How to Diagnose

Issues Related to the Drop Shipment Process and the Interface

Between Order Management and Purchasing ? [ID



12-APR-2011 类型



Applies to:

Oracle Purchasing - Version: 11.5.10 to 12.1 - Release: 11.5 to


Oracle Order Management - Version: to 12.1 [Release:

11.5 to 12.0]

Information in this document applies to any platform.

EXECUTABLE:POCIRM - Requisition Import

EXECUTABLE:CTODSREQ - AutoCreate DropShip Requisitions


This document is intended to help understand

what is the Drop Shipment Process and how to investigate and

analyze issues encountered when using the Drop

Shipment functionality.

Last Review Date

July 11, 2008

Instructions for

the Reader

A Troubleshooting Guide is provided to assist in debugging

a specific issue. When possible, diagnostic tools are included in

the document to assist in troubleshooting.




Oracle Order Entry and Oracle Purchasing integrate to provide

drop shipments. Drop shipments are orders for items that your

supplier ships directly to the customer either because you don't

stock or currently have the items in inventory, or because it's

more cost-effective for the supplier to ship the item to the

customer directly.

Drop shipments are created as sales orders in Order Entry. The

Purchase Release concurrent program in Order Entry creates rows in

the Requisition Import tables in Purchasing. Then Purchasing's

Requisition Import process creates the requisitions. Drop shipments

are marked with the Source Type of External in Order Entry and

Supplier in Purchasing.

When the drop shipment has been sent to the customer, the supplier

can confirm the shipment through a phone call, an invoice, or an

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) document, such as an Advance

Shipment Notice (ASN).

When you receive confirmation of a drop shipment, enter the

shipment as a receipt, even though you have not received the item

physically (because your customer has received it directly). If

your supplier sends only an invoice, you need to enter a passive

receipt. This creates inbound and outbound material transactions in

your system for accounting purposes. Drop shipment is the process by which an organization takes orders

from their customer and gets it fulfilled by a 3rd party. The

selling organization places a purchase order to the 3rd party

(supplier) who ships the ordered products to the end customer


There are three

Dropshipments types:

Full Dropshipment - Seller sends

Full Qty .

Partial Dropshipment - Only a Part Qty is Shipped, PO is

Created to against the Remaining Qty.

Normal Dropshipment - From Inventory

it sends the Goods (External Source) .

Following are the benefits of using drop shipping


No inventory is required.

Reduced order fulfillment processing costs.

Reduced flow times.

Elimination of losses on non-sellable goods.

Elimination of packing and shipping costs.

Reduced inventory space requirements.

Reduced shipping time to your customer.

Enables you to offer a variety of products to your customers

When processing drop shipments for orders, you

can: Optionally receive and electronically process Advanced

Shipping Notices (ASN).

Automatically perform logical receipts upon notification of


Perform Drop Ship for both make and buy items, and

automatically default the source type of External for order lines

which need to be drop shipped.


It is very important to understand as much about a problem as

possible, in order to effectively assist in diagnosing the cause

and solution. Hence the following information should be validated

to help confirm the extent and background to the issue and

demonstration of how the problem is encountered.

Does the problem occur while creating the Sales Order? (Is the

source type at the line level defined as external? )

Does the problem occur while running the Workflow Background

Processor after booking the SO (The workflow is unable to pick up

the sales order line and insert a requisition into the


Does the problem occur while running the Requisition Import

(requisitions inserted into the interface tables can not be


Does the problem occur due to customcode, custom


If sourcing is a problem, Is the sourcing happening when

manually create a requisition for the Item?

Does the problem occur while using the autocreate functionality

to create the PO's?

Does the problem occur due to 'PO Create Document' workflow


Does the problem occur while creating the receipt?

Does the problem occur while running the Invoicing workflow


Is the Problem for only one created SO? or for all ?

Is the Problem specific for only one employee or for all?

Is the problem specific for only one item or for all?

The following presentation will help to understand

the steps you have to follow to complete dropshipment



-Oracle Purchasing User’s Guide. Purchase Orders (Ch4) . Drop

Shipments (11i, R12 )

-Oracle Order Management User’s Guide. Order Processing (ch3). Drop

Shipment Processing


Document 393688.1 : How To Cancel a Drop Ship Order Line

Document 272154.1 : FAQ: Sales Order Processing within

Inventory / Drop Ship Transactions Hungup In Transaction Open


Document 829165.1 : How is drop_ship_flag implemented in

release 11.5.10

Document 286996.1 : How to Automatically Generate Receipts for

Drop Shipments with Advanced Shipment Notices (ASN's)

Document 133464.1 : HTMOMSE Sales Order Diagnostic Script The

purpose of this script is to collect information related to a sales

order, its shipment lines and workflow status

Document 463673.1 : R12.0.[3-4] : Oracle Order Management Sales

Order Setup Test This test gives a comprehensive analysis of

transaction data for a sales order in Order Managementt

Document 463574.1 : R12.0.[3-4] : Inventory Transaction

Diagnostic Scripts Transaction Data Test This test case provides

the details of the material transactions depending on the user

selected parameters

Document 463602.1 : R12.0.[3-4] : Inventory Item Data

Collection Setup Test This test case provides the item information

for a particular item

Document 463636.1 : R12.0.[3-4] : Inventory Purchase Orders

Data Collection Test This diagnostic test provides details of a

Purchase Order and transactions done against the purchase


See Also


You need to associate drop shipments with a receiving location.

(See: Associating Ship-to and Receiving


Drop shipments support a Destination Type of Expense or Inventory


You can handle returns of drop shipments using standard Order

Entry/Shipping or Purchasing functionality. There are different

ways you may want to handle returns depending on whether the

customer returned the item to you or directly to the


Note: You should not drop-ship

internal sales orders.

You have to consider the following setup:

1- Inventory Setup

Inventory Setup : (Define and Maintain The Item)

The drop ship inventory organization, item and subinventory must be

setup prior to creating any drop ship orders. All drop ship

subinventory must have the Reservable box checked.

Below are list of the required item attributes for a drop ship

item. All of these attributes MUST be enabled unless otherwise


Inventory Attributes: Inventory Item , Stockable,

Transactable, Reservable

Purchasing Attributes: Purchased, Purchaseable

Costing Attributes: Costing Enabled – this should only be

checked for items that are cost enabled, Inventory Asset Value –

this should only be checked for asset items (non-expense


Receiving Attributes: Receipt Routing set to

Direct – this is not required, but preferred since it

makes receiving process one step versus two or three

Order Management Attributes: Customer Ordered, Customer Orders

Enabled, OE Transactable

As a Troubleshooting tips on creating a drop ship item and


Make sure the subinventory is Reservable.If

the subinventory is not Reservable, the sales order issue

transaction will not be created in MTL_TRANSACTIONS_INTERFACE.

Make sure the item has the above mentioned

item attributes in the drop ship organization. If the above item

attributes are not set, problems will arise in various places

during the drop ship transaction process.

2- OM Setup

Make sure the sales order line Source Type is External. If the

source type is not External, workflow will not distinguish the line

as being a drop shipment and will not insert any data into the

purchasing module’s requisitions interface.

For customer, enter internal ship to location.

Customer must have a valid ship-to and bill-to


Make sure that either the schedule ship date

or request date is populated.If both of these are null, the

requisition will not be imported into the purchasing module’s

requisitions interface.

Make sure there are no holds against the

line. If there is a hold, the hold must be removed and then the

order can be progressed or the line must be manually purchased


Verify in HR, that the employee has an active status and has not

been terminated.

For more details..

Note 99888.1: Drop Shipments – Setup

Note:99886.1 : Drop Shipments – FAQ

Note:99889.1 : Drop Shipments - Troubleshooting

3- PO Setup

Make sure the Import Source parameter list of values contains


If ORDER ENTRY appears in the Import Source parameter list of

values, then it means that the Workflow Background Processor

successfully inserted a requisition into


Import Source parameter list of values, then no rows were inserted

into the table. Review the setup under Order


User should be setup as a valid PO


Make sure the Group By parameter is actually

set the user wants the requisitions grouped.

Hence as Points for Implementation Considerations:

Order line attribute: Source Type (need to be external). You

can be defaulted from item or order type

Menu -> Responsibility Order Entry Super


Setup an order type using the cycle defined in the previous

step (a),an order number source, a valid standard value rule


Item attributes (OM and Purchasing). You need to do the setup

for these attributes:

Purchased (PO) Enabled

Purchasable (PO) Enabled

Transactable (INV) Enabled

Stockable (INV) Optional

Reservable (INV) Optional

Inventory Item (INV) Optional

Customer Ordered (OE) Enabled

Customer Orders Enabled (OE) Enabled

Internal Ordered (OE) Disabled

Internal Orders Enabled (OE) Disabled

Shippable (OE) Optional

OE Transactable (OE) Enabled

Setup requisition import parameters

You can also use grouping by Vendor

You can also set the multiple distributions set to No

ASL and/or Sourcing rule relationship need to be setup for

Automatic PO creation

Oracle recommends using a logical organization for drop

shipment. Exclude this organization for planning purposes. It can

be worked around using non nettable Dropship



1.1- Run the Dropship Order Activity Diagnostic Test

to collect data related to a Dropship Order at various stages of

the Dropship process and can be used proactively to solve/prevent

issues related to the dropship process also contain the error and

warning messages, followed by suggested actions, identify possible

problem areas.

For11i : Note:224391.1 : Oracle Purchasing Dropship Order Activity


For R12 : Note:463567.1: Dropship Order Activity Diagnostic Test.

1.2-Verify that an order is booked and does not have hold so that

the "Purchase Release" program can pick order lines and create


You can check if the hold is applied on an order or its order line

by looking at the "Holds" tab on "Additional Order Information"

screen. Make sure that order line source type is ˜External" on the

"Shipping" tab of order line.

You can also run the following query to know if the order line is

eligible for ˜Purchase Release"

SELECT orha.order_number, orla.line_number, orla.source_type_code, hold_name, d.type_code hold_type, ho.released_flag, r.release_reason_code, orla.drop_ship_flag, orla.booked_flag, orla.open_flag, orla.cancelled_flag FROM oe_order_headers_all orha, oe_order_lines_all orla, oe_order_holds_all ho, oe_hold_sources_all s, oe_hold_definitions d, oe_hold_releases r WHERE orha.order_number =  AND orha.header_id = orla.header_id AND orla.header_id = ho.header_id (+) AND orla.line_id = ho.line_id(+) AND ho.hold_source_id = s.hold_source_id (+) AND s.hold_id = d.hold_id (+)

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