A: What’s the matter?Jim,you look perturbed.

B: I just had a bit of an incident on the road.Some guy cut me off and I just flew off the handle.

A: But you are such a cheer chill guy.I did’t think you were prone to road rage.

B: I know.But this other guy was waving weaving across the lanes.I guess I just overreacted.

A:That’s not surprising.With road rage,you are basic driving under the influence of impaired emotions.

B: But is there something about cars themselves that cause road rage?Or Is it something innate in us?

A:Well,territorelity territoriality is innate.We feel ownership of the road and when that is threatened, we can an trigger intense response.

B:So are we forever doom doomed to take a back seat to our lizard brains?

A:No,there are lots of choices we can make to prevent getting road rage, like focusing on our own driving.

B:I guess I could have left earlier too.I might not have reacted the same way if I won’t be weren’t already running late.

A:Little things can go a long way.

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