
With $20,000 USD on the line, what futuristic real-time environment scene will you create using the power of Unity and the Asset Store?

有了20,000美元的投资,您将利用Unity和Asset Store的强大功能创建什么样的未来主义实时环境?

Empowering the community of talented creators to realize their creative visions has always been a core part of our mission at Unity. At Unite Austin we unveiled Neon, a real-time environment scene created by the director of ADAM Episode I, Veselin Efremov, over the course of a weekend. This scene illustrates the power of Unity and the Unity Asset Store for rapid visual prototyping, showing how teams and individual creators across the globe can turn their ideas into real scenes in the span of days rather than weeks.

使有才华的创作者社区实现其创意远景一直是Unity使命的核心部分。 在Unite Austin,我们发布了Neon,这是一个实时环境场景,由ADAM第I集的导演Veselin Efremov在一个周末内创建。 该场景展示了Unity和Unity Asset Store用于快速视觉原型制作的强大功能,展示了全球团队和个人创作者如何在几天而不是几周的时间内将他们的想法变成真实的场景。

Now we want to see what you’re  capable of, which is why we’re excited to announce the launch of the Neon Challenge, a real-time environment contest. We’re offering a prize pool of over $30,000 for finalists and a grand prize of $20,000!

现在,我们想看看您的能力,这就是为什么我们很高兴宣布实时环境竞赛Neon Challenge的发起。 我们为决赛入围者提供了超过$ 30,000的奖池,以及$ 20,000的大奖!

Take the Neon Challenge


The Neon Challenge is an environment production art contest and is the debut launch of Challenges on Unity Connect. We’re looking for talented environment artists and creators to prototype futuristic real-time environments using these powerful new Unity features, custom created models and the Asset Store.

霓虹灯挑战赛是一项环境制作艺术比赛,是Unity Connect上的挑战赛的首次亮相。 我们正在寻找才华横溢的环境艺术家和创作者,以使用这些强大的Unity新功能,自定义创建的模型和Asset Store,为未来的实时环境提供原型。

We’ll also be providing helpful tutorials and resources along the way to make sure you’re able to take advantage of these features.With a pool of over $31,000 in prizes, this is a challenge you don’t want to miss out on.The contest will begin today, December 1 and will run until January 15. This challenge is open to individual creators or teams.


With Unity 2017’s newest artist-friendly features and an extensive catalog of 40,000 assets on the Asset Store, creators can now prototype environment scenes quickly and with minimal coding. Using Cinemachine and Timeline, artists, programmers, and designers can piece together cinematic shots on the fly and can manipulate cameras easily in-scene to create the perfect shot without a single line of code. With multiple Timelines, teams can also rapidly shift and change the tone and feel of a scene in minutes. We’re excited to see how you use these powerful cinematic tools to bring your environments to life.

借助Unity 2017的最新艺术家友好功能以及Asset Store上40,000种资产的广泛目录,创建者现在可以以最少的编码快速创建环境场景的原型。 使用Cinemachine和Timeline,艺术家,程序员和设计师可以动态地将电影镜头拼凑在一起,并且可以轻松地在现场操作相机,从而无需一行代码即可创建完美的镜头。 借助多个时间轴,团队还可以在几分钟内快速转移并改变场景的色调和感觉。 我们很高兴看到您如何使用这些功能强大的电影工具使您的环境栩栩如生。



In Unity 2017.1 and in Neon we showcased our new Post-Processing Stack, which provides easy-to-use film grade color-grading tools and post-processing effects to help you achieve the perfect look in your scene. As a part of the Neon Challenge, you’ll be using the Post-Processing Stack to add some gorgeous visual polish to your scene.

在Unity 2017.1和Neon中,我们展示了新的后期处理堆栈 ,该堆栈提供了易于使用的胶片级颜色分级工具和后期处理效果,可帮助您在场景中获得完美的外观。 作为Neon Challenge的一部分,您将使用后处理堆栈为场景添加一些华丽的视觉效果。


You’ve seen Neon, so now we invite you to create your own futuristic real-time environment scene. We’re providing you some amazing concept art from the Art Director of ADAM Episode I, Georgi Simeonov, to inspire your production work or build a scene based on your own original idea. You can see a few pieces from him below, but dive into the rest of the concept art he is providing here on Unity Connect.

您已经看过Neon,所以现在我们邀请您创建自己的未来派实时环境场景。 我们正在为您提供ADAM第I集的艺术总监Georgi Simeonov的一些令人惊叹的概念艺术,以激发您的制作工作或根据您自己的原始想法构建场景。 你可以看到从他下面,但潜水几块到观念艺术他提供其余这里的统一连接。

The Highest Cliff, Georgi Simeonov

最高悬崖Georgi Simeonov

Smokescapes – The Sentries, Georgi Simeonov

Smokescapes –哨兵,Georgi Simeonov

IITA – Roving Towers, Georgi Simeonov

IITA –漫游塔,Georgi Simeonov

The clock is ticking so let your creativity run wild. What will you create?

时钟在滴答滴答,让您的创造力狂奔。 您将创造什么?

Take the Neon Challenge

翻译自: https://blogs.unity3d.com/2017/12/01/neon-challenge-announcement/



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