最近在写公司的项目需要使用UDP 实现一个保活,而且需要用python 写,苦苦查找后,原来已经有大神完成了,就再次保存一下,防止以后忘记。


""" 心跳客户端,周期性的发送 UDP包 """import socket, timeSERVER_IP = ''; SERVER_PORT = 43278; BEAT_PERIOD = 5print 'Sending heartbeat to IP %s , port %d' % (SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT)print 'press Ctrl-C to stop'while True:hbSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)hbSocket.sendto('PyHB', (SERVER_IP, SERVER_PORT))if _ _debug_ _:print 'Time: %s' % time.ctime( )time.sleep(BEAT_PERIOD)

""" 多线程 heartbeat 服务器""" import socket, threading, time UDP_PORT = 43278; CHECK_PERIOD = 20; CHECK_TIMEOUT = 15 class Heartbeats(dict):""" Manage shared heartbeats dictionary with thread locking """def _ _init_ _(self):super(Heartbeats, self)._ _init_ _( )self._lock = threading.Lock( )def _ _setitem_ _(self, key, value):""" Create or update the dictionary entry for a client """self._lock.acquire( )try:super(Heartbeats, self)._ _setitem_ _(key, value)finally:self._lock.release( )def getSilent(self):""" Return a list of clients with heartbeat older than CHECK_TIMEOUT """limit = time.time( ) - CHECK_TIMEOUTself._lock.acquire( )try:silent = [ip for (ip, ipTime) in self.items( ) if ipTime < limit]finally:self._lock.release( )return silent class Receiver(threading.Thread):""" Receive UDP packets and log them in the heartbeats dictionary """def _ _init_ _(self, goOnEvent, heartbeats):super(Receiver, self)._ _init_ _( )self.goOnEvent = goOnEventself.heartbeats = heartbeatsself.recSocket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)self.recSocket.settimeout(CHECK_TIMEOUT)self.recSocket.bind(('', UDP_PORT))def run(self):while self.goOnEvent.isSet( ):try:data, addr = self.recSocket.recvfrom(5)if data == 'PyHB':self.heartbeats[addr[0]] = time.time( )except socket.timeout:pass def main(num_receivers=3):receiverEvent = threading.Event( )receiverEvent.set( )heartbeats = Heartbeats( )receivers = [ ]for i in range(num_receivers):receiver = Receiver(goOnEvent=receiverEvent, heartbeats=heartbeats)receiver.start( )receivers.append(receiver)print 'Threaded heartbeat server listening on port %d' % UDP_PORTprint 'press Ctrl-C to stop'try:while True:silent = heartbeats.getSilent( )print 'Silent clients: %s' % silenttime.sleep(CHECK_PERIOD)except KeyboardInterrupt:print 'Exiting, please wait...'receiverEvent.clear( )for receiver in receivers:receiver.join( )print 'Finished.' if _ _name_ _ == '_ _main_ _':main( )

服务器程序接受ing跟踪“心跳”,她运行的计算机的地址必须和“客户端”程序中的 SERVER_IP一致。服务器必须支持并发,因为来自不同的计算机的心跳可能会同时到达。一个服务器有两种方法支持并发:多线程和异步操作。下面是一个多线程的ThreadbearServer.py,只使用了python标准库中的模块:

import time from twisted.application import internet, service from twisted.internet import protocol from twisted.python import log UDP_PORT = 43278; CHECK_PERIOD = 20; CHECK_TIMEOUT = 15 class Receiver(protocol.DatagramProtocol):""" Receive UDP packets and log them in the "client"s dictionary """def datagramReceived(self, data, (ip, port)):if data == 'PyHB':self.callback(ip) class DetectorService(internet.TimerService):""" Detect clients not sending heartbeats for too long """def _ _init_ _(self):internet.TimerService._ _init_ _(self, CHECK_PERIOD, self.detect)self.beats = { }def update(self, ip):self.beats[ip] = time.time( )def detect(self):""" Log a list of clients with heartbeat older than CHECK_TIMEOUT """limit = time.time( ) - CHECK_TIMEOUTsilent = [ip for (ip, ipTime) in self.beats.items( ) if ipTime < limit]log.msg('Silent clients: %s' % silent) application = service.Application('Heartbeat') # define and link the silent clients' detector service detectorSvc = DetectorService( ) detectorSvc.setServiceParent(application) # create an instance of the Receiver protocol, and give it the callback receiver = Receiver( ) receiver.callback = detectorSvc.update # define and link the UDP server service, passing the receiver in udpServer = internet.UDPServer(UDP_PORT, receiver) udpServer.setServiceParent(application) # each service is started automatically by Twisted at launch time log.msg('Asynchronous heartbeat server listening on port %d\n''press Ctrl-C to stop\n' % UDP_PORT)

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