件
flink-shaded-hadoop-2-uber-2.7.5-10.0.jar, 文件拷贝到 /opt/flink-1.13.6/lib 目录下

7. 下载 flink elasticsearch connector jar 文件
,文件拷贝到 /opt/flink-1.13.6/lib 目录下

8. 启动单机集群

cd /opt/flink-1.13.6

9. 查看 jobmanager 和 taskmanager 的进程是否存活

$ jps -m
9824 Jps -m
9143 TaskManagerRunner --configDir /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf -D taskmanager.memory.network.min=67108864b -D taskmanager.cpu.cores=2.0 -D taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size=0b -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size=268435456b -D external-resources=none -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min=201326592b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.network.max=67108864b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.managed.size=241591914b -D taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size=26843542b -D taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=2 -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max=201326592b
8875 StandaloneSessionClusterEntrypoint --configDir /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf --executionMode cluster -D jobmanager.memory.off-heap.size=134217728b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min=201326592b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size=268435456b -D jobmanager.memory.heap.size=469762048b -D jobmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max=201326592b
9403 TaskManagerRunner --configDir /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf -D taskmanager.memory.network.min=67108864b -D taskmanager.cpu.cores=2.0 -D taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size=0b -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size=268435456b -D external-resources=none -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min=201326592b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.network.max=67108864b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.managed.size=241591914b -D taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size=26843542b -D taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=2 -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max=201326592b
9727 TaskManagerRunner --configDir /opt/flink-1.13.6/conf -D taskmanager.memory.network.min=67108864b -D taskmanager.cpu.cores=2.0 -D taskmanager.memory.task.off-heap.size=0b -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-metaspace.size=268435456b -D external-resources=none -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.min=201326592b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.off-heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.network.max=67108864b -D taskmanager.memory.framework.heap.size=134217728b -D taskmanager.memory.managed.size=241591914b -D taskmanager.memory.task.heap.size=26843542b -D taskmanager.numberOfTaskSlots=2 -D taskmanager.memory.jvm-overhead.max=201326592b


1. 启动 Flink SQL Client

cd /opt/flink-1.13.6

2. 在 Flink SQL Client 中执行 DDL 和 查询

-- 创建 mysql-cdc source
Flink SQL> CREATE TABLE products (id INT,name STRING,description STRING,PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED) WITH ('connector' = 'mysql-cdc','hostname' = '','port' = '3306','username' = 'test','password' = 'test','database-name' = 'mydb','table-name' = 'products');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.
Flink SQL> select * from products;
id                 name                 description
1                 scooter1          Small 1-wheel scooterFlink SQL> CREATE TABLE products_es_sink (id INT,name STRING,description STRING,PRIMARY KEY (id) NOT ENFORCED) WITH ('connector' = 'elasticsearch-7','hosts' = 'http://localhost:9200','index' = 'products');
[INFO] Execute statement succeed.Flink SQL> insert into products_es_sink select * from products;
[INFO] Submitting SQL update statement to the cluster...
[INFO] SQL update statement has been successfully submitted to the cluster:
Job ID: b962baa7f6a8890cc45e43a7c95765d2

3. 查看 Elasticearch Index 的数据

curl http://localhost:9200/products/_search?pretty
{"took" : 3,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 1,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 1,"name" : "scooter1","description" : "Small 1-wheel scooter"}}]}

4. 在Mysql客户端插入新的数据

mysql> INSERT INTO products VALUES (default,"scooter2","Small 2-wheel scooter");

5. 查看 Elasticearch Index 的数据

curl http://localhost:9200/products/_search?pretty
{"took" : 433,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 2,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 1,"name" : "scooter1","description" : "Small 1-wheel scooter"}},{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 2,"name" : "scooter2","description" : "Small 2-wheel scooter"}}]}
-- 新数据写到了elasticsearch

6. 在Mysql客户端更新的数据

mysql> update products set name = 'scooter----1' where id = 1;

7. 查看 Elasticearch Index 的数据

curl http://localhost:9200/products/_search?pretty
{"took" : 154,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 2,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 2,"name" : "scooter2","description" : "Small 2-wheel scooter"}},{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "1","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 1,"name" : "scooter----1","description" : "Small 1-wheel scooter"}}]}
-- id=1的数据被更新到了elasticsearch

7. 在Mysql客户端删除的数据

mysql> delete from products where id  = 1;

8. 查看 Elasticearch Index 的数据


curl http://localhost:9200/products/_search?pretty
{"took" : 347,"timed_out" : false,"_shards" : {"total" : 1,"successful" : 1,"skipped" : 0,"failed" : 0},"hits" : {"total" : {"value" : 1,"relation" : "eq"},"max_score" : 1.0,"hits" : [{"_index" : "products","_type" : "_doc","_id" : "2","_score" : 1.0,"_source" : {"id" : 2,"name" : "scooter2","description" : "Small 2-wheel scooter"}}]}
}-- id=1的数据被删除


通过 Flink CDC 可以捕获到 MySQL 的 insert/update/delete 操作日志,并通过 Flink SQL 可对 ElasticSearch 的索引数据进行 insert/update/delete。

Flink CDC 系列(7)—— 从 MySQL 到 ElasticSearch相关推荐

  1. Flink CDC 系列(3)—— Flink CDC MySQL Connector 与 Flink SQL 的结合使用案例Demo

    Flink CDC 系列文章: <Flink CDC 系列(1)-- 什么是 Flink CDC> <Flink CDC 系列(2)-- Flink CDC 源码编译> < ...

  2. Flink CDC 系列(1)—— 什么是 Flink CDC

    Flink CDC 系列文章: <Flink CDC 系列(1)-- 什么是 Flink CDC> <Flink CDC 系列(2)-- Flink CDC 源码编译> < ...

  3. Flink CDC 系列 | 构建 MySQL 和 Postgres 上的 Streaming ETL

    摘要:本篇教程将展示如何基于 Flink CDC 快速构建 MySQL 和 Postgres 的流式 ETL. Flink-CDC 项目地址: https://github.com/ververica ...

  4. Flink CDC 系列 - Flink CDC 如何简化实时数据入湖入仓

    摘要:本文整理自伍翀 (云邪).徐榜江 (雪尽) 在 Flink Forward Asia 2021 的分享,该分享以 5 个章节详细介绍如何使用 Flink CDC 来简化实时数据的入湖入仓, 文章 ...

  5. flink cdc 2.2.1 mysql connector

    报错 java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/flink/shaded/guava18/com/google/common/util/concurrent ...

  6. Flink CDC 2.0 正式发布,详解核心改进

    简介:Flink CDC 2.0.0 版本于 8 月 10 日正式发布,点击了解详情- 本文由社区志愿者陈政羽整理,内容来源自阿里巴巴高级开发工程师徐榜江 (雪尽) 7 月 10 日在北京站 Flin ...

  7. Flink cdc +doris生产遇到的问题汇总-持续更新

    问题: 我有个表主键是字符串类型 然后cdc去读取的时候 自己split了很久 checkpoint一直显示执行中,我看日志打印是info : checkpoint一直卡在那里 程序一直等待中: 原因 ...

  8. Flink读写系列之-读HBase并写入HBase

    这里读HBase提供两种方式,一种是继承RichSourceFunction,重写父类方法,一种是实现OutputFormat接口,具体代码如下: 方式一:继承RichSourceFunction p ...

  9. Flink系列之:Flink CDC深入了解MySQL CDC连接器

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