What are Kubernetes audit logs?

Audit logs record requests to the Kubernetes API. Because the API server processes all changes to Kubernetes state—and serves as the gatekeeper to the backend database that stores this state—the API server is an ideal point for capturing all changes that occur within a cluster. The API server processes requests from various internal and external components, including:

  • The control plane (built-in controllers, the scheduler)
  • Node daemons (the kubelet, kube-proxy, and others)
  • Cluster services (e.g., the cluster autoscaler, kube-state-metrics, CoreDNS, etc.)
  • Users making kubectl requests
  • Applications, controllers, and operators that send requests through a kube client
  • Even the API server itself

Audit logs help keep tabs on all of this complexity by recording which users or services requested access to cluster resources—and why the API server authorized or rejected those requests.

Audit logs are structured in JSON. Each log contains rich metadata in the form of key attributes like the HTTP method, the URL path requested, and the user who sent the request. For instance, you can inspect these attributes to obtain more information about an unusual request, or use a monitoring service to analyze API traffic to detect trends or identify possible threats.

Why should you monitor Kubernetes audit logs?

Although Kubernetes audit logs are not enabled by default, we recommend leveraging this feature to debug issues in your cluster. Kubernetes events are key to understanding the behavior of a cluster. By default events are stored in the Kubernetes backend database, etcd, with only one hour of retention. Audit logs allow you to capture events, create/read/update/delete actions, and even the heartbeats sent from the nodes to the API server.

By persisting audit logs to longer term storage, it’s possible to go back in time and answer questions such as, “Why was this pod evicted?” and “What lifecycle operations occur when we update a deployment?”

You can also set up automated alerts to keep tabs on any unexpected activity in your Kubernetes audit logs, such as create/update/patch/delete requests during an operational freeze period. Below, we’ll walk through some examples of using audit logs to monitor:

  • Authentication issues
  • Slow API requests

Kubernetes 审计日志

您所知,Kubernetes 有一个控制平面来管理整个集群生命周期,这个控制平面由多个组件组成。在我看来,Kubernetes API Server 是其中最关键的组件。基本上,我们认为 Kubernetes API Server 是集群的大脑。所以有时我们想知道大脑内部发生了什么。

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