1. 环境准备


1.1 在github创建Git仓库


仓库名一定要输入 username.github.io

  • 一个账号只能用创建一个同名的博客

1.2 安装Git

1.3 安装node管理工具

nvm 在github官网下载,解压后直接运行 .exe 安装程序

1.3.1 安装node

在命令行中输入 nvm install 版本号 32/64


nvm install 6.10.2  64

1.3.2 设置node的版本

nvm use 6.10.2

1.4 修改镜像源

npm 默认的镜像源在国外,安装包时会卡在 sill idealTree buildDeps ,最好改成国内

npm config set registry https://registry.npm.taobao.org

1.5 安装hexo

npm install hexo-cli -g

1.6 创建本地博客


hexo init 你的用户名.github.io

1.7 安装NexT主题

Hexo有两份主要的配置文件,都是 _config.yml

  • 一份位于 本地博客目录下,主要包含Hexo本身配置
  • 另一份位于主题目录下 xx.github.io/themes/next

1.7.1 切换到本地博客目录下 xx.github.io 目录下

1.7.2 安装NexT主题

git clone https://github.com/iissnan/hexo-theme-next themes/next

1.7.3 使用 NexT主题

找到本地博客目录下的 _config.ymltheme 键值对修改为 theme: next

1.7.4 站点配置文件基本信息修改

title: xxx # 博客的名字,也称站点名称
author: xxx # 作者名字
description: xxx # 对站点的描述,搜索引擎会抓取,可以自定义(这个还是加上比较好)
language: zh-Hans # 语言 简体中文
theme: next # 配置主题
deploy: # 部署相关配置
type: git # 使用 Git 提交
repo: https://github.com/xxx/xxx.github.io.git # 就是存放博客的仓库地址


# Hexo Configuration
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/configuration.html
## Source: https://github.com/hexojs/hexo/# Site 这里的配置,哪项配置反映在哪里,可以参考我的博客
title: xxx # 博客的名字,也称站点名称
subtitle: xxx # 副标题
description: xxx # 对站点的描述,搜索引擎会抓取,可以自定义
author: xxx # 作者名字
language: zh-Hans # 语言 简体中文
timezone:  # 用默认的即可# URL
# 这项暂时不需要配置,绑定域名后,要创建 sitemap.xml 时再配置该项
## If your site is put in a subdirectory, set url as 'http://yoursite.com/child' and root as '/child/'
url: # http://xxx.com
root: /
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/
permalink_defaults:# Directory
# 目录,不要修改
source_dir: source
public_dir: public
tag_dir: tags
archive_dir: archives
category_dir: categories
code_dir: downloads/code
i18n_dir: :lang
skip_render:# Writing
# 文章布局、写作格式的定义,不修改
new_post_name: :title.md # File name of new posts
default_layout: post
titlecase: false # Transform title into titlecase
external_link: true # Open external links in new tab
filename_case: 0
render_drafts: false
post_asset_folder: false
relative_link: false
future: true
highlight:enable: trueline_number: trueauto_detect: falsetab_replace:# Category & Tag
default_category: uncategorized
tag_map:# Date / Time format
# 日期 / 时间 格式,不要修改
## Hexo uses Moment.js to parse and display date
## You can customize the date format as defined in
## http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/
date_format: MMM D YYYY
time_format: H:mm:ss# Pagination
# 每页显示文章数,可以自定义
## Set per_page to 0 to disable pagination
per_page: 10
pagination_dir: page# Extensions
# 配置站点所用主题和插件,这里将默认主题注释,修改为 next
## Plugins: https://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: https://hexo.io/themes/
theme: next
#theme: landscape# 头像
# 注意:是 xxx.github.io/source 下的开始的相对路径,如果 source 文件夹下面没有 uploads 文件夹,那么新建一个。考虑到会博客中用很多图片,在 uploads 文件夹下请分好类,避免混乱
avatar: /uploads/images/avatar.jpg# Deployment
# 本地博客部署到 github 上要配置这里
## Docs: https://hexo.io/docs/deployment.html
deploy:type: git # 使用 Git 提交repository: https://github.com/xxx/xxx.github.io.git # 就是存放博客的仓库地址

1.7.5 本地测试

  • 定位到 xxx.github.io 目录
  • 输入命令:hexo s 相当于 启动hexo服务预览

启动成功,默认在 http://localhost:4000 就能打开博客

1.7.6 NexT主题个性化

# 挑一些有必要的属性列一下
# 网站的favicon
favicon:small: /images/favicon.pngmedium: /images/favicon.pngapple_touch_icon: /images/favicon.pngsafari_pinned_tab: /images/favicon.png#android_manifest: /images/manifest.json#ms_browserconfig: /images/browserconfig.xml# Show multilingual switcher in footer.
language_switcher: true# 底部栏的配置
footer:# Specify the date when the site was setup. If not defined, current year will be used.# Icon between year and copyright info.# 备选的icon可以在下列网址选择与复制icon:# Icon name in Font Awesome. See: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/# `heart` is recommended with animation in red (#ff0000).name: grav# If you want to animate the icon, set it to true.animated: true #闪动效果# Change the color of icon, using Hex Code.color: "#808080"# If not defined, `author` from Hexo `_config.yml` will be used.copyright: AmosTian# 是否显示Powered by Hexo & NexTpowered: false# Beian ICP and gongan information for Chinese users. See: http://www.beian.miit.gov.cn, http://www.beian.gov.cnbeian:enable: falseicp:# The digit in the num of gongan beian.gongan_id:# The full num of gongan beian.gongan_num:# The icon for gongan beian. See: http://www.beian.gov.cn/portal/downloadgongan_icon_url:# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Scheme Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 这部分设置nexT的风格
# Schemes
#scheme: Muse
#scheme: Mist
scheme: Pisces
#scheme: Gemini# Dark Mode
darkmode: false# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Menu Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Usage: `Key: /link/ || icon`
# Key is the name of menu item. If the translation for this item is available, the translated text will be loaded, otherwise the Key name will be used. Key is case-senstive.
# Value before `||` delimiter is the target link, value after `||` delimiter is the name of Font Awesome icon.
# When running the site in a subdirectory (e.g. yoursite.com/blog), remove the leading slash from link value (/archives -> archives).
# External url should start with http:// or https://
menu:home: / || homecategories: /categories/ || thtags: /tags/ || tagsarchives: /archives/ || archive#about: /about/ || useressay: /categories/随笔// || pied-piper# 这个是我自己做的动态简历,会直接跳转到 \public\dynamic-resume\index.html# 自定义的js或者css文件需要插入到 \themes\next\source下对应的文件夹中# hexo在生成网页时,会将这些文件夹中的文件复制到\public中dynamic-resume: /dynamic-resume/ || cog     #schedule: /schedule/ || calendar#sitemap: /sitemap.xml || sitemap#commonweal: /404/ || heartbeat# Enable / Disable menu icons / item badges.
menu_settings:icons: truebadges: true# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Sidebar Settings
# See: https://theme-next.org/docs/theme-settings/sidebar
# ---------------------------------------------------------------sidebar:# Sidebar Position.position: left#position: right# Manual define the sidebar width. If commented, will be default for:# Muse | Mist: 320# Pisces | Gemini: 240#width: 300# Sidebar Display (only for Muse | Mist), available values:#  - post    expand on posts automatically. Default.#  - always  expand for all pages automatically.#  - hide    expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.#  - remove  totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.display: post# Sidebar padding in pixels.padding: 18# Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels (only for Pisces | Gemini).offset: 12# Enable sidebar on narrow view (only for Muse | Mist).onmobile: false# Sidebar Avatar
avatar:# Replace the default image and set the url here.url: /images/avatar.png# If true, the avatar will be dispalyed in circle.rounded: trueopacity: 1# If true, the avatar will be rotated with the cursor.rotated: false# Posts / Categories / Tags in sidebar.
site_state: true# Social Links
# Usage: `Key: permalink || icon`
# Key is the link label showing to end users.
# Value before `||` delimiter is the target permalink, value after `||` delimiter is the name of Font Awesome icon.
social:GitHub: https://github.com/AmosTian || githubCSDN: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_40479037?type=blog || crosshairs E-Mail: mailto:17636679561@163.com || envelope#Weibo: https://weibo.com/yourname || weibo#Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google#Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || twitter#FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook#StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow#YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube#Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram#Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skype# Table of Contents in the Sidebar
# Front-matter variable (unsupport wrap expand_all).
toc: #目录配置enable: true #是否自动生成目录# Automatically add list number to toc.number: false #目录自动编号# If true, all words will placed on next lines if header width longer then sidebar width.wrap: false #标题过长是否换行# If true, all level of TOC in a post will be displayed, rather than the activated part of it.expand_all: true# Maximum heading depth of generated toc.max_depth: 6 #最大标题深度# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Post Settings
# See: https://theme-next.org/docs/theme-settings/posts
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text.
excerpt_description: true #自动截取more# Read more button
# If true, the read more button will be displayed in excerpt section.
read_more_btn: true #添加按钮# Post meta display settings
post_meta:item_text: truecreated_at: trueupdated_at:enable: trueanother_day: truecategories: true
# 文章结尾标志
passage_end_tag:enabled: true# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Misc Theme Settings
# ---------------------------------------------------------------# Set the text alignment in posts / pages.
text_align:# Available values: start | end | left | right | center | justify | justify-all | match-parentdesktop: justifymobile: justify# Reduce padding / margin indents on devices with narrow width.
mobile_layout_economy: false# Android Chrome header panel color ($brand-bg / $headband-bg => $black-deep).
android_chrome_color: "#222"# Custom Logo (Do not support scheme Mist)
custom_logo: #/uploads/custom-logo.jpg#代码块
codeblock:# Code Highlight theme# Available values: normal | night | night eighties | night blue | night bright | solarized | solarized dark | galactic# See: https://github.com/chriskempson/tomorrow-themehighlight_theme: normal# Add copy button on codeblockcopy_button:enable: true# Show text copy result.show_result: true# Available values: default | flat | macstyle: macback2top:enable: true# Back to top in sidebar.sidebar: false# Scroll percent label in b2t button.scrollpercent: true# Reading progress bar
reading_progress:enable: true #顶部显示阅读进度# Available values: top | bottomposition: topcolor: "#37c6c0"height: 3px# Bookmark Support
bookmark:enable: false# Customize the color of the bookmark.color: "#222"# If auto, save the reading progress when closing the page or clicking the bookmark-icon.# If manual, only save it by clicking the bookmark-icon.save: auto# `Follow me on GitHub` banner in the top-right corner.
github_banner:enable: truepermalink: https://github.com/AmosTiantitle: Follow me on GitHub# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Font Settings
# See: https://theme-next.org/docs/theme-settings/#Fonts-Customization
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Find fonts on Google Fonts (https://www.google.com/fonts)
# All fonts set here will have the following styles:
#   light | light italic | normal | normal italic | bold | bold italic
# Be aware that setting too much fonts will cause site running slowly
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# To avoid space between header and sidebar in scheme Pisces / Gemini, Web Safe fonts are recommended for `global` (and `title`):
# Arial | Tahoma | Helvetica | Times New Roman | Courier New | Verdana | Georgia | Palatino | Garamond | Comic Sans MS | Trebuchet MS
# ---------------------------------------------------------------font:enable: true# Uri of fonts host, e.g. https://fonts.googleapis.com (Default).host: https://fonts.googleapis.com# Font options:# `external: true` will load this font family from `host` above.# `family: Times New Roman`. Without any quotes.# `size: x.x`. Use `em` as unit. Default: 1 (16px)# Global font settings used for all elements inside <body>.global:external: falsefamily: Comfortaasize:# Font settings for site title (.site-title).title: #网站抬头external: truefamily: Comfortaasize:# Font settings for headlines (<h1> to <h6>).headings: #标题字体external: truefamily: Ma Shan Zhengsize:# Font settings for posts (.post-body).posts: #文章字体external: falsefamily: ZCOOL KuaiLe# Font settings for <code> and code blocks.codes:external: falsefamily: consolas# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# Statistics and Analytics
# See: https://theme-next.org/docs/third-party-services/statistics-and-analytics
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
# 统计
# Show Views / Visitors of the website / page with busuanzi.
# Get more information on http://ibruce.info/2015/04/04/busuanzi
busuanzi_count:enable: falsetotal_visitors: truetotal_visitors_icon: usertotal_views: truetotal_views_icon: eyepost_views: truepost_views_icon: eye# Post wordcount display settings
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-symbols-count-time
symbols_count_time:separated_meta: true #分隔符|item_text_post: true #是否统计站点总字数item_text_total: true #是否同级文章总字数awl: 2 #平均每个字符的长度wpm: 150 #words per minute

1.7.7 创建分类与标签

  1. 命令行定位到 xxx.github.io 目录,输入 hexo new page categories

    这样在 \source 目录下创建新建对应的目录,找到目录对应的 index.md 文件

    title: 分类
    date: 2022-02-22 08:05:53
    type: "categories"
  2. 命令行定位到 xxx.github.io 目录,输入 hexo new page "tags" ,这样在 source 目录下新建对应的目录

    title: 标签
    date: 2022-02-22 08:05:42
    type: "tags"

上述两个操作相当于创建了给所有博客添加了两个分类依据 categories 以及 tags ,用于文章的归类管理



2. 写文章与上传

2.1 写文章

2.2 本地运行测试

命令行定位到 xxx.github.io 目录中,输入命令 hexo s

2.3 在浏览器中查看效果

在浏览器地址栏输入 http://localhost:4000 访问本地博客

2.4 安装自动部署发布工具

为了自动部署到 GithubPage,这里我们需要 hexo-deployer-git 工具,将 md文件 转化为 静态网页文件 ,并保存在 /public 文件夹中,文件夹上传到 github的相应仓库 xxx.github.io ,等待github部署完成之后,就可以访问 http://xxx.github.io 查看部署完成的博客了

hexo clean #清楚缓存,网页正常情况可以忽略这条命令
hexo g #生成静态网页
hexo d #开始部署

3. 文章链接





abbrlink 工具 https://github.com/rozbo/hexo-abbrlink

3.1 安装abbrlink插件


npm install hexo-abbrlink --save

3.2 编辑站点配置文件

# 默认的永久链接
permalink: :year/:month/:day/:title/# 使用abbrlink
permalink: posts/:abbrlink/
abbrlink:alg: crc32 #support crc16(default) and crc32 # 链接生成算法rep: dec   #support dec(default) and hex #十进制/十六进制


crc16 & hex
https://post.zz173.com/posts/66c8.htmlcrc16 & dec
https://post.zz173.com/posts/65535.html'crc32 & hex
https://post.zz173.com/posts/8ddf18fb.htmlcrc32 & dec

4. 自动化构建


5. 图片问题


5.1 安装插件

npm install hexo-asset-image --save

5.2 站点配置文件修改 post_asset_foldertrue

5.3 打开替换内容



'use strict';
var cheerio = require('cheerio');// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/14480345/how-to-get-the-nth-occurrence-in-a-string
function getPosition(str, m, i) {return str.split(m, i).join(m).length;
}var version = String(hexo.version).split('.');
hexo.extend.filter.register('after_post_render', function(data){var config = hexo.config;if(config.post_asset_folder){var link = data.permalink;if(version.length > 0 && Number(version[0]) == 3)var beginPos = getPosition(link, '/', 1) + 1;elsevar beginPos = getPosition(link, '/', 3) + 1;// In hexo 3.1.1, the permalink of "about" page is like ".../about/index.html".var endPos = link.lastIndexOf('/') + 1;link = link.substring(beginPos, endPos);var toprocess = ['excerpt', 'more', 'content'];for(var i = 0; i < toprocess.length; i++){var key = toprocess[i];var $ = cheerio.load(data[key], {ignoreWhitespace: false,xmlMode: false,lowerCaseTags: false,decodeEntities: false});$('img').each(function(){if ($(this).attr('src')){// For windows style path, we replace '\' to '/'.var src = $(this).attr('src').replace('\\', '/');if(!/http[s]*.*|\/\/.*/.test(src) &&!/^\s*\//.test(src)) {// For "about" page, the first part of "src" can't be removed.// In addition, to support multi-level local directory.var linkArray = link.split('/').filter(function(elem){return elem != '';});var srcArray = src.split('/').filter(function(elem){return elem != '' && elem != '.';});if(srcArray.length > 1)srcArray.shift();src = srcArray.join('/');$(this).attr('src', config.root + link + src);console.info&&console.info("update link as:-->"+config.root + link + src);}}else{console.info&&console.info("no src attr, skipped...");console.info&&console.info($(this));}});data[key] = $.html();}}

5.4 修改typora的图片保存方式


6. 点击图片放大



6.1 切换到lib目录

cd xxx.github.io\themes\next\source\lib

6.2 下载插件

git clone https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-fancybox3 fancybox

6.3 更换主题配置文件

fancybox: true

7. 数学公式


7.1 hexo转化错误

Hexo默认使用 hexo-render-marked 引擎渲染网页(将一些特殊的makrdown语法转化为html标签),如markdown中的 _ 代表斜体,会被渲染引擎处理为 <em>

MathJax引擎在渲染数学公式的时候就会出错。例如, x i x_i xi​在开始被渲染的时候,处理为 x ‘ < e m > ‘ i ‘ < / e m > ‘ x`<em>`i`</em>` x‘<em>‘i‘</em>‘,这样MathJax引擎就认为该公式有语法错误,因为不会渲染。

类似的语义冲突的符号还有 *{}\\

7.2 解决方法

Hexo渲染主题的两个重要因素:mathjax和kramed,前者是数学公式渲染引擎,后者是Hexo的markdown渲染引擎,hexo默认渲染引擎是marked,但是它不支持mathjax,因此需要替换为 kramed 引擎。

7.2.1 Hexo添加数学公式解析插件mathjax

  1. 如果hexo安装有 hexo-math ,需要先卸载它

    npm uninstall hexo-math --save
  2. 安装 mathjax

    npm install hexo-renderer-mathjax --save
  3. hexo主题开启mathjax

    进入主题目录,编辑 _config.yml ,开启mathjax

    # MathJax Support
    mathjax:enable: trueper_page: true
  4. 在博客文章的开头加入 mathjax: true 即可使用 mathjax

7.2.2 hexo渲染引擎切换为 kramed

  1. 卸载 marked 引擎

    npm uninstall hexo-renderer-marked --save
  2. 安装kramed引擎

    npm install hexo-renderer-kramed --save
  3. 修改引擎bug

    修改文件 node_modules\kramed\lib\rules\inline.jsescapeem 两行

    //  escape: /^\\([\\`*{}\[\]()#$+\-.!_>])/,escape: /^\\([`*\[\]()#$+\-.!_>])/,//  em: /^\b_((?:__|[\s\S])+?)_\b|^\*((?:\*\*|[\s\S])+?)\*(?!\*)/,em: /^\*((?:\*\*|[\s\S])+?)\*(?!\*)/,
  4. 重启hexo

    hexo clean && hexo g -d

8. mermaid

8.1 安装hexo插件

在博客的根目录下,安装 hexo-filter-mermaid-diagrams 插件


$ npm install hexo-filter-mermaid-diagrams --save

8.2 NexT启用Mermaid

打开NexT主题的 _config.xml 配置文件,找到 mermaid 的配置项,设置 enable: true

# Mermaid tag
mermaid:enable: true# Available themes: default | dark | forest | neutraltheme:light: defaultdark: dark

9. 文章置顶


9.1 使用

Hexo 只提供了按发布日期的排序,所以需要修改依赖文件,在每篇文章的配置项设置 top: 数字 赋权(升序)

9.2 修改

node_modules/hexo-generator-index/lib/generator.js 目录下新增

posts.data = posts.data.sort(function(a, b) {if(a.top && b.top) { // 两篇文章top都有定义if(a.top == b.top) return b.date - a.date; // 若top值一样则按照文章日期降序排else return b.top - a.top; // 否则按照top值降序排}else if(a.top && !b.top) { // 以下是只有一篇文章top有定义,那么将有top的排在前面(这里用异或操作居然不行233)return -1;}else if(!a.top && b.top) {return 1;}else return b.date - a.date; // 都没定义按照文章日期降序排


10. Hexo添加helper-live2d动态模型插件


10.1 安装模块


# npm install --save hexo-helper-live2d

10.2 下载模型



# npm install live2d-widget-model-hibiki

10.3 配置

在主题配置文件或者博客配置文件的 _config.xml 都可以


# Live2D
## https://github.com/EYHN/hexo-helper-live2d
## https://l2dwidget.js.org/docs/class/src/index.js~L2Dwidget.html#instance-method-init
live2d:enable: true#enable: falsescriptFrom: local # 默认pluginRootPath: live2dw/ # 插件在站点上的根目录(相对路径)pluginJsPath: lib/ # 脚本文件相对与插件根目录路径pluginModelPath: assets/ # 模型文件相对与插件根目录路径# scriptFrom: jsdelivr # jsdelivr CDN# scriptFrom: unpkg # unpkg CDN# scriptFrom: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/live2d-widget@3.x/lib/L2Dwidget.min.js # 你的自定义 urltagMode: false # 标签模式, 是否仅替换 live2d tag标签而非插入到所有页面中debug: false # 调试, 是否在控制台输出日志model:use: live2d-widget-model-hibiki# use: live2d-widget-model-wanko # npm-module package name# use: wanko # 博客根目录/live2d_models/ 下的目录名# use: ./wives/wanko # 相对于博客根目录的路径# use: https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/live2d-widget-model-wanko@1.0.5/assets/wanko.model.json # 你的自定义 urldisplay:position: rightwidth: 145height: 315mobile:show: true # 是否在移动设备上显示scale: 0.5 # 移动设备上的缩放react:opacityDefault: 0.7opacityOnHover: 0.8

11. 压缩静态资源

11.1 gulp


11.1.1 全局安装gulp

npm install glup -g
gulp -v #查看版本

11.1.2 在站点目录下安装

npm install gulp-minify-css --save

11.1.3 安装gulp插件

npm install gulp --save
npm install gulp-minify-css --save
npm install gulp-uglify --save
npm install gulp-htmlmin --save
npm install gulp-htmlclean --save
npm install gulp-imagemin --save
# 解决【Gulp打包问题】 GulpUglifyError: unable to minify JavaScript
# 解决 gulp-uglify 压缩JavaScript 不兼容 es5 语法的问题
npm install babel-core@6.26.3 --save
npm install gulp-babel@7.0.1 --save
npm install babel-preset-es2015@6.24.1 --save
# gulp-babel 取消严格模式方法("use strict")
npm install babel-plugin-transform-remove-strict-mode --save

11.1.4 创建 gulp.js 文件

Hexo 站点下创建 gulpfile.js 文件



imagemin.jpegtran is not a function


  • 图片压缩:由于我使用了图片插件 hexo-asset-image ,所以不适合用这种方式压缩,仅做记录
import gulp from 'gulp';
import minifycss from 'gulp-minify-css';
import uglify from 'gulp-uglify';
import htmlmin from 'gulp-htmlmin';
import htmlclean from 'gulp-htmlclean';
import imagemin from 'gulp-imagemin';
import babel from 'gulp-babel';
import imageminGifsicle from 'imagemin-gifsicle';
import mozjpeg from 'imagemin-mozjpeg';
import optipng from 'imagemin-optipng';
import svgo from 'imagemin-svgo';// 压缩css文件
gulp.task('minify-css', function (done) {return gulp.src('./public/**/*.css').pipe(minifycss()).pipe(gulp.dest('./public'));done();
});// 压缩html文件
gulp.task('minify-html', function (done) {return gulp.src('./public/**/*.html').pipe(htmlclean()).pipe(htmlmin({removeComments: true,minifyJS: true,minifyCSS: true,minifyURLs: true,})).pipe(gulp.dest('./public'));done();
});// 压缩js文件
gulp.task('minify-js', function (done) {return gulp.src(['./public/**/*.js', '!./public/**/*.min.js']).pipe(babel({//将ES6代码转译为可执行的JS代码presets: ['es2015'] // es5检查机制})).pipe(uglify()).pipe(gulp.dest('./public'));done();
});// 压缩 public/images 目录内图片(Version<3)
// gulp.task('minify-images', function () {//     gulp.src('./public/images/**/*.*')
//         .pipe(imagemin({//             optimizationLevel: 5, //类型:Number  默认:3  取值范围:0-7(优化等级)
//             progressive: true, //类型:Boolean 默认:false 无损压缩jpg图片
//             interlaced: false, //类型:Boolean 默认:false 隔行扫描gif进行渲染
//             multipass: false, //类型:Boolean 默认:false 多次优化svg直到完全优化
//         }))
//         .pipe(gulp.dest('./public/images'));
// });// 压缩 public/images 目录内图片(Version>3)
gulp.task('minify-images', function (done) {gulp.src('./public/images/**/*.*').pipe(imagemin([imageminGifsicle({interlaced: true}),mozjpeg({progressive: true}),optipng({optimizationLevel: 5}),svgo({plugins: [{removeViewBox: true},{cleanupIDs: false}]})])).pipe(gulp.dest('./public/images'));done();
//gulp.task('default', [
//  'minify-html', 'minify-css', 'minify-js', 'minify-images'
// 执行 gulp 命令时执行的任务
gulp.task('default', gulp.series(gulp.parallel('minify-html', 'minify-css', 'minify-js', 'minify-images')), function (cb) {console.log("----------gulp Finished----------");// Do something after a, b, and c are finished.cb();

11.1.4 创建 .babelrc 文件

{'presets': ['es2015'],"plugins": ["transform-remove-strict-mode"]


11.2 hexo-neat


已知 BUG:

  • 压缩 md 文件会使 markdown 语法的代码块消失
  • 会删除全角空格


npm install hexo-neat --save


# hexo-neat
# 博文压缩
neat_enable: true
# 压缩html
neat_html:enable: trueexclude:
# 压缩css
neat_css:enable: trueexclude:- '**/*.min.css'
# 压缩js
neat_js:enable: truemangle: trueoutput:compress:exclude:- '**/*.min.js'- '**/jquery.fancybox.pack.js'- '**/index.js' - '**/clicklove.js'- '**/fireworks.js'

hexo g 时自动调用

12. NexT主题优化

12.1 简单配置(主题配置文件)

12.1.1 主题选择


12.1.2 添加博客自定义图标

博客网站的图标可以是一些矢量图标,然后选择或者创建相应大小的图标文件,放置在 blog/themes/next/sources/images 目录下,并在主题配置文件中进行配置

favicon:small: /images/16x16.pngmedium: /images/32x32.pngapple_touch_icon: /images/128x128.pngsafari_pinned_tab: /images/logo2.svg

12.1.3 修改标签样式


只需要修改模板 /themes/next/layout/_macro/post.swig,搜索 rel="tag"># ,将 # 换成 <i class="fa fa-tag"></i>

12.1.4 文章结束标志

在路径 \themes\next\layout\_macro 中新建 passage-end-tag.swig 文件,并添加以下内容

<div>{% if not is_index %}<div style="text-align:center;color: #ccc;font-size:14px;">-------------本文结束<i class="fa fa-paw"></i>感谢您的阅读-------------</div>{% endif %}

接着打开\themes\next\layout\_macro\post.swig文件,在post-body 之后(END POST BODY), post-footer 之前添加如代码:

<div>{% if not is_index %}{% include 'passage-end-tag.swig' %}{% endif %}


# 文章末尾添加“本文结束”标记
passage_end_tag:enabled: true

12.1.5 侧边栏设置

设置主题配置文件,其中 social 表示社交信息,我们可以填入我们相关的链接,格式为 链接名:链接地址 || 链接图标 ,其中链接图标必须是FontAwesome网站中存在的图标名

# Posts / Categories / Tags in sidebar.
site_state: true # 是否在侧边栏加入日志、分类、标签等跳转链接# Social Links
# Usage: `Key: permalink || icon`
# Key is the link label showing to end users.
# Value before `||` delimeter is the target permalink.
# Value after `||` delimeter is the name of FontAwesome icon. If icon (with or without delimeter) is not specified, globe icon will be loaded.
social:GitHub: https://github.com/nightmaredimple || github #CSDN: https://blog.csdn.net/nightmare_dimple || crosshairs#E-Mail: mailto:yourname@gmail.com || envelope#Weibo: https://weibo.com/yourname || weibo#Google: https://plus.google.com/yourname || google#Twitter: https://twitter.com/yourname || twitter#FB Page: https://www.facebook.com/yourname || facebook#VK Group: https://vk.com/yourname || vk#StackOverflow: https://stackoverflow.com/yourname || stack-overflow#YouTube: https://youtube.com/yourname || youtube#Instagram: https://instagram.com/yourname || instagram#Skype: skype:yourname?call|chat || skypesocial_icons:enable: true #是否显示社交图标icons_only: false #是否仅显示社交图标transition: true # Follow me on GitHub banner in right-top corner.
# Usage: `permalink || title`
# Value before `||` delimeter is the target permalink.
# Value after `||` delimeter is the title and aria-label name.
github_banner: https://github.com/nightmaredimple || Follow me on GitHub #添加右上角github绑带# Blog rolls
links_icon: link
links_title: Links
links_layout: block
#links_layout: inline
#links:#Title: http://example.com# Sidebar Avatar
avatar: #头像设置# in theme directory(source/images): /images/avatar.gif# in site  directory(source/uploads): /uploads/avatar.gif# You can also use other linking images.url: /images/author.jpg# If true, the avatar would be dispalyed in circle.rounded: true# The value of opacity should be choose from 0 to 1 to set the opacity of the avatar.opacity: 1# If true, the avatar would be rotated with the cursor.rotated: true# Table Of Contents in the Sidebar
toc:enable: true #是否自动生成目录# Automatically add list number to toc.number: false #目录是否自动产生编号# If true, all words will placed on next lines if header width longer then sidebar width.wrap: false #标题过长是否换行# Maximum heading depth of generated toc. You can set it in one post through `toc_max_depth` var.max_depth: 6 #最大标题深度sidebar:# Sidebar Position, available values: left | right (only for Pisces | Gemini).position: left #侧边栏位置#position: right# Manual define the sidebar width.# If commented, will be default for:# Muse | Mist: 320# Pisces | Gemini: 240#width: 300# Sidebar Display, available values (only for Muse | Mist):#  - post    expand on posts automatically. Default.#  - always  expand for all pages automatically#  - hide    expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.#  - remove  Totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.display: post#display: always#display: hide#display: remove# Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels (only for Pisces | Gemini).offset: 12 #侧边栏相对主菜单像素距离# Back to top in sidebar.b2t: true #是否提供一键置顶# Scroll percent label in b2t button.scrollpercent: true #是否显示当前阅读进度# Enable sidebar on narrow view (only for Muse | Mist).onmobile: false #手机上是否显示侧边栏

12.1.6 添加文章版权信息


creative_commons:license: by-nc-sasidebar: truepost: true

12.1.7 设置博客底部布局

footer:# Specify the date when the site was setup.# If not defined, current year will be used.since: 2019 #建站时间# Icon between year and copyright info.icon:# Icon name in fontawesome, see: https://fontawesome.com/v4.7.0/icons/# `heart` is recommended with animation in red (#ff0000).name: heart  #作者图标(默认是author人像)# If you want to animate the icon, set it to true.animated: true #图标是否闪动# Change the color of icon, using Hex Code.color: "#808080" #图标颜色# If not defined, `author` from Hexo main config will be used.copyright: 黄飘 #别填bool型,最后显示的东西是copyright || author,即左边没有设置的话就显示作者# -------------------------------------------------------------powered:# Hexo link (Powered by Hexo).enable: false #是否显示 Powered by hexo# Version info of Hexo after Hexo link (vX.X.X).version: false #是否显示Hexo版本theme:# Theme & scheme info link (Theme - NexT.scheme).enable: false #是否显示主题信息# Version info of NexT after scheme info (vX.X.X).version: false #是否显示主题版本# -------------------------------------------------------------# Beian icp information for Chinese users. In China, every legal website should have a beian icp in website footer.# http://www.miitbeian.gov.cnbeian:enable: false #是否显示网站备案信息icp:# -------------------------------------------------------------# Any custom text can be defined here.#custom_text: Hosted by <a href="https://pages.coding.me" class="theme-link" rel="noopener" target="_blank">Coding Pages</a>

12.1.8 设置博客摘要显示


# Automatically scroll page to section which is under <!-- more --> mark.
scroll_to_more: true #选取博客正文<!--more-->前的内容# Automatically saving scroll position on each post/page in cookies.
save_scroll: false# Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text.
excerpt_description: true #自动截取摘要# Automatically Excerpt. Not recommend.
# Use <!-- more --> in the post to control excerpt accurately.
auto_excerpt: enable: false #自动截取一定程度的摘要length: 150# Read more button
# If true, the read more button would be displayed in excerpt section.
read_more_btn: true #显示阅读全文按钮

12.1.9 修改文章链接样式

修改文件 themes\next\source\css\_common\components\post\post.styl,在末尾添加如下css样式,:

// 文章内链接文本样式
.post-body p a{color: #0593d3;border-bottom: none;border-bottom: 1px solid #0593d3;&:hover {color: #fc6423;border-bottom: none;border-bottom: 1px solid #fc6423;}

12.1.10 修改分类层级显示

  1. 修改 post.swig



    {{ __('symbol.comma') }}


    {{('>') }}
  2. 修改 custom.styl


    .category-list ul {list-style: none;li:before {content: '>>';}

12.1.11 更改标签云颜色


{{ tagcloud({min_font   : theme.tagcloud.min,max_font   : theme.tagcloud.max,amount     : theme.tagcloud.amount,color      : true,start_color: '#9733EE',end_color  : '#FF512F'})

hexo 颜色配置:https://hexo.io/zh-cn/docs/helpers.html#tagcloud

12.2 添加懒加载



git clone https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-jquery-lazyload source/lib/jquery_lazyload


lazyload: true

12.3 网站动态元素延时加载


# Use velocity to animate everything.
motion:enable: falseasync: falsetransition:# Transition variants:# fadeIn | fadeOut | flipXIn | flipXOut | flipYIn | flipYOut | flipBounceXIn | flipBounceXOut | flipBounceYIn | flipBounceYOut# swoopIn | swoopOut | whirlIn | whirlOut | shrinkIn | shrinkOut | expandIn | expandOut# bounceIn | bounceOut | bounceUpIn | bounceUpOut | bounceDownIn | bounceDownOut | bounceLeftIn | bounceLeftOut | bounceRightIn | bounceRightOut# slideUpIn | slideUpOut | slideDownIn | slideDownOut | slideLeftIn | slideLeftOut | slideRightIn | slideRightOut# slideUpBigIn | slideUpBigOut | slideDownBigIn | slideDownBigOut | slideLeftBigIn | slideLeftBigOut | slideRightBigIn | slideRightBigOut# perspectiveUpIn | perspectiveUpOut | perspectiveDownIn | perspectiveDownOut | perspectiveLeftIn | perspectiveLeftOut | perspectiveRightIn | perspectiveRightOutpost_block: fadeInpost_header: slideDownInpost_body: slideDownIncoll_header: slideLeftIn# Only for Pisces | Gemini.sidebar: slideUpIn

12.4 添加站内静态搜索


npm install hexo-generator-searchdb --save


# Local search
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-generator-searchdb
local_search:enable: true# if auto, trigger search by changing input# if manual, trigger search by pressing enter key or search buttontrigger: auto# show top n results per article, show all results by setting to -1top_n_per_article: 3# unescape html strings to the readable oneunescape: false

12.5. 侧边栏目录

12.5.1 显示侧边目录


sidebar:# Sidebar Position.position: left#position: right# Manual define the sidebar width. If commented, will be default for:# Muse | Mist: 320# Pisces | Gemini: 240#width: 300# Sidebar Display (only for Muse | Mist), available values:#  - post    expand on posts automatically. Default.#  - always  expand for all pages automatically.#  - hide    expand only when click on the sidebar toggle icon.#  - remove  totally remove sidebar including sidebar toggle.display: post# Sidebar padding in pixels.padding: 18# Sidebar offset from top menubar in pixels (only for Pisces | Gemini).offset: 12# Enable sidebar on narrow view (only for Muse | Mist).onmobile: false

12.5.2 中文目录不跳转



const navItems = document.querySelectorAll('.post-toc li');const sections = [...navItems].map(element => {var link = element.querySelector('a.nav-link');//解决中文目录不跳转问题var target = document.getElementById(decodeURI(link.getAttribute('href')).replace('#', ''));// TOC item animation navigate.link.addEventListener('click', event => {event.preventDefault();//解决中文目录跳转问题//var target = document.getElementById(event.currentTarget.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));var offset = target.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.scrollY;window.anime({targets  : document.scrollingElement,duration : 500,easing   : 'linear',scrollTop: offset + 10});});//解决中文目录不跳转//return document.getElementById(link.getAttribute('href').replace('#', ''));return target;});

12.6 统计功能

  1. 安装插件,在hexo根目录下执行

    npm install hexo-wordcount --save
  2. 在主题配置文件 _coinfig.xml 下搜索 Post wordcount ,并配置以下参数:

    wordcount :字数统计

    min2read :阅读时长统计

    totalcount :总子树统计

12.7 鼠标点击特效

  1. /themes/next/source/js/src下新建文件 clicklove.js ,接着把下面的代码拷贝粘贴到 clicklove.js 文件中:

    !function(e,t,a){function n(){c(".heart{width: 10px;height: 10px;position: fixed;background: #f00;transform: rotate(45deg);-webkit-transform: rotate(45deg);-moz-transform: rotate(45deg);}.heart:after,.heart:before{content: '';width: inherit;height: inherit;background: inherit;border-radius: 50%;-webkit-border-radius: 50%;-moz-border-radius: 50%;position: fixed;}.heart:after{top: -5px;}.heart:before{left: -5px;}"),o(),r()}function r(){for(var e=0;e<d.length;e++)d[e].alpha<=0?(t.body.removeChild(d[e].el),d.splice(e,1)):(d[e].y--,d[e].scale+=.004,d[e].alpha-=.013,d[e].el.style.cssText="left:"+d[e].x+"px;top:"+d[e].y+"px;opacity:"+d[e].alpha+";transform:scale("+d[e].scale+","+d[e].scale+") rotate(45deg);background:"+d[e].color+";z-index:99999");requestAnimationFrame(r)}function o(){var t="function"==typeof e.onclick&&e.onclick;e.onclick=function(e){t&&t(),i(e)}}function i(e){var a=t.createElement("div");a.className="heart",d.push({el:a,x:e.clientX-5,y:e.clientY-5,scale:1,alpha:1,color:s()}),t.body.appendChild(a)}function c(e){var a=t.createElement("style");a.type="text/css";try{a.appendChild(t.createTextNode(e))}catch(t){a.styleSheet.cssText=e}t.getElementsByTagName("head")[0].appendChild(a)}function s(){return"rgb("+~~(255*Math.random())+","+~~(255*Math.random())+","+~~(255*Math.random())+")"}var d=[];e.requestAnimationFrame=function(){return e.requestAnimationFrame||e.webkitRequestAnimationFrame||e.mozRequestAnimationFrame||e.oRequestAnimationFrame||e.msRequestAnimationFrame||function(e){setTimeout(e,1e3/60)}}(),n()}(window,document);
  2. \themes\next\layout\_layout.swig文件末尾添加

    <!-- 页面点击小红心 -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/src/clicklove.js"></script>

  1. 跟那个红心是差不多的,首先在themes/next/source/js/src里面建一个叫fireworks.js的文件,代码如下:

    "use strict";function updateCoords(e){pointerX=(e.clientX||e.touches[0].clientX)-canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().left,pointerY=e.clientY||e.touches[0].clientY-canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().top}function setParticuleDirection(e){var t=anime.random(0,360)*Math.PI/180,a=anime.random(50,180),n=[-1,1][anime.random(0,1)]*a;return{x:e.x+n*Math.cos(t),y:e.y+n*Math.sin(t)}}function createParticule(e,t){var a={};return a.x=e,a.y=t,a.color=colors[anime.random(0,colors.length-1)],a.radius=anime.random(16,32),a.endPos=setParticuleDirection(a),a.draw=function(){ctx.beginPath(),ctx.arc(a.x,a.y,a.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!0),ctx.fillStyle=a.color,ctx.fill()},a}function createCircle(e,t){var a={};return a.x=e,a.y=t,a.color="#F00",a.radius=0.1,a.alpha=0.5,a.lineWidth=6,a.draw=function(){ctx.globalAlpha=a.alpha,ctx.beginPath(),ctx.arc(a.x,a.y,a.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!0),ctx.lineWidth=a.lineWidth,ctx.strokeStyle=a.color,ctx.stroke(),ctx.globalAlpha=1},a}function renderParticule(e){for(var t=0;t<e.animatables.length;t++){e.animatables[t].target.draw()}}function animateParticules(e,t){for(var a=createCircle(e,t),n=[],i=0;i<numberOfParticules;i++){n.push(createParticule(e,t))}anime.timeline().add({targets:n,x:function(e){return e.endPos.x},y:function(e){return e.endPos.y},radius:0.1,duration:anime.random(1200,1800),easing:"easeOutExpo",update:renderParticule}).add({targets:a,radius:anime.random(80,160),lineWidth:0,alpha:{value:0,easing:"linear",duration:anime.random(600,800)},duration:anime.random(1200,1800),easing:"easeOutExpo",update:renderParticule,offset:0})}function debounce(e,t){var a;return function(){var n=this,i=arguments;clearTimeout(a),a=setTimeout(function(){e.apply(n,i)},t)}}var canvasEl=document.querySelector(".fireworks");if(canvasEl){var ctx=canvasEl.getContext("2d"),numberOfParticules=30,pointerX=0,pointerY=0,tap="mousedown",colors=["#FF1461","#18FF92","#5A87FF","#FBF38C"],setCanvasSize=debounce(function(){canvasEl.width=2*window.innerWidth,canvasEl.height=2*window.innerHeight,canvasEl.style.width=window.innerWidth+"px",canvasEl.style.height=window.innerHeight+"px",canvasEl.getContext("2d").scale(2,2)},500),render=anime({duration:1/0,update:function(){ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvasEl.width,canvasEl.height)}});document.addEventListener(tap,function(e){"sidebar"!==e.target.id&&"toggle-sidebar"!==e.target.id&&"A"!==e.target.nodeName&&"IMG"!==e.target.nodeName&&(render.play(),updateCoords(e),animateParticules(pointerX,pointerY))},!1),setCanvasSize(),window.addEventListener("resize",setCanvasSize,!1)}"use strict";function updateCoords(e){pointerX=(e.clientX||e.touches[0].clientX)-canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().left,pointerY=e.clientY||e.touches[0].clientY-canvasEl.getBoundingClientRect().top}function setParticuleDirection(e){var t=anime.random(0,360)*Math.PI/180,a=anime.random(50,180),n=[-1,1][anime.random(0,1)]*a;return{x:e.x+n*Math.cos(t),y:e.y+n*Math.sin(t)}}function createParticule(e,t){var a={};return a.x=e,a.y=t,a.color=colors[anime.random(0,colors.length-1)],a.radius=anime.random(16,32),a.endPos=setParticuleDirection(a),a.draw=function(){ctx.beginPath(),ctx.arc(a.x,a.y,a.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!0),ctx.fillStyle=a.color,ctx.fill()},a}function createCircle(e,t){var a={};return a.x=e,a.y=t,a.color="#F00",a.radius=0.1,a.alpha=0.5,a.lineWidth=6,a.draw=function(){ctx.globalAlpha=a.alpha,ctx.beginPath(),ctx.arc(a.x,a.y,a.radius,0,2*Math.PI,!0),ctx.lineWidth=a.lineWidth,ctx.strokeStyle=a.color,ctx.stroke(),ctx.globalAlpha=1},a}function renderParticule(e){for(var t=0;t<e.animatables.length;t++){e.animatables[t].target.draw()}}function animateParticules(e,t){for(var a=createCircle(e,t),n=[],i=0;i<numberOfParticules;i++){n.push(createParticule(e,t))}anime.timeline().add({targets:n,x:function(e){return e.endPos.x},y:function(e){return e.endPos.y},radius:0.1,duration:anime.random(1200,1800),easing:"easeOutExpo",update:renderParticule}).add({targets:a,radius:anime.random(80,160),lineWidth:0,alpha:{value:0,easing:"linear",duration:anime.random(600,800)},duration:anime.random(1200,1800),easing:"easeOutExpo",update:renderParticule,offset:0})}function debounce(e,t){var a;return function(){var n=this,i=arguments;clearTimeout(a),a=setTimeout(function(){e.apply(n,i)},t)}}var canvasEl=document.querySelector(".fireworks");if(canvasEl){var ctx=canvasEl.getContext("2d"),numberOfParticules=30,pointerX=0,pointerY=0,tap="mousedown",colors=["#FF1461","#18FF92","#5A87FF","#FBF38C"],setCanvasSize=debounce(function(){canvasEl.width=2*window.innerWidth,canvasEl.height=2*window.innerHeight,canvasEl.style.width=window.innerWidth+"px",canvasEl.style.height=window.innerHeight+"px",canvasEl.getContext("2d").scale(2,2)},500),render=anime({duration:1/0,update:function(){ctx.clearRect(0,0,canvasEl.width,canvasEl.height)}});document.addEventListener(tap,function(e){"sidebar"!==e.target.id&&"toggle-sidebar"!==e.target.id&&"A"!==e.target.nodeName&&"IMG"!==e.target.nodeName&&(render.play(),updateCoords(e),animateParticules(pointerX,pointerY))},!1),setCanvasSize(),window.addEventListener("resize",setCanvasSize,!1)};
  2. 打开themes/next/layout/_layout.swig,在</body>上面写下如下代码:

    {% if theme.fireworks %}<canvas class="fireworks" style="position: fixed;left: 0;top: 0;z-index: 1; pointer-events: none;" ></canvas> <script type="text/javascript" src="//cdn.bootcss.com/animejs/2.2.0/anime.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/js/src/fireworks.js"></script>
    {% endif %}
  3. 打开主题配置文件,在里面最后写下:

    # Fireworks
    fireworks: true

12.8 添加动态背景


12.8.1 粒子漂浮聚合



git clone https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-canvas-nest themes/next/source/lib/canvas-nest


# Canvas-nest
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-canvas-nest
canvas_nest: # 网络背景enable: trueonmobile: true # display on mobile or notcolor: '0,0,0' # RGB values, use ',' to separateopacity: 0.5 # the opacity of line: 0~1zIndex: -1 # z-index property of the backgroundcount: 150 # the number of lines# JavaScript 3D library.
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-three
# three_waves
three_waves: false
# canvas_lines
canvas_lines: false
# canvas_sphere
canvas_sphere: false# Canvas-ribbon
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-canvas-ribbon
# size: The width of the ribbon.
# alpha: The transparency of the ribbon.
# zIndex: The display level of the ribbon.
canvas_ribbon:enable: falsesize: 300alpha: 0.6zIndex: -1

12.8.2 Three三维效果


$ git clone https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-three themes/next/source/lib/three


# JavaScript 3D library.
# Dependencies: https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next-three
# three_waves
three_waves: true
# canvas_lines
canvas_lines: false
# canvas_sphere
canvas_sphere: false

12.8.3 随机三角丝带

点击下方按钮下载相应的脚本,并置于 themes\next\source\js\ 目录下:

if (document.getElementById('evanyou')) {var c = document.getElementById('evanyou'),x = c.getContext('2d'),pr = window.devicePixelRatio || 1,w = window.innerWidth,h = window.innerHeight,f = 90,q,m = Math,r = 0,u = m.PI * 2,v = m.cos,z = m.randomc.width = w * prc.height = h * prx.scale(pr, pr)x.globalAlpha = 0.6function evanyou () {x.clearRect(0, 0, w, h)q = [{ x: 0, y: h * .7 + f }, { x: 0, y: h * .7 - f }]while (q[1].x < w + f) d(q[0], q[1])}function d (i, j) {x.beginPath()x.moveTo(i.x, i.y)x.lineTo(j.x, j.y)var k = j.x + (z() * 2 - 0.25) * f,n = y(j.y)x.lineTo(k, n)x.closePath()r -= u / -50x.fillStyle = '#' + (v(r) * 127 + 128 << 16 | v(r + u / 3) * 127 + 128 << 8 | v(r + u / 3 * 2) * 127 + 128).toString(16)x.fill()q[0] = q[1]q[1] = { x: k, y: n }}function y (p) {var t = p + (z() * 2 - 1.1) * freturn (t > h || t < 0) ? y(p) : t}document.onclick = evanyoudocument.ontouchstart = evanyouevanyou()



{# 随机三角丝带背景 #}
{% if theme.evanyou %}<canvas id="evanyou"></canvas><style>#evanyou {position: fixed;width: 100%;height: 100%;top: 0;left: 0;z-index: -1;}</style><script src="/js/evan-you.js"></script>
{% endif %}

如果 custom.swig 文件不存在,需要手动新建并在布局页面中 body 末尾引入:


     ...{% include '_third-party/exturl.swig' %}{% include '_third-party/bookmark.swig' %}{% include '_third-party/copy-code.swig' %}+     {% include '_custom/custom.swig' %}</body></html>


# colorful trilateral riband background
evanyou: true

12.9 回到顶部

原理很简单,将 back-to-top 按钮添加图片背景,并添加 CSS3 动效即可。

首先,找到自己喜欢的图片素材放到 source\images\ 目录下。

你可以点击下方按钮下载本站所使用的小猫上吊素材( 小猫咪这么可爱,当然要多放点孜然啦…)



.back-to-top {right: 60px;width: 70px;  //图片素材宽度height: 900px;  //图片素材高度top: -900px;bottom: unset;transition: all .5s ease-in-out;background: url("/images/scroll.png");//隐藏箭头图标> i {display: none;}&.back-to-top-on {bottom: unset;top: 100vh < (900px + 200px) ? calc( 100vh - 900px - 200px ) : 0px;}


12.10 加入已运行时间


<div id="days"></div>
function show_date_time(){window.setTimeout("show_date_time()", 1000);BirthDay=new Date("01/27/2022 15:13:14");today=new Date();timeold=(today.getTime()-BirthDay.getTime());sectimeold=timeold/1000secondsold=Math.floor(sectimeold);msPerDay=24*60*60*1000e_daysold=timeold/msPerDaydaysold=Math.floor(e_daysold);e_hrsold=(e_daysold-daysold)*24;hrsold=setzero(Math.floor(e_hrsold));e_minsold=(e_hrsold-hrsold)*60;minsold=setzero(Math.floor((e_hrsold-hrsold)*60));seconds=setzero(Math.floor((e_minsold-minsold)*60));document.getElementById('days').innerHTML="已运行 "+daysold+" 天 "+hrsold+" 小时 "+minsold+" 分 "+seconds+" 秒";
function setzero(i) {if (i<10) {i="0" + i};return i;

上面 Date 的值记得改为你自己的,且按上面格式,然后修改:/blog/themes/next/layout/_macro/sidebar.swig

      {% include '../_custom/sidebar.swig' %}




个人博客支持https https://www.codepeople.cn/2019/01/11/GitHub-Https-config/



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