



下面展示一些 内联代码片

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class TestGradientChange : MonoBehaviour
{Transform   rect;GameObject go;TestData2[] datas;// Start is called before the first frame updatevoid Start(){go = transform.Find("Item").gameObject;go.SetActive(false);rect = transform.Find("Scroll View").GetComponent<RectTransform>();datas = new TestData2[]{new TestData2("1","Item1"),new TestData2("2","Item2"),new TestData2("3","Item3"),new TestData2("4","Item4"),new TestData2("5","Item5"),new TestData2("6","Item6"),new TestData2("7","Item7"),new TestData2("8","Item8"),new TestData2("9","Item9"),new TestData2("10","Item10"),new TestData2("11","Item11"),new TestData2("12","Item12"),new TestData2("13","Item13"),new TestData2("14","Item14"),new TestData2("15","Item15"),new TestData2("16","Item16"),new TestData2("17","Item17"),new TestData2("18","Item18"),new TestData2("19","Item19"),};Show();}private void Show(){foreach (var info in datas){GameObject obj = GameObject.Instantiate(go, rect.transform.Find("Viewport/Content"));obj.transform.Find("Id").GetComponent<Text>().text = info.Id;obj.transform.Find("Text").GetComponent<Text>().text = info.name;obj.SetActive(true);}ScrollRectHelper.Instance.Init(rect.GetComponent<RectTransform>(), rect.transform.Find("Viewport").GetComponent<RectTransform>(), rect.transform.Find("Viewport/Content").GetComponent<RectTransform>(), 50, 50, 0, 0, 0);}
}public class TestData2
{public string Id;public string name;public TestData2(string id, string n){Id = id;name = n;//.....你所需的各种数据}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class ScrollRectHelper
{static ScrollRectHelper instance;public static ScrollRectHelper Instance{get{if (instance == null){instance = new ScrollRectHelper();}return instance;}}RectTransform scrollRect;RectTransform scrollTR;RectTransform contentTR;RectTransform viewTR;public GameObject ItemGo;public int GridHeight;          //public int GridWidth;public int wholeItemCount;     //格子总数public int lineCount;           //每一行的格子数public float top;//边距public float down;//边距public float left;public float right;public Vector2 space;int line;                       //面板里的行数float contentHeight;            //content根据grid数量初始化后的高度/// <summary> 最好y </summary>float lastContentRTy;float lastContentRTx;int itemCountInView;            //面板里可容纳的最大Item数量float scrollViewHeight;         //面板的初始高度float viewHeight;float viewWidth;/// <summary>/// /// </summary>/// <param name="scrollRect"></param>/// <param name="viewTR">View</param>/// <param name="contentTR">Content</param>/// <param name="top">上边距</param>public void Init(RectTransform scrollRect, RectTransform viewTR, RectTransform contentTR, float top, float down = 0, float left = 0, float right = 0, float viewHeight = 0){this.scrollRect = scrollRect;this.contentTR = contentTR;// scrollRect.Find("Viewport/Content").GetComponent<RectTransform>();// this.lineCount = lineCount;this.viewTR = viewTR;this.top = top;this.down = down;this.left = left;this.right = right;this.viewHeight = viewHeight;// ==0 ? Math.Abs (viewTR.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height) :  viewHeight ;viewWidth = viewTR.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width;var rect = scrollRect.GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect;scrollViewHeight = rect.height;lastContentRTy = GetContentPositionY();scrollRect.GetComponent<ScrollRect>().onValueChanged.AddListener(OnValueChanged);ReshView();}public void OnValueChanged(Vector2 pos){float nowContentRTy = GetContentPositionY();float nowContentRTx = GetContentPositionX();//Debug.LogError(lastContentRTy + "OnValueChanged==当前y=" + nowContentRTy  +"============"+ lastContentRTx +"=当前y= "+ nowContentRTx);//往上移bool isUp = false;        MoveItemGo(isUp);lastContentRTx = nowContentRTx;lastContentRTy = nowContentRTy;}private async void ReshView(){await Task.Delay(500);MoveItemGo(true);}float GetContentPositionY(){return contentTR.anchoredPosition.y;}float GetContentPositionX(){return contentTR.anchoredPosition.x;}void MoveItemGo(bool up){//Debug.LogError(viewHeight + "==View=== " + viewWidth + "GetContentPositionX()"+ GetContentPositionX()+" == "+ lastContentRTx);float currX = 0;float currY = 0;float alph = 0;float tempTop = 0;// top + viewHeight;float tempDown = 0;float tempLeft = 0;float tempRight = 0;if ((top != 0 || down != 0) && (left == 0 && right == 0)){if (viewTR.pivot.y == 0.5f){tempTop = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * .25f + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * top;tempDown = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * .25f - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * down;}else if (viewTR.pivot.y == 1.0f){tempTop = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * .25f + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * top;tempDown = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * 0.75f - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * down;}else if (viewTR.pivot.y == 0.0f){tempTop = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * .75f + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * top;tempDown = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).y + Screen.height * 1f / 720 * viewTR.rect.height * .25f - Screen.height * 1f / 720 * down;}for (int i = 0; i < contentTR.childCount; i++){currY = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(contentTR.GetChild(i).transform.position).y;               if (currY <= tempTop && currY >= tempDown)//可视范围 不透明{alph = 1;// contentTR.GetChild(i).transform.Find("");}else//超出可视范围 开始变得透明{float tempHeight = 0;if (currY > tempTop){tempHeight = Screen.height * 1f / 720 * contentTR.GetChild(i).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;if (currY - tempTop > tempHeight) alph = 0;else alph = 1 - ((currY - tempTop) * 1f / tempHeight);if (i == 1) Debug.LogError((currY - tempTop) + " ======上========" + tempHeight + "  al=" + alph);}else if (currY < tempDown){tempHeight = Screen.height * 1f / 720 * contentTR.GetChild(i).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.height;if ((tempDown - currY) > tempHeight) alph = 0;else alph = 1 - ((tempDown - currY) * 1f / tempHeight);//if (i == 8) Debug.LogError((tempDown - currY) + " ======下========" + tempHeight + "  al=" + alph);}}if (i == 1)Debug.LogError(viewHeight + "==View=== " + viewWidth + "  " + currY + " =currY tempTop=" + tempTop + "  tempDown=== " + tempDown + "  al=" + alph);//设置透明度SetAlpha(contentTR.GetChild(i).gameObject, (int)(alph * 255), true);}}if ((left != 0 || right != 0) && (top == 0 && down == 0)){if (viewTR.pivot.x == 0.5f){tempLeft = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * .25f + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * left;tempRight = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * .25f - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * right;}else if (viewTR.pivot.x == 1.0f){tempLeft = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * .25f + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * left;tempRight = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * 0.75f - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * right;}else if (viewTR.pivot.x == 0.0f){tempLeft = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * .75f + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * left;tempRight = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(viewTR.position).x + Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * viewTR.rect.width * .25f - Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * right;}for (int i = 0; i < contentTR.childCount; i++){currX = Camera.main.WorldToScreenPoint(contentTR.GetChild(i).transform.position).x;if (currX <= tempLeft && currX >= tempRight)//可视范围 不透明{alph = 1;// contentTR.GetChild(i).transform.Find("");}else//超出可视范围 开始变得透明{float tempWidth = 0;if (currX > tempLeft){tempWidth = Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * contentTR.GetChild(i).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width;if (currX - tempLeft > tempWidth) alph = 0;else alph = 1 - ((currX - tempLeft) * 1f / tempWidth);//if (i == 1) Debug.LogError((currX - tempLeft) + " ======上========" + tempWidth + "  al=" + alph +" name="+ contentTR.GetChild(i).name);}else if (currX < tempRight){tempWidth = Screen.width * 1f / 1280 * contentTR.GetChild(i).GetComponent<RectTransform>().rect.width;if ((tempRight - currX) > tempWidth) alph = 0;else alph = 1 - ((tempRight - currX) * 1f / tempWidth);//if (i == 8) Debug.LogError((tempRight - currX) + " ======下========" + tempWidth + "  al=" + alph);}}//if (i==1)//Debug.LogError(viewHeight + "==View=== " + viewWidth+"  "+ currX + " =currX tempLeft=" + tempLeft  + "  tempRight=== " + tempRight + "  al=" + alph);//设置透明度SetAlpha(contentTR.GetChild(i).gameObject, (int)(alph * 255), true);}}}/// <summary>/// 设置图片透明度  isAll:true 则包含子物体/// </summary>       public void SetAlpha(GameObject target, int alpha, bool isAll = false){Graphic[] imgs = target.GetComponentsInChildren<Graphic>();float a = (1f / 255) * alpha;for (int i = 0; i < imgs.Length; i++){if (imgs[i] != null && (imgs[i] is Text || imgs[i] is Image)){imgs[i].color = new Color(imgs[i].color.r, imgs[i].color.g, imgs[i].color.b, a);}if (!isAll) break;}}



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