


As soon as they saw the teachers, the students stood up.


Seeing the teachers, the students stood up.

1. 删连词及从主
2. 有be删be,其余不不变

3. 无be,动词改为doing



She is standing in front of windows.

She is with tears in her eyes.
She is gazing at the distance.

Standing in front of windows, she is gazing at the distance with tears in the eyes.


an interesting book  The ads made by them are attractive.

The logo which is lying over there should be about alcohol.

The logo lying over there should be about alcohol.

1. 删连词及从主
2. 有be删be,其余不不变

3. 无be,动词改为doing


I saw her walking i n the street.


I heard them singing in the bar.
At that time, I saw my dog being washed by my mom.


I saw my dog washed by my mom.


I watched the boys play football game.


I saw a saw saw a saw.
I saw a saw sawing a saw.

I saw a saw sawn by a saw.






As soon as it saw the camera, it screamed.

Seeing the camera, it screamed.

Doing :


Since l didn’t know Japanese, I tried to speak to her in English.

Having done: 先于主句谓语动词发生。

Having got
______________ used to the smartphone, we don’t want to watch TV.

Having watered
_______________ the garden, he began to mow the lawn (修剪草坪).

Having spent some time in the city  (已经在那个城市里呆了了⼀段时间) , he had no trouble finding the way.


The building which is being built now is a shopping mall.

The building being built now is a shopping mall.


The question being discussed is important.

being done表被动进行

After he had been waken up by his wife, he wanted to eat the cake.

Having been waken up by his wife, he wanted to eat the cake.

having been done表被动,先于主句谓语发生

2.Having been given a successful operation, the patient is expected to recover from his illness within a month.

Not having been told about the time, he was late.


Not having been told about the time, he was late.

2、过去分词 done


Having been bitten twice, I'm afraid of the dog.

Bitten twice, I'm afraid of the dog.



The movie made by Xu is very successful.


The movie having been made by Xu is very successful.


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