html css 内联样式

You’ve written some HTML and now need to style it with CSS. One way is to use inline styles, which is what this article is about.

您已经编写了一些HTML,现在需要使用CSS对其进行样式设置。 一种方法是使用内联样式,这就是本文的目的。

<p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p>

Before we jump into the nuances of inline styles—when, why, and how to use them—it’s important to be aware of the other ways to style your HTML. That way, you choose the best option for your code.

在深入介绍内联样式的细微差别(何时,为什么以及如何使用它们)之前,重要的是要知道其他样式化HTML的方式。 这样,您可以为代码选择最佳选项。

Here’s a summary of your options.


外部样式表 (External Stylesheet)

Developers typically keep all of their CSS in an external stylesheet. In your HTML file, use the <link> element to link to your external stylesheet, which contains your CSS.

开发人员通常将所有CSS保留在外部样式表中。 在HTML文件中,使用<link>元素链接到包含CSS的外部样式表。

<head><link rel="stylesheet" href="./index.css">

Inside the file, index.css, we have our CSS rules.


p {color: red;font-size: 20px;

内部样式表 (Internal stylesheet)

Another option for styling CSS is using an internal stylesheet. This means defining your CSS rules inside the <style> element in your HTML file.

CSS样式的另一种选择是使用内部样式表。 这意味着在HTML文件的<style>元素内定义CSS规则。

<head>  <style>p {color: red;font-size: 20px;}</style></head>

内联样式 (Inline Styles)

Less frequently, you’ll find yourself reaching for inline styles. But they’re still important to know about because there are certain occasions when they come in handy.

不太频繁,您会发现自己喜欢内联样式。 但是了解它们仍然很重要,因为在某些情况下它们派上用场。

With inline styles, you’ll add the style attribute to an HTML tag followed by your CSS to style an element.

使用内联样式,您将添加样式 属性设置为HTML标记,然后使用CSS设置元素样式。

<p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p>
<p>This is my second paragraph.</p>

So in our case, the text of the first paragraph is red with a font-size of 20px. The second one, however, remains unchanged.

因此,在本例中,第一段的文本为红色,字体大小为20px。 但是,第二个保持不变。

Let’s take a closer look at how and when to use inline styles. We'll also uncover why only one of our paragraphs is styled.

让我们仔细看看如何以及何时使用内联样式。 我们还将揭示为什么只有一个段落被设置样式。

什么是HTML标签? (What’s an HTML Tag?)

With inline styles, you apply CSS to the style attribute in the opening HTML tag.


Examples of HTML tags include:


  • <body>...</body><body> ... </ body>
  • <h1>...</h1><h1> ... </ h1>
  • <p>...</p><p> ... </ p>

Opening and closing tags are often part of the HTML element, which can contain text, data, an image, or nothing at all.

打开和关闭标签通常是HTML 元素的一部分,它可以包含文本,数据,图像或完全不包含任何内容。

Here, we have an element of text.


<p>This is my first paragraph.</p>

We can use inline styles to style this element by adding the style attribute to the opening tag, followed by CSS property-value pairs.


<body><p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p><p>This is my second paragraph.</p>

Let’s walk through how we used inline styles.


如何使用内联样式 (How to Use Inline Styles)

Add the style attribute to the tag you want to style, followed by an equals sign. Start and end your CSS with double quotation marks.

添加 style属性要标记的样式,后跟等号。 用双引号开始和结束CSS。

<p style="....">

Add property-value pairs to the style attribute. Add a semicolon after each property-value pair.

将属性值对添加到样式属性。 在每个属性/值对之后添加分号。

color: red; font-size: 20px;

So when we put everything together, it looks like this:


<p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p>

要知道的要点 (Key Points to Know)

Unlike internal and external stylesheets, inline styles don’t contain curly braces or line breaks. That is, write your CSS all on the same line when using inline styles.

与内部和外部样式表不同,嵌入式样式不包含大括号或换行符。 也就是说,使用内联样式时,请将CSS全部写在同一行上。

Also, keep in mind that inline styles only affect the specific element that you add the style attribute with CSS property-value pairs to.


For example, in the code below only the first paragraph is styled red with a font-size of 20px.

例如,在下面的代码中, 只有第一段的字体样式为红色,字体大小为20px。

<body><p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p><p>This is my second paragraph.</p>

If we want to style the text of both paragraphs with inline styles, then we need to add CSS to the style attribute to the second <p> as well.


<body><p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my first paragraph.</p><p style="color: red; font-size: 20px;">This is my second paragraph.</p>

However, if we used an external stylesheet, for example, we could easily style both paragraphs without duplicating our code by using a single CSS selector.


p {color: red;font-size: 20px;

This brings us to an important topic: when to use and when not to use inline styles.


何时使用(何时不使用)内联样式 (When to Use (and when NOT to use) Inline Styles)

Say you have an HTML file with ten or more paragraph tags. Can you imagine styling each one individually with inline styles?

假设您有一个包含十个或更多段落标签HTML文件。 您能想象使用嵌入式样式分别为每个样式设置样式吗?

Doing so will quickly clutter your code, making it hard to read and maintain.


Besides, inline styles can introduce specificity issues if you’re also using internal or external stylesheets.


That’s because inline styles have a high specificity. This means they'll override most other rules in internal and external stylesheets, except for the !important declaration.

这是因为内联样式具有很高的特异性 。 这意味着它们将覆盖内部和外部样式表中的大多数其他规则,但!important声明除外。

For example, we added inline styles to two paragraph elements. We’ve also added an internal stylesheet.

例如,我们向两个段落元素添加了内联样式。 我们还添加了一个内部样式表。

<html><head><title>My New Webpage</title><style>p {color: pink;}</style></head><body><p style="color: blue;">A blue paragraph.</p><p style="color: blue;">Another blue paragraph.</p>

The CSS from our inline styles override the CSS in the internal stylesheet. So we end up with two blue paragraphs.

我们内联样式中CSS会覆盖内部样式表中CSS。 因此,我们最后有两个蓝色的段落。

External stylesheets are also much easier to maintain when you or someone else needs to make a change. This is because a style from an external or internal stylesheet can apply to multiple elements, while an inline one must be applied to each element individually.

当您或其他人需要进行更改时,外部样式表也更易于维护。 这是因为来自外部或内部样式表的样式可以应用于多个元素,而内联样式则必须分别应用于每个元素。

For example, say you need to update a style to ten elements. It’s easier to make the change once in an external stylesheet, instead of ten different times in your HTML file.

例如,假设您需要将样式更新为十个元素。 在外部样式表中进行一次更改比较容易,而不是在HTML文件中进行十次不同的更改。

In general, it’s often best practice to put your CSS into a separate file. That way, your HTML file contains the structure and content of your website, and your CSS file contains your styles. Doing so makes your code easier to read and manage.

通常,通常最好的做法是将CSS放入单独的文件中。 这样,您HTML文件将包含网站的结构和内容,而CSS文件将包含样式。 这样做使您的代码更易于阅读和管理。

However, there are times when it may make sense to use inline styles:


  • Add a style and see the change quickly, which can be useful for testing.


  • Use the style attribute in JavaScript to apply styling.使用JavaScript中的style属性来应用样式。

Most of the time you’ll want to use external stylesheets. But you’ll occasionally find yourself using inline styles, most commonly in the above situations.

大多数时候,您会想使用外部样式表。 但是您偶尔会发现自己使用内联样式,最常见的情况是上述情况。

I write about learning to program, and the best ways to go about it on my blog at



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