

AE 7001
BW 3.1 7003
DR 2.7 7007


start cmd /k "python configAE.txt"


#!/usr/bin/python3.7import socket
import sys
import threading
import time
import operator
import copy# 获取精度到秒的时间戳
def get_time():return int(time.time())# 创建发送的信息
def create_msg():msg = router_id + ' ' + str(router_port) + ' ' + str(get_time()) + '\n'msg = msg + "neighbour\n"for ID in neighbour_list.keys():msg = msg + ID + ' ' + str(neighbour_list[ID].get_port()) + ' '\+ str(neighbour_list[ID].get_cost()) + '\n'return msg# 读取接收的信息
def deal_msg(msg):if msg == "":return -1lines = msg.split("\n")creater = lines[0].split(" ")creater_id = creater[0]creater_port = creater[1]creater_time = int(creater[2])# if it is created by itselfif creater_id == router_id:return -1# if it is a path informationif lines[1] == "neighbour":# if it is a recur routerif creater_id in dead_list:router_recieve_list[creater_id] = creater_timedead_list.remove(creater_id)temp_dic = {}for line in lines[2:-1]:info = line.split(" ")temp_dic[info[0]] = [int(info[1]),float(info[2])]if operator.eq(temp_dic, all_route[creater_id]) != 0:all_route[creater_id] = temp_dicreturn creater_id# if it is a new routerif creater_id not in router_recieve_list.keys()\or creater_id not in all_route.keys():router_recieve_list[creater_id] = creater_timetemp_dic = {}for line in lines[2:-1]:info = line.split(" ")temp_dic[info[0]] = [int(info[1]),float(info[2])]all_route[creater_id] = temp_dicreturn 0# if just normal updateelse:# if it is an old message which do not need to deal withif creater_time <= router_recieve_list[creater_id]:return -1# if it is a useful messageelse:router_recieve_list[creater_id] = creater_timetemp_dic = {}for line in lines[2:-1]:info = line.split(" ")temp_dic[info[0]] = [int(info[1]),float(info[2])]if operator.eq(temp_dic, all_route[creater_id]) == 0:return 0 # do nothing# replace itelse:all_route[creater_id] = temp_dicreturn 0       elif lines[1] == "dead":if creater_id not in router_recieve_list.keys():router_recieve_list[creater_id] = creater_timeelif creater_time <= router_recieve_list[creater_id]:return -1if lines[2] not in dead_list and lines[2] != router_id:dead_list.append(lines[2])return 0elif lines[1] == "resur":if creater_id not in router_recieve_list.keys():router_recieve_list[creater_id] = creater_timeelif creater_time <= router_recieve_list[creater_id]:return -1if lines[2] in dead_list:  dead_list.remove(lines[2])return 0# Dijkstra算法与打印输出
def Dijkstra():# delete all the dead routetemp_routers = copy.deepcopy(all_route)for ID in dead_list:if ID != router_id:if ID in temp_routers.keys():del temp_routers[ID]for router in temp_routers.keys():if ID in temp_routers[router].keys():del temp_routers[router][ID]# start caculateunvisit_nodes = [ID for ID in temp_routers.keys()]visited_nodes = []# initializefor ID in unvisit_nodes:# {ID: previous node, cost}cost_list[ID] = ['', float('inf')]# first pointcost_list[router_id] = ['', 0.0]# all neighboursfor ID in all_route[router_id].keys():cost_list[ID] = [router_id, all_route[router_id][ID][1]]unvisit_nodes.remove(router_id)visited_nodes.append(router_id)# start loopwhile len(unvisit_nodes) != 0:# find the shortest unvisit nodemin_cost = float('inf')min_id = ''for ID in unvisit_nodes:if cost_list[ID][1] <= min_cost:min_cost = cost_list[ID][1]min_id = ID# start from min_id, for all neighboursfor ID in all_route[min_id].keys():if ID in unvisit_nodes:cost = round(min_cost + all_route[min_id][ID][1], 6)# if it is a shorter pathif cost < cost_list[ID][1]:cost_list[ID] = [min_id, cost]# mark the nodeunvisit_nodes.remove(min_id)visited_nodes.append(min_id)# print resultprint("I am Router " + router_id)visited_nodes.remove(router_id)visited_nodes.sort()for ID in visited_nodes:path = IDtemp = IDwhile cost_list[temp][0] != '':path = cost_list[temp][0] + pathtemp = cost_list[temp][0]print("Least cost path to router " + ID + ": " \+ path + " and the cost is " + str(cost_list[ID][1]))print()# 为记录中的路由器创建一个类来记录
class router:def __init__(self, ID, cost, port):self.ID = IDself.cost = costself.port = portdef get_id(self):return self.IDdef get_cost(self):return self.costdef get_port(self):return self.port# 广播线程
class broadcast(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, threadID, name, interval, soc):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.threadID = = nameself.interval = intervalself.soc = socdef run(self):while True:msg = create_msg()msg = msg.encode(encoding='UTF-8')for ID in neighbour_list.keys():self.soc.sendto(msg, ("", neighbour_list[ID].get_port()))time.sleep(self.interval)# 接收线程
class recieve(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, threadID, name, soc):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.threadID = = nameself.soc = socdef run(self):while True:msg = ""addr = ""try:data, addr = self.soc.recvfrom(2048)msg = data.decode(encoding='UTF-8')except:pass#print(msg,"from",addr)result = deal_msg(msg)if result == 0: # if it is not an old message, broadcast itfor ID in neighbour_list.keys():self.soc.sendto(data, ("", neighbour_list[ID].get_port()))# some router is recurelif type(result) == str:recur_msg = router_id + ' ' + str(router_port) + ' ' + str(get_time()) + '\n'recur_msg = recur_msg + "resur\n" + result + "\n"recur_msg = recur_msg.encode(encoding='UTF-8')for ID in neighbour_list.keys():self.soc.sendto(recur_msg, ("", neighbour_list[ID].get_port()))            # for test#print(msg,"deal with from",addr)# 计算线程
class calculate(threading.Thread):def __init__(self, threadID, name, soc):threading.Thread.__init__(self)self.threadID = = nameself.soc = socdef run(self):while True:time.sleep(ROUTE_UPDATE_INTERVAL)now = get_time()for ID in neighbour_list.keys():# if a router is deadif ID in router_recieve_list.keys():if now - router_recieve_list[ID] > 10 and ID not in dead_list:dead_list.append(ID)dead_msg = router_id + ' ' + str(router_port) + ' ' + str(get_time()) + '\n'dead_msg = dead_msg + "dead\n" + ID + "\n"dead_msg = dead_msg.encode(encoding='UTF-8')for ID in neighbour_list.keys():self.soc.sendto(dead_msg, ("", neighbour_list[ID].get_port()))  Dijkstra()# 读取文件信息
filepath = sys.argv[1]# set parameter
ROUTE_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 30router_id = 0
router_port = 0
# total number of neighbours
neighbour_number = 0
# {ID: class router}, only for neighbours
neighbour_list = {}
# {ID: timestamp}, last time recieve broadcast created by the router
router_recieve_list = {}
# all routers in the whole net
# like {A: {B:[5001,2],C:[5003,5]}}, means A to B is 2, only A's neighbours
all_route = {}
# dead router
dead_list = []
# # {ID: previous node, cost}, store the result of Dijkstra’s algorithm
cost_list = {}with open(filepath) as input_file:input_lines = input_file.readlines()router_id = input_lines[0].split(" ")[0]router_port = int(input_lines[0].split(" ")[1])neighbour_number = int(input_lines[1])all_route[router_id] = {}for i in range(0, neighbour_number):line = input_lines[i+2]line = line.split(" ")neighbour_id = line[0]neighbour_cost = float(line[1])neighbour_port = int(line[2])neighbour_list[neighbour_id] = router(neighbour_id, neighbour_cost, neighbour_port)all_route[router_id][neighbour_id] = [neighbour_port, neighbour_cost]
# 文件信息读取完毕# 创建线程
soc = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
soc.bind(("", router_port))
thread_broadcast = broadcast(1, "broadcast", UPDATE_INTERVAL, soc)
thread_recieve = recieve(2, "recieve", soc)
thread_calculate = calculate(3, "calculate", soc)# 启动线程


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