
NOTE: If you haven't read the first post in this series, I would encourage you do to that first, or check out the BabySmash category. Also check out http://windowsclient.net/ for more developer info on WPF.

注意:如果您还没有阅读本系列第一篇文章,我建议您先阅读该文章,或者查看BabySmash类别 另请访问http://windowsclient.net/以获取有关WPF的更多开发人员信息。

BACKGROUND: This is one of a series of posts on learning WPF. I wrote an application for my 2 year old using WPF, but as I'm a Win32-minded programmer, my working app is full of Win32-isms. It's not a good example of a WPF application even though it uses the technology. I'm calling on community (that's you, Dear Reader) to blog about your solutions to different (horrible) selections of my code. You can get the code http://www.codeplex.com/babysmash. Post your solutions on your blog, in the comments, or in the Issue Tracker and we'll all learn WPF together. Pick a single line, a section, or subsystem or the whole app!

背景:这是有关学习WPF的一系列文章之一。 我使用WPF为2岁的孩子编写了一个应用程序,但是由于我是位Win32程序员,所以我的工作应用程序充满了Win32-ism。 即使它使用WPF技术,也不是WPF应用程序的好例子。 我正在呼吁社区(即您,亲爱的读者)在博客中介绍您针对我的代码的不同(糟糕)选择的解决方案。 您可以获取代码http://www.codeplex.com/babysmash 。 将您的解决方案发布到您的博客,评论或问题跟踪器中,我们将一起学习WPF。 选择一条线,一个部分,子系统或整个应用程序!

There's been a flood of interesting content coming in around BabySmash, including WPF Expert Karl Shifflett who found the original code so nasty that he rewrote it from scratch! I'll do a whole post analyzing his code and how I can refactor my own.

BabySmash周围到处都有大量有趣的内容,包括WPF专家Karl Shifflett ,他发现原始代码是如此讨厌,以至于他从头重写了代码! 我将在整篇文章中分析他的代码以及如何重构自己的代码。

Before that, I wanted to share one little tidbit that isn't explicit to WPF but rather to the .NET Framework 3.0. Most folks think of .NET 3.0 (myself included) as being WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation), WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) and WF (Windows Workflow). However, there's a bunch of miscellaneous goodness in in .NET 3.0 that I always forget about.

在此之前,我想分享一个对WPF并不明确但对.NET Framework 3.0明确的提示。 大多数人认为.NET 3.0(包括我自己)是WPF(Windows Presentation Foundation),WCF(Windows Communication Foundation)和WF(Windows Workflow)。 但是,.NET 3.0中有很多其他优点,我总是会忘记。

In BabySmash I wanted to have the letters and shapes spoken when they appear on the screen, and lazily, rather than recording the sounds, I thought to myself, "self, why not text to speech?"


I know there's TTS (Text to Speech) stuff in Windows as COM Objects, so I went into Add Reference in Visual Studio, found the component and added it. A .NET wrapper got created that makes the COM object look like .NET and off I went.

我知道Windows中有TTS(文本到语音)内容作为COM对象,因此我进入了Visual Studio中的“添加引用”,找到了该组件并将其添加。 创建了一个.NET包装器,使COM对象看起来像.NET,然后我离开了。

Turns out that .NET 3.0 includes System.Speech, an official component that does all this for me. I yanked out the COM stuff and put System.Speech in, and got the added benefit of a Cancel method to stop any current speech. This is particularly helpful for BabySmash because when kids hit the keyboard fast the speech system slowed down as words to say queued up. It couldn't say the words as fast as they were said.

事实证明.NET 3.0包含System.Speech,这是为我完成所有这些工作的官方组件。 我拉出COM组件,然后放入System.Speech,并获得了Cancel方法来停止任何当前语音的附加好处。 这对BabySmash尤其有用,因为当孩子们快速按下键盘时,语音系统会因为说的单词排队而变慢。 它不能像说的那样快。

objSpeech = new SpeechSynthesizer();objSpeech.SpeakAsyncCancelAll();objSpeech.Rate = -1;objSpeech.Volume = 100;objSpeech.SpeakAsync(s);

//REMOVED COM STUFF//objSpeech.WaitUntilDone(Timeout.Infinite);//objSpeech.Speak(s, SpeechVoiceSpeakFlags.SVSFlagsAsync);

Additionally, by using the COM Component, I got into trouble where Vista has version 5.3 and XP had version 5.0. This made it difficult for developers using XP to build the program. This goes away when using the .NET assembly.

另外,通过使用COM组件,我遇到了麻烦,其中Vista的版本为5.3,而XP的版本为5.0。 这使得使用XP的开发人员难以构建程序。 使用.NET程序集时,这种情况消失了。

Hopefully I'll get to do more "refactoring via subtraction" as I dig deeper into .NET 3.x.

希望随着我对.NET 3.x的深入研究,能够做更多的“减法重构”。

Also, thanks to Gina at LifeHacker for her post on BabySmash! The comments are pretty good, but the best interaction was these two comments:

另外,还要感谢LifeHacker的Gina在BabySmash上的帖子! 这些评论非常好,但是最好的交互是这两个评论:

"Wow, 15 years of progress with Windows and this is all we have to show for it? No wonder Windows is teh suckage."


Very supportive! ;) And a response from another random commenter:

非常支持! ;)和另一个随机评论者的回应:

"Wow, I've seen people take cheap shots at Windows, but this is the winner! A dad who writes a program for his son suddenly contributing to windows being 'teh suckage' ..."


Bam. Baby! Smash!

am 宝宝! 粉碎!

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/learning-wpf-with-babysmash-speech-synthesis



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