
Most of us receive a lot of email and important messages may get overlooked in our long list of messages. If you’re sending a message that requires attention in a timely manner, you can set the priority for the message, allowing the recipient to find it quickly.

我们大多数人都会收到很多电子邮件,重要的消息可能会在我们的长消息列表中被忽略。 如果您要及时发送需要引起注意的邮件,则可以设置邮件的优先级,以使收件人可以快速找到它。

To send a high priority email message, make sure the “Home” tab is active and click “New Email”.


Enter the recipient’s email address, subject line, and body of the message. Make sure the “Message” tab is active.

输入收件人的电子邮件地址,主题行和邮件正文。 确保“消息”选项卡处于活动状态。

In the “Tags” section of the “Message” tab, click “High Importance”, if the message has high priority. You can also assign a “Low Importance” to a message. This is handy if the message is not as important, but you still want the recipient to be able to find it quickly in their list of email messages.

如果邮件具有高优先级,则在“邮件”选项卡的“标签”部分中,单击“高度重要”。 您还可以为邮件分配“重要性低”。 如果邮件不那么重要,这很方便,但是您仍然希望收件人能够在其电子邮件列表中快速找到它。

To assign a priority to an email message, you can also click the “Message Options” dialog box button in the “Tags” section.


The “Properties” dialog box displays. In the “Settings” section, select an option from the “Importance” drop-down list to set the priority.

显示“属性”对话框。 在“设置”部分,从“重要”下拉列表中选择一个选项来设置优先级。

You can also select the “Sensitivity” of the message in the “Settings” section. Click “Close” once you’ve made your selections.

您也可以在“设置”部分中选择消息的“灵敏度”。 选择后,单击“关闭”。

High priority messages received in Outlook are marked with a red exclamation point in the first (“Importance”) column and low priority messages are marked with a blue down arrow.


These marks make it easier to find messages based on priority or importance. You can also click on the column header (“!”) to sort your messages by importance.

这些标记使根据优先级或重要性查找消息更加容易。 您也可以单击列标题(“!”)以按重要性对消息进行排序。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/220847/how-to-set-the-priority-for-an-email-message-in-outlook/



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