In the past, people who graduated from college felt proud of their academic achievements and confident that their degree would help them to find a good job.   However, in the past four years the job market has changed dramatically. This year’s college graduates are facing one of the worst job markets. For example, Ryan Stewart, a graduate of san Jose State University, got a degree in religious studies, but he has not gotten any job offers. He points out that many people already working are getting laid off and don’t have jobs, so it’s even harder for new college graduates to find jobs.   Four years ago, the future looked bright for his class of 2006. There were many high-tech (“dotcom”) job opportunities, graduates received many job offers, and they were able to get jobs with high salaries and benefits such as health insurance and paid vacations. However, “Times have changed. It’s a new market.” according to an officer of the university.   The officer says students who do find jobs started preparing two years ago. They worked during summer vacations, they have had several short-time jobs, and they majored in fields that are still paying well, such as accounting or nursing.   Even teaching is not a secure profession now. Ryan Stewart wanted to be a teacher, but instead he will probably go back to school in order to become a college teacher. He thinks college teaching could be a good career even in a bad economy.   In conclusion, these days a college degree does not automatically lead to a good job with a high salary. Some students can only hope that the value of their degree will increase in the future

  1. What did a college degree mean to people in the past? A. It was a proof of their professional skills.             B. It would guarantee their quick promotion.             C. It built up their confidence in the job market.             D. It would help them to start an academic career.

  2. Ryan Stewart has not got any job offer because___. A. there are too many graduates of his major             B. he wants to find a job with very high salary             C. he has not received a degree in the university             D. the job market has changed greatly since 2002

  3. According to the passage, ___ had the best job prospects in 2002. A. computer science B. accounting C. teaching D. nursing

  4. Why does Ryan Stewart want to be a college teacher? A. Teaching jobs are well-paid.             B. He majored in teaching in the university.             C. College teaching is less challenging than high-tech jobs.             D. College teaching career won’t be influenced by economy.

  5. It can be concluded from the passage that ___. A. the value of a college degree has decreased now.             B. new college graduates today can’t find jobs.             C. a college degree can still lead to a good job.             D. graduates must prepare early to find jobs.

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