MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1 问题描述: 线上日志在执行数据库表insert操作时,出现如下异常: ### Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException:? You have an error

MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1



### Error updating database. Cause: com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.jdbc4.MySQLSyntaxErrorException:?

You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near '' at line 1


一般数据库SQL 异常会将sql拼写错误的文本解析错误地点放在near"" 中间引号中,而恰恰这次near语句出现出错地点没有标示,但是可以确定一点就是这个错误一定是sql语句错误造成的。


原因分析唯一可以确定的就是这个sql 拼写一定是错误的,那么是一定要查看源码拼写是否正确。


public String batchSave(Mapparams) {

Collectioncollection = (Collection)params.get("collection");

StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer("insert into sem_creative(id, platCreativeId, platPlanId, platAdgroupId, planId, adgroupId, " +

"title, desc1, desc2, pcDestinationUrl, pcDisplayUrl, mobileDestinationUrl, mobileDisplayUrl," +

"pause, status, valid, accountId, platform, opstatus, creator, createTime) values");

for(Creative c : collection) {
























return buffer.toString();




for(Creative c : collection) {





public final void syncUpload(String filePath, int segment) throws Exception{

if(segment > MAX_SEGMENT) {

throw new IllegalArgumentException("分段上传数据量过大!");


if(segment <= 0) {

this.segment = DEFAULT_SEGMENT;


CSVReadercsvFileReader = getCSVReader(filePath);

Iteratorit = csvFileReader.iterator();

List segmentList = new ArrayList();

while(true) {

try {

while(it.hasNext()) {

if(segmentList.size() == this.segment) {

try {


}catch(Exception e) {

logger.error("批量添加异常: ", e);


segmentList = new ArrayList();


E e =;



}catch(Exception e) {

logger.error("CSV文件解析异常: ", e);







?这里传入的segmentList看不会为空,但是parse(e)抛出异常时,则会在插入传入的集合不为null,但是集合的 size为0,所以在如上拼写SQL语句时,就会出现更新异常。




1 楼


22 小时前



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