
How To: Fix “process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.” Error Message


方法一:卸载Google Play 停止google play services

方法二:清理Google Services Framework等google进程的缓存


Here is how to fix the common “Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.” error message that pops up itself when trying to use any of the following Google Apps (Gapps): Browser, Gmail, Google Play etc. This usually occurs when your Android phone or tablet fails to connect with the Google servers and your account is not being able to sync back, even though the Internet is working perfectly fine with other apps on your phone. This problem recently came up with our old Samsung Nexus S and it took us hours before we figured out how to get rid of this com.google.process.gapps error.

How to fix this Android process issue? When we were trying to fix this ourselves, we found out multiple ways of which this can be fixed. After much head-scratching and readingthrough dozens of forum posts, we were able to come up with a few solutions, that could help you fix ”Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.” error message on Android phones and tablets.

How to Fix “Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.” Error

Like I mentioned earlier, there are multiple solutions and tips that you can try to fix this error message. We have mentioned them all below. Solution 1 worked for me and it fixed the problem on my Nexus S.

Solution 1 - Uninstall Google Play Store app from your Android phone/tablet. This app gets frequent background updates for your phone and one bad update can cause this com.google.process.gapps problem with all your other Google services. For a quick fix, you can uninstall all Google play Store updates from your phone in order to save yourself the headache of this process problem. How to fix? Read the easy steps below:

  • Go to Settings > Apps.
  • Scroll to All apps and then scroll down to “Google Play Store” app.
  • Open the app details and tap on the “Uninstall updates” button.
  • Then, tap the ‘OK’ button to continue.

Solution 2 - Clear the Google Services Framework cache. The Google Services Framework system app on your Android device stores information and helps your phone sync with Google servers. This could be one of the reasons why you are not able to connect to Google servers using the app and keep getting the “Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.”error message. How to fix it? Read the quick and easy steps below:

  • Go to Settings > Apps.
  • Scroll to All apps and then scroll down to “Google Services Framework” app.
  • Open the app details and tap on the “Force stop” button.
  • Then, tap on the “Clear cache” button.

NOTE: Repeat this for the “Google Play services” and other app services as well, if needed.

That’s it. Now start the Google Play Store, Browser, Gmail (or whichever app was crashing) on your phone / tablet and it should load and work absolutely fine!

Solution 3 - Check your Gmail / Google account password. Have you recently changed it? If yes, then you will need to re-enter your password on your Android device to get all your Google services back. As soon as you change your Google account password, your device gets a notification to enter the new password. Do it or your Google Play Store or any other Google service will not sync or work properly.

Solution 4 - Do you have a rooted phone? And have you installed ClockworkMod Recovery on your Android phone or tablet? A custom recovery like CWM can come in handy with such situations. At times, only users with custom ROMs are stuck with this process issue, but there is another solution that you can try to fix it.

  • Go to ClockworkMod Recovery.
  • Then to ‘advanced’.
  • From there, clear your ‘dalvik cache’.

Now reboot back your phone/tablet and see if the problem has been fixed.

Solution 5 - Last, factory reset your phone. We do not want you to do this, but this seems to be the last option if the Google sync issue doesn’t get resolved by the above solutions. However, before you try doing this, please make sure you backup your Android phone or tablet as a factory reset will completely wipe out all your data. You can go through some of the backup tips given below, if needed:

  • Backup your Apps. How? –> How to Backup Android Apps.
  • Backup your SMS messages. How? –> How to Backup/Restore SMS Messages.
  • Backup Contacts, Gmail and Google Data. How? –> Sync with Google Sync.
  • Backup Call History. How? –> How to Backup Call History.
  • Backup WhatsApp Messages. How? –> How to Backup/Restore WhatsApp Messages.
  • Backup APN Settings: GPRS, 3G, MMS Settings. How? Note down everything from: Settings > Wireless & Networks (More…) > Mobile networks > Access Point Names.

Solution 6 - We hate to say this, but in the end, you might just want to install a custom ROMthat is stable with no bugs. You can check out our Custom ROMs section for any Android 4.2.2 Jelly Bean custom firmwares.

These were the few solutions we think could fix the ”Unfortunately, the process com.google.process.gapps has stopped.” error. Some other solution worked for you? Please do point that out in the comments on our Facebook, Twitter or Google+ pages as it would be helpful to other readers who have been trying to fix this issue on their device.

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