
In natural language processing models, the inputs to the model are usually sequences of sentences, such as “I went to New York last week.”. The sequence consists of tokens. In old language models, tokens are usually white-space separated words and punctuations, such as [“i”, “went”, “to”, “new”, “york”, “last”, “week”, “.”]. I remember the word2vec model was using this kind of tokenization method. However, this has some draw backs. For example, if the model learned the relationship between “old”, “older”, and “oldest”, it does not tell the model anything about the relationship between “smart”, “smarter”, and “smartest”. However, in this case, if we use some subtokens such as “er” and “est”, and the model learned the relationship between “old”, “older”, and “oldest”, it will tell the model some information about the relationship between “smart”, “smarter”, and “smartest”. Now that using subtokens sounds a better tokenization method, how do we engineer these subtokens? Preparing subtokens by ourselves is heuristics and label consuming, thus is not desirable. But information theory comes and saves us again.

BPE Algorithm

Token Learning from Dataset

《Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units》文章的作者开源了对语料库中的单词进行字节对编码encoding的源码。首先我们统计每一个单词在语料库corpus中出现的频率,对于每一个单词,我们在单词的末尾添加一个特殊的“stop token"——</w>,然后将之分割成多个字符(characters)。最初,单词的token是所有的字符和最后的stop token按序构成,例如,单词"low"对应的token就是[“l”, “o”, “w”, “</w>”] ,所以我们统计完数据集中的所有单词后,按照上述操作就可以得到一个由“token化”的单词及其对应出现的次数(代表着出现的频率)所组成的词汇表vocabulary,比如:

{'l o w </w>': 5, 'l o w e r </w>': 2, 'n e w e s t </w>': 6, 'w i d e s t </w>': 3}

之后,我们要开始迭代(iteration),迭代就是要统计所有连续字节对(consecutive byte pair的出现频率并合并出现最多的那一组连续字节对成为一个token,并且merge完成后要消除原来参与merge的token。

举个例子,假设从上面开始第一轮迭代merge,那么进行merge的时候,因为字节对e和s出现了6+3=9次,是最多的,所以我们将e和s合并成es: ```yaml {'l o w ': 5, 'l o w e r ': 2, 'n e w es t ': 6, 'w i d es t ': 3} ``` 以上经过merge后,词汇表中原来的e和s两个token就不复存在了。 然后开始第二轮merge的迭代,根据第一轮迭代的结果,发现token"es"和"t"出现次数最多:6+3=9,所以我们再次merge出一个新token:"est",此后词汇表中也就不存在"t"和"es"这两种token了。


stop token 也是十分重要的,没有< /w>的情况,比如一个"st"的token,这个token可以来自两个截然不同的单词(如"star" 和 "widest"),此时就不容易判断这是谁的token;但是如果加上< /w>,当此轮迭代发现了< /w>模型就知道"st"这个token来自“wide st < /w>”而不是“st ar < /w>”。

  • 递减1个
  • 递增1个
  • 保持不变


Token learning Example

作者修改了paper《 “Neural Machine Translation of Rare Words with Subword Units”》的code,并将之作为BPE在一个实际数据集应用的一个例程。

import re, collectionsdef get_vocab(filename):vocab = collections.defaultdict(int)with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fhand:for line in fhand:words = line.strip().split()for word in words:vocab[' '.join(list(word)) + ' </w>'] += 1return vocabdef get_stats(vocab):pairs = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():symbols = word.split()for i in range(len(symbols)-1):pairs[symbols[i],symbols[i+1]] += freqreturn pairsdef merge_vocab(pair, v_in):v_out = {}bigram = re.escape(' '.join(pair))p = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)' + bigram + r'(?!\S)')for word in v_in:w_out = p.sub(''.join(pair), word)v_out[w_out] = v_in[word]return v_outdef get_tokens(vocab):tokens = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():word_tokens = word.split()for token in word_tokens:tokens[token] += freqreturn tokens# vocab = {'l o w </w>': 5, 'l o w e r </w>': 2, 'n e w e s t </w>': 6, 'w i d e s t </w>': 3}# Get free book from Gutenberg
# wget
vocab = get_vocab('pg16457.txt')print('==========')
print('Tokens Before BPE')
tokens = get_tokens(vocab)
print('Tokens: {}'.format(tokens))
print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens)))
print('==========')num_merges = 1000
for i in range(num_merges):pairs = get_stats(vocab)if not pairs:breakbest = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)vocab = merge_vocab(best, vocab)print('Iter: {}'.format(i))print('Best pair: {}'.format(best))tokens = get_tokens(vocab)print('Tokens: {}'.format(tokens))print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens)))print('==========')


Tokens Before BPE
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'\ufeff': 1, 'T': 1610, 'h': 26094, 'e': 59152, '</w>': 101830, 'P': 780, 'r': 29540, 'o': 34983, 'j': 857, 'c': 13891, 't': 44258, 'G': 300, 'u': 13731, 'n': 32499, 'b': 7428, 'g': 8744, 'E': 901, 'B': 1163, 'k': 2726, 'f': 10469, 'A': 1381, 'l': 20632, 'd': 17576, 'M': 1206, ',': 8068, 'y': 8812, 'J': 80, 's': 28320, 'V': 104, 'i': 31435, 'a': 36692, 'w': 8133, 'm': 9812, 'v': 4880, '.': 4055, 'Y': 250, 'p': 8040, '-': 1128, 'L': 429, ':': 209, 'R': 369, 'D': 327, '6': 77, '2': 158, '0': 401, '5': 131, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 295, '4': 104, '7': 65, ']': 32, '*': 44, 'S': 860, 'O': 510, 'F': 422, 'H': 689, 'I': 1432, 'C': 863, 'U': 170, 'N': 796, 'K': 42, '/': 52, '"': 4086, '!': 1214, 'W': 579, '3': 105, "'": 1243, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 75, '9': 38, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 365, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 56, ')': 56, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '%': 1, '@': 2, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 98
Iter: 0
Best pair: ('e', '</w>')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'\ufeff': 1, 'T': 1610, 'h': 26094, 'e</w>': 17749, 'P': 780, 'r': 29540, 'o': 34983, 'j': 857, 'e': 41403, 'c': 13891, 't': 44258, '</w>': 84081, 'G': 300, 'u': 13731, 'n': 32499, 'b': 7428, 'g': 8744, 'E': 901, 'B': 1163, 'k': 2726, 'f': 10469, 'A': 1381, 'l': 20632, 'd': 17576, 'M': 1206, ',': 8068, 'y': 8812, 'J': 80, 's': 28320, 'V': 104, 'i': 31435, 'a': 36692, 'w': 8133, 'm': 9812, 'v': 4880, '.': 4055, 'Y': 250, 'p': 8040, '-': 1128, 'L': 429, ':': 209, 'R': 369, 'D': 327, '6': 77, '2': 158, '0': 401, '5': 131, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 295, '4': 104, '7': 65, ']': 32, '*': 44, 'S': 860, 'O': 510, 'F': 422, 'H': 689, 'I': 1432, 'C': 863, 'U': 170, 'N': 796, 'K': 42, '/': 52, '"': 4086, '!': 1214, 'W': 579, '3': 105, "'": 1243, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 75, '9': 38, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 365, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 56, ')': 56, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '%': 1, '@': 2, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 99
Iter: 1
Best pair: ('t', 'h')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'\ufeff': 1, 'T': 1610, 'h': 12065, 'e</w>': 17749, 'P': 780, 'r': 29540, 'o': 34983, 'j': 857, 'e': 41403, 'c': 13891, 't': 30229, '</w>': 84081, 'G': 300, 'u': 13731, 'n': 32499, 'b': 7428, 'g': 8744, 'E': 901, 'B': 1163, 'k': 2726, 'f': 10469, 'A': 1381, 'l': 20632, 'd': 17576, 'th': 14029, 'M': 1206, ',': 8068, 'y': 8812, 'J': 80, 's': 28320, 'V': 104, 'i': 31435, 'a': 36692, 'w': 8133, 'm': 9812, 'v': 4880, '.': 4055, 'Y': 250, 'p': 8040, '-': 1128, 'L': 429, ':': 209, 'R': 369, 'D': 327, '6': 77, '2': 158, '0': 401, '5': 131, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 295, '4': 104, '7': 65, ']': 32, '*': 44, 'S': 860, 'O': 510, 'F': 422, 'H': 689, 'I': 1432, 'C': 863, 'U': 170, 'N': 796, 'K': 42, '/': 52, '"': 4086, '!': 1214, 'W': 579, '3': 105, "'": 1243, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 75, '9': 38, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 365, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 56, ')': 56, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '%': 1, '@': 2, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 100
Iter: 2
Best pair: ('t', '</w>')
Tokens: defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {'\ufeff': 1, 'T': 1610, 'h': 12065, 'e</w>': 17749, 'P': 780, 'r': 29540, 'o': 34983, 'j': 857, 'e': 41403, 'c': 13891, 't</w>': 9271, 'G': 300, 'u': 13731, 't': 20958, 'n': 32499, 'b': 7428, 'g': 8744, '</w>': 74810, 'E': 901, 'B': 1163, 'k': 2726, 'f': 10469, 'A': 1381, 'l': 20632, 'd': 17576, 'th': 14029, 'M': 1206, ',': 8068, 'y': 8812, 'J': 80, 's': 28320, 'V': 104, 'i': 31435, 'a': 36692, 'w': 8133, 'm': 9812, 'v': 4880, '.': 4055, 'Y': 250, 'p': 8040, '-': 1128, 'L': 429, ':': 209, 'R': 369, 'D': 327, '6': 77, '2': 158, '0': 401, '5': 131, '[': 32, '#': 1, '1': 295, '4': 104, '7': 65, ']': 32, '*': 44, 'S': 860, 'O': 510, 'F': 422, 'H': 689, 'I': 1432, 'C': 863, 'U': 170, 'N': 796, 'K': 42, '/': 52, '"': 4086, '!': 1214, 'W': 579, '3': 105, "'": 1243, 'Q': 33, 'X': 49, 'Z': 10, '?': 651, '8': 75, '9': 38, '_': 1426, 'à': 3, 'x': 937, 'z': 365, '°': 41, 'q': 575, ';': 561, '(': 56, ')': 56, '{': 23, '}': 16, 'è': 2, 'é': 14, '+': 2, '=': 3, 'ö': 2, 'ê': 5, 'â': 1, 'ô': 1, 'Æ': 3, 'æ': 2, '%': 1, '@': 2, '$': 2})
Number of tokens: 101

Encoding and Decoding


[“the</w>”, “high”, “est</w>”, “moun”, “tain</w>”]


“the</w> highest</w> mountain</w>”


[“the</w>”, “highest</w>”, “mountain</w>”]


[“errrr</w>”, “tain</w>”, “moun”, “est</w>”, “high”, “the</w>”, “a</w>”]

我们就从列表最长的token——errrr< /w>,遍历到最短的token——a< /w>,看看有没有能够将每一个单词的子字符替换成对应的tokens。
如果遍历结束后仍然有子字符但是所有的列表中的token都被遍历,我们用unknown token代替这个subword(残留的子字符)。

  • 单词中的 “the</ w>” token化 为 [“the</ w>”]
  • 单词中的"highest</ w>"token化 为 [“high”, “est</ w>”] (这中间merge了这两个token为一个tokens)
  • 单词中的"mountain</ w>"token化 为[“moun”, “tain</ w>”](同上)


import re, collectionsdef get_vocab(filename):vocab = collections.defaultdict(int)with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as fhand:for line in fhand:words = line.strip().split()for word in words:vocab[' '.join(list(word)) + ' </w>'] += 1return vocabdef get_stats(vocab):pairs = collections.defaultdict(int)for word, freq in vocab.items():symbols = word.split()for i in range(len(symbols)-1):pairs[symbols[i],symbols[i+1]] += freqreturn pairsdef merge_vocab(pair, v_in):v_out = {}bigram = re.escape(' '.join(pair))p = re.compile(r'(?<!\S)' + bigram + r'(?!\S)')for word in v_in:w_out = p.sub(''.join(pair), word)v_out[w_out] = v_in[word]return v_outdef get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab):tokens_frequencies = collections.defaultdict(int)vocab_tokenization = {}for word, freq in vocab.items():word_tokens = word.split()for token in word_tokens:tokens_frequencies[token] += freqvocab_tokenization[''.join(word_tokens)] = word_tokensreturn tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenizationdef measure_token_length(token):if token[-4:] == '</w>':return len(token[:-4]) + 1else:return len(token)def tokenize_word(string, sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'):if string == '':return []if sorted_tokens == []:return [unknown_token]string_tokens = []for i in range(len(sorted_tokens)):token = sorted_tokens[i]token_reg = re.escape(token.replace('.', '[.]'))matched_positions = [(m.start(0), m.end(0)) for m in re.finditer(token_reg, string)]if len(matched_positions) == 0:continuesubstring_end_positions = [matched_position[0] for matched_position in matched_positions]substring_start_position = 0for substring_end_position in substring_end_positions:substring = string[substring_start_position:substring_end_position]string_tokens += tokenize_word(string=substring, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens[i+1:], unknown_token=unknown_token)string_tokens += [token]substring_start_position = substring_end_position + len(token)remaining_substring = string[substring_start_position:]string_tokens += tokenize_word(string=remaining_substring, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens[i+1:], unknown_token=unknown_token)breakreturn string_tokens# vocab = {'l o w </w>': 5, 'l o w e r </w>': 2, 'n e w e s t </w>': 6, 'w i d e s t </w>': 3}vocab = get_vocab('pg16457.txt')print('==========')
print('Tokens Before BPE')
tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenization = get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab)
print('All tokens: {}'.format(tokens_frequencies.keys()))
print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens_frequencies.keys())))
print('==========')num_merges = 10000
for i in range(num_merges):pairs = get_stats(vocab)if not pairs:breakbest = max(pairs, key=pairs.get)vocab = merge_vocab(best, vocab)print('Iter: {}'.format(i))print('Best pair: {}'.format(best))tokens_frequencies, vocab_tokenization = get_tokens_from_vocab(vocab)print('All tokens: {}'.format(tokens_frequencies.keys()))print('Number of tokens: {}'.format(len(tokens_frequencies.keys())))print('==========')# Let's check how tokenization will be for a known word
word_given_known = 'mountains</w>'
word_given_unknown = 'Ilikeeatingapples!</w>'sorted_tokens_tuple = sorted(tokens_frequencies.items(), key=lambda item: (measure_token_length(item[0]), item[1]), reverse=True)
sorted_tokens = [token for (token, freq) in sorted_tokens_tuple]print(sorted_tokens)word_given = word_given_known print('Tokenizing word: {}...'.format(word_given))
if word_given in vocab_tokenization:print('Tokenization of the known word:')print(vocab_tokenization[word_given])print('Tokenization treating the known word as unknown:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))
else:print('Tokenizating of the unknown word:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))word_given = word_given_unknown print('Tokenizing word: {}...'.format(word_given))
if word_given in vocab_tokenization:print('Tokenization of the known word:')print(vocab_tokenization[word_given])print('Tokenization treating the known word as unknown:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>'))
else:print('Tokenizating of the unknown word:')print(tokenize_word(string=word_given, sorted_tokens=sorted_tokens, unknown_token='</u>')

The known word “mountains</ w>” was tokenized as “mountains</ w>” using the comprehensive encoding method described above. It did also match the learned tokenization of the known words saved in the dictionary. The unknown invented word “Ilikeeatingapples!</ w>” was also tokenized as [‘I’, ‘like’, ‘ea’, ‘ting’, ‘app’, ‘l’, ‘es!</ w>’].

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