
If you have Windows 7 Starter Edition installed on your netbook, the default wallpaper can get old. If you are tired of looking at the default wallpaper, then join us today as we look at changing it with Oceanis Change Background Windows 7.

如果您的上网本上安装了Windows 7简化版,则默认墙纸可能会变旧。 如果您厌倦了查看默认壁纸,请立即加入我们,我们将使用Oceanis Change Background Windows 7对其进行更改。

Special Notes


This information is quoted directly from the website and needs to be kept in mind when using Oceanis Change Background Windows 7:

此信息直接从网站上引用,使用Oceanis Change Background Windows 7时需要牢记:

  • If the Oceanis Change Background Windows 7 program no longer works properly after installing some Windows Updates, then uninstall and reinstall the Oceanis Change Background Windows 7 program to have it run properly again.如果在安装某些Windows更新后,Oceanis Change Background Windows 7程序不再能正常工作,请卸载并重新安装Oceanis Change Background Windows 7程序,以使其再次正常运行。
  • If you ever do an in-place upgrade to another higher level edition of Windows 7 in the future, then be sure to uninstall this Oceanis Change Background Windows 7 program first to avoid incompatibility issues with it in the new edition of Windows 7. It was designed to only work in Windows 7 Starter edition.如果将来将来要就地升级到另一个更高版本的Windows 7,请确保先卸载此Oceanis Change Background Windows 7程序,以避免在新版本的Windows 7中出现不兼容问题。设计仅在Windows 7简化版中运行。



There it is…the default wallpaper everyone with the Starter Edition gets stuck with. Some people may not mind it, but if you are one of the people who really wants something different then get ready to rejoice.

在那里,这是每个使用简化版的默认墙纸都卡住的地方。 有些人可能不介意,但是如果您是真正想要有所不同的人之一,那么就准备为之欢欣鼓舞。


The install file for Oceanis is contained in a zip file so you will need to unzip it to get started. The install process is quick and simple but you will need to do a system restart afterwards. Once you have restarted your computer this is what your screen will look like…do not panic and think that this is all there is to it. This is just the Starter Screen and can be easily changed…

Oceanis的安装文件包含在一个zip文件中,因此您需要解压缩该文件才能开始使用。 安装过程既快速又简单,但是之后需要重新启动系统。 重新启动计算机后,这就是屏幕的外观……不要惊慌,并认为这就是全部。 这只是启动屏幕,可以轻松更改...

Note: Oceanis will auto-start with Windows each time.


Using either the Desktop Icon or the Start Menu Entry, open up the Oceanis Main Window. You will see the set of four default wallpapers shown here.

使用“桌面”图标或“开始”菜单项,打开Oceanis主窗口。 您将在此处看到四个默认壁纸的集合。

At this point the best thing to do is browse for the appropriate folder where you have all of those wonderful new wallpapers just waiting to be used.


Note: We found Stretch to be the best Picture Position setting on our system.


For our example we had three ready and waiting. We decided to try out the Wallpaper Slideshow feature first.

对于我们的示例,我们有三个准备就绪和等待。 我们决定先尝试使用“墙纸幻灯片”功能。

We chose a time frame and saved our changes.


Here are our three wallpapers as they switched through. This can be much more interesting than the default wallpaper.

这是我们切换时的三张壁纸。 这比默认墙纸要有趣得多。

There was only one quirk that we encountered while using the Slideshow Setting. On occasion if we minimized a non-maximized window there would be a leftover partial image in place of the window. Our suggestion? Go with one wallpaper at a time and the settings shown below.

使用“幻灯片放映设置”时,我们仅遇到一个怪癖。 有时,如果我们最小化一个非最大化的窗口,将会有剩余的部分图像代替该窗口。 我们的建议? 一次带一张墙纸,其设置如下所示。

These are the settings that we had terrific luck with…Only one picture selected, Picture Position = Stretch, & Change Picture Every = Every Day. Using these settings, the Starter Edition acted just like any of the other editions with regard to wallpaper management.

这些是我们非常幸运的设置...仅选择一张图片,“图片位置” =“拉伸”,“每隔一天更改图片” =“每天”。 使用这些设置,简化版的作用与墙纸管理方面的其他任何版本一样。



If you have grown tired of looking at the default wallpaper in Windows 7 Starter Edition then you will certainly appreciate what Oceanis Change Background Windows 7 can do to fix that problem.

如果您厌倦了在Windows 7简化版中查看默认墙纸的情况,那么您一定会喜欢Windows 7可以解决此问题的Oceanis Change Background。

For more ways to customize your Windows 7 Starter Edition, be sure to to check out how to personalize Windows 7 Starter.

有关自定义Windows 7 Starter Edition的更多方法,请务必查看如何个性化Windows 7 Starter 。



Download Oceanis Change Background Windows 7

下载Oceanis更改背景Windows 7



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