谷歌表格图表 横坐标 滚动

The Explore feature in Google Sheets helps you gain insight from the data in your spreadsheets with the power of machine learning. Explore automatically analyzes everything in Sheets to make visualizing data easier.

Google表格中的“浏览”功能可借助机器学习功能帮助您从电子表格中的数据中获得洞察。 Explore会自动分析表格中的所有内容,从而使数据的可视化更加容易。

Explore for Sheets takes away a lot of the stress and guesswork when you deal with large data sets in your spreadsheet. Simply open it and choose a suggested chart, graph, or pivot table to insert into your spreadsheet. You can also “ask” to create charts that are not automatically suggested.

当您处理电子表格中的大数据集时,“探索图纸”消除了很多压力和猜测。 只需打开它,然后选择建议的图表,图形或数据透视表即可插入电子表格。 您也可以“询问”以创建不会自动建议的图表。

To get started, fire up your browser, head to your Google Sheets homepage, and open a file with a few data sets.

首先,启动浏览器,转到Google表格首页 ,然后打开包含一些数据集的文件。

In the bottom-right corner, click “Explore” or use the Alt+Shift+X (Windows/ChromeOS) or Option+Shift+X (macOS) keyboard shortcut to open the Explore pane.

在右下角,单击“浏览”,或使用Alt + Shift + X(Windows / ChromeOS)或Option + Shift + X(macOS) 键盘快捷方式打开“浏览”窗格。

By default, Explore analyzes the whole sheet’s data sets, but you can isolate specific columns or rows if you highlight them before you click “Explore.”

默认情况下,Explore会分析整个工作表的数据集,但是如果在单击“ Explore”之前突出显示特定的列或行,则可以隔离它们。

When you open Explore, you see four sections: “Answers,” “Formatting,” “Pivot Table,” and “Analysis.” In “Formatting,” you can change the color scheme of your sheet with the click of a button, and in “Pivot Table,” you can insert a pivot table into your spreadsheet. We’ll focus on “Answers” and “Analysis.”

打开“浏览”时,您会看到四个部分:“答案”,“格式”,“ 数据透视表 ”和“分析”。 在“格式设置”中,您可以单击按钮来更改工作表的配色方案,在“数据透视表”中,可以将数据透视表插入电子表格中。 我们将专注于“答案”和“分析”。

At the top, under the “Answers” section, you see a few suggestions under the text box—which we’ll cover later. These questions are produced by the AI as optional ideas to get you started; click a link to preview one of the questions the AI conceived.

在顶部的“答案”部分下,您会在文本框下方看到一些建议,我们将在稍后讨论。 这些问题是由AI提出的,可以帮助您入门。 单击链接以预览AI提出的问题之一。

After you click a suggested question, Explore automatically creates a chart based on the criteria listed. In this example, it created a column chart to show sales by division.

单击建议的问题后,“浏览”将根据列出的条件自动创建图表。 在此示例中,它创建了一个柱形图以按部门显示销售额。

To insert the chart into your spreadsheet, click “Insert Chart” at the bottom of the pane.


If this isn’t the chart you want, click the Back arrow to see the other suggestions available.


Scroll down until you see the Analysis section. Here, you’ll find premade charts and stats from the data sets you chose earlier. Explore analyzes this data, and then chooses the best way to view it as a chart.

向下滚动,直到看到“分析”部分。 在这里,您可以从先前选择的数据集中找到预制的图表和统计信息。 Explore将分析这些数据,然后选择最佳方式将其以图表形式查看。

To preview a chart and insert it into your spreadsheet, click the magnifying glass or the plus sign (+), respectively.


If you click “More,” you see a few other charts and graphs that didn’t fit in the Explore feature pane.


If none of the questions or premade charts will work, you can type a custom query in the text field at the top to get a specific answer. For example, if we want to see each division’s average sales for Q2 in a pie chart, we can type, “Pie chart average of Q2 for each division,” into the text field and press Enter.

如果所有问题或预制图表均无效,则可以在顶部的文本字段中输入自定义查询,以获取特定的答案。 例如,如果要在饼图中查看每个部门Q2的平均销售额,则可以在文本字段中键入“每个部门Q2的饼图平均值”,然后按Enter。

Just like that, a pie chart is created showing the average Q2 sales by division.


Depending on the data you choose and how it’s displayed, Explore might have a few other charts to view your data sets. You can click “Pivot Table” or “Chart” and select the type of chart you want from the drop-down menu.

根据您选择的数据及其显示方式,“浏览”可能还会有其他一些图表来查看您的数据集。 您可以单击“数据透视表”或“图表”,然后从下拉菜单中选择所需的图表类型。

To insert a chart into your spreadsheet, simply click “Insert Chart” under the current selection.


Your chart then appears in the current sheet. You can move and resize it however you want.

然后,您的图表将出现在当前工作表中。 您可以根据需要移动和调整大小。


谷歌表格图表 横坐标 滚动

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