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2018-6-18 13:08 上传


JPEGsnoop自2006年开发以来,期间作者Calvin Hass曾想停止更新,有未知背景人士力邀Calvin Hass继续努力,


JPEGsnoop 1.8.0自20170626更新以来,下载量超过500000!

2018-06-18 10-44-00.png (35.53 KB, 下载次数: 2)

2018-6-18 13:08 上传






2018-06-18 10-51-55.png (76.22 KB, 下载次数: 2)

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2018-6-18 13:08 上传

2018-06-18 10-52-42.png (156.28 KB, 下载次数: 1)

2018-6-18 13:08 上传

2018-06-18 10-52-57.png (159.1 KB, 下载次数: 1)

2018-6-18 13:08 上传

JPEGsnoop is a free Windows application,

that examines and decodes the inner details of JPEG,MotionJPEG AVI and Photoshop files.

It can also be used to analyze the source of an image to test its authenticity.

Check out a few of the many possible uses for JPEGsnoop!

JPEGsnoop reports what digital camera or software was likely used to generate the image.

This is extremely useful in determining whether or not a photo has been edited/tampered in any way.

If the compression signature matches Photoshop,

then you can be pretty sure that the photo is no longer an original!

This type of analysis is sometimes referred to as Digital Image Ballistics/Forensics.

JPEGsnoop reports a huge amount of information,


quantization table matrix(chrominance and luminance),

chroma subsampling,estimates JPEG Quality setting,

JPEG resolution settings,Huffman tables,EXIF metadata,Makernotes,RGB histograms,etc.

Most of the JPEG JFIF markers are reported.

In addition,you can enable a full huffman VLC decode,

which will help those who are learning about JPEG compression and those who are writing a JPEG decoder.

JPEGsnoop can now also parse and decode Photoshop files!

Other potential uses:

determine quality setting used in Photoshop Save As or Save for Web settings,

increasing your scanner quality,locating recoverable images/videos,decoding AVI files,

examining .THM files,JPEG EXIF thumbnails,extract embedded images in Adobe PDF documents,etc.


Terms of Use

JPEGsnoop is free for personal and commerial use.


System Requirements

This application has been designed and tested to run on Windows XP/Vista/8/10.

As of version v1.7,Windows XP SP1 is a minimum requirement.

JPEGsnoop is fully portable, so it does not require any installation!

LINUX users:JPEGsnoop apparently works on LINUX under wine,

Mac users:JPEGsnoop works within CrossOver Mac.


File Types Supported

JPEGsnoop will open and attempt to decode any file that contains an embedded JPEG image,such as:

.JPG ------------------------ JPEG Still Photo

.THM ----------------------- Thumbnail for RAW Photo/Movie Files

.AVI* ----------------------- AVI Movies

.DNG ----------------------- Digital Negative RAW Photo

.PSD ------------------------ Adobe Photoshop files

.CRW,.CR2,.NEF,.ORF,.PEF --- RAW Photo

.MOV* ---------------------- QuickTime Movies,QTVR (Virtual Reality/360 Panoramic)

.PDF ------------------------ Adobe PDF Documents


JPEGsnoop Version History

1.8.0 June 26,2017 Fixed... ...

... ...

0.1   Sep 06,2006 First initial release.Limited functionality.


Recent Features

Photoshop PSD decoding

Batch file processing

XMP APP1 & ICC Header display

IPTC and Photoshop IRB/8BIM parsing

GPS EXIF metadata display

Full detailed Huffman VLC decoding output for those interested in writing a decoder or learning JPEG compression

Automatic display of YCC DC block values (16-bit)

MCU Grid overlay and automatic display of mouse MCU position and file offset in image display window.

Test overlay function enhanced to allow quick apply and binary code readout.

Image zoom level from 12.5%-800%.

Extract embedded JPEGs--can be used to extract thumbnails,hidden JPEG files,as well as frames from Motion JPEG AVI files.

Compression detection enhanced to detect rotated signatures, comment field.

Full AVI file parsing (to identify MotionJPEG)

DQT table searches in Executables(for "hackers")

Detect edited images or identify original digital camera that took a photo!

Integrated database of thousands of compression signatures(image fingerprint)for digital cameras and editing software

File overlay test function

Multi-channel preview:RGB,YCC,R/G/B,Y/Cb/Cr

Pixel position lookup into file offset

Examine Motion JPEG .AVI or .MOV(Quicktime)files(MJPG or MJPEG)and play through!

Examine any file fragments that may contain a JPEG image

YCC to RGB Color correction/clipping statistics reports

Command-line execution

Huffman variable-length code statistics

Expansion of DHT (Huffman Table Expansion into bitstrings)

Determine IJG JPEG Quality factor


This version has some limitations:

Doesn't decode all JFIF marker types

Doesn't decode all APP# markers

Makernote decode supported for Canon,Nikon(Type 3),Sigma,Sony only.

Scan Parsing and Image Display does not support Progressive Scan images.

Does not decode files >2GB in length.


Awards and Recognition for JPEGsnoop

CHIP.de Magazine ----------Chip Pick-June 2017

CHIP.de Magazine ----------Program of the Month-April 2009

CNET Download ------------Outstanding Editor's Rating-August 2011

PC Magazine ---------------Utility Guide 2009-July 2009

Win Magazine --------------May 2009

Computer Bild Magazine ---Issue 10/2009



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