
  • 一、专业方向
    • 1.1 Can you introduce natural language processing in English?
    • 1.2 Can you introduce the data structure course in English?
    • 1.3 Can you introduce computer vision in English?
    • 1.4 Can you tell us the difference between error and Exception?
    • 1.5 Can you tell us the difference between white box testing and black box testing?
    • 1.6 What is your major?Tell us what you think about your major.
  • 二、生活向
    • 2.1 Can you tell me something about your hometown?
    • 2.2 Can you introduce your undergraduate school? / What do you think of your university?
    • 2.3 What is your reason for going to graduate school?
    • 2.4 What are your plans during your graduate studies?
    • 2.5 Can you tell us about your family?
    • 2.6 Why did you apply to our school?
    • 2.7 What is your favourite sport?
    • 2.8 Are you satisfied with your college life? Talk about your 4 years college life?
    • 2.9 What's your favorite computer language,and why?
    • 2.10 What are your strengths and weaknesses?
    • 三、自我介绍
    • 3.1 5分钟版
    • 3.2 1分钟版
  • 四、常见情况


1.1 Can you introduce natural language processing in English?

Natural language processing is an important direction in the field of computer science and artificial intelligence. It is the study of theories and methods that enable effective
communication between humans and computers in natural language. Natural language processing is a science that integrates linguistics, computer science, and mathematics.The ultimate goal of natural language processing is to enable computers to understand language as well as humans do. It is the driving force behind virtual assistants, speech recognition, sentiment analysis, automatic text summarization, machine translation, and more.

自然语言处理是计算机科学领域与人工智能领域中的一个重要方向。 它研究能实现人与 计算机 之间用自然语言进行有效通信的各种理论和方法。自然语言处理是一门融和语言学、计算机科学、数学于一体的科学 。自然语言处理的最终目标是使计算机能够像人类一样理解语言。它是虚拟助手、语音识别、情感分析、自动文本摘要、机器翻译等的驱动力。

1.2 Can you introduce the data structure course in English?

Data Structures is an important professional foundation course for computer-related majors, information management majors, and other related majors.

Data Structures, in brief, is a relational discipline that studies data and introduces and discusses the problem-based logical structure of data, the memory-based physical storage structure, and the implementation and analysis of various operations on data based on structure. Data Structures’ is not only a foundation for programming, but also an important basis for designing and implementing compiled programs, operating systems, data systems and other system programs, and various large scale applications.


1.3 Can you introduce computer vision in English?

Computer vision is the science of teaching machines to “see”. The goal of computer vision is to represent and understand the environment, and the core problem is to study how to organize the input image information, recognize objects and scenes, and then interpret the image content.


1.4 Can you tell us the difference between error and Exception?

Error is an error that occurs when the program is compiled and can only be corrected by modifying the program; Exception indicates an exception that the program can handle, can be caught and may be recovered. When such exceptions are encountered, the exception should be handled as much as possible to get the program back up and running, and should not be terminated at will.


1.5 Can you tell us the difference between white box testing and black box testing?

The biggest difference between black-box testing and white-box testing is that they focus on different objects when testing.

Black-box testing focuses on the functionality of the program that is presented to the user, while white-box testing focuses on the code logic of the program. The former tests the final functionality, while the latter tests the backend program.



1.6 What is your major?Tell us what you think about your major.

Software engineering is a discipline that uses engineering concepts, principles, techniques and methods to develop and maintain software, effectively combines management techniques with development techniques, is based on the discipline of computer science and technology, emphasizes the engineering nature of software development, and trains senior professionals who can engage in software development, testing, maintenance and software project management. It is both scientific and engineering in nature.


2.1 Can you tell me something about your hometown?

My hometown is Shangqiu, one of the birthplaces of the Chinese nation, has a long history, many famous places and rich resources. It is located in the eastern part of Henan Province. It is a small city and not well developed, so maybe you haven’t heard of this city before, but it raised me so that I could walk out and see the world, so I hope I can walk back in again, when I can do something to change and make hometown better.

2.2 Can you introduce your undergraduate school? / What do you think of your university?

My undergraduate school is China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, which is a national key University directly under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China and a national “Double First-class” University.

My undergraduate college has given me a lot in the past few years,which not only made me grow up from an ignorant freshman to a student with clear career plan, but also strengthened my confidence in devoting to the society; not only laid a solid professional foundation for me and passed on knowledge to me, but also taught me to hold a proper attitude towards the academic.

2.3 What is your reason for going to graduate school?

The first is academic pursuit. During the four years in college, I grew up a lot and gradually clarified my interests and career plans. It is my biggest dream to engage in academic research in the future when I was in college.

Second, to increase future leverage. I want to have a higher platform to contribute to national construction and society in the future.

Then there is personal interest. It is my greatest interest at present to devote myself to scientific research, study and travel in the ocean of knowledge and truth.

2.4 What are your plans during your graduate studies?

If I can go to graduate school with my tutor
, I would like to talk about my postgraduate plan, which may not be mature yet:

Firstly, I will study English, I will improve my English by reading English literature and memorizing words. Secondly, professional ability, I will study the course carefully and complete the tasks assigned by my tutor.
Lastly, scientific research ability, I will try to read cutting-edge literature, grasp the latest development of scientific research, write more literature reviews and summarize my thinking.

2.5 Can you tell us about your family?

There are five members in my family, my father, my mother, my brother and my sister. My parents are both migrant workers, my brother is studying in a technical school, and my sister has joined the workforce. Our family is harmonious and happy, and they give me a lot of support and love.

2.6 Why did you apply to our school?

From the aspect of university, I have made comparison by data and found that your university ranks high in various aspects,such as good study atmosphere and precise academic attitude,which make your university ideal for academic study.

From the aspect of faculty, all the teachers here have both political integrity,professionalcompetence and academic achievements, it will be a honor to study under your guidance.

Bigger growing space. Your university has developed quickly in the past few years and always has new achievements.

2.7 What is your favourite sport?

My Favourite Sport is swimming. Swimming has been my favourite sport since I entered the University. Swimming is a very popular sport and it is a sport for all age groups. There are some reasons why I love swimming. Firstly, it provides people with several physical and mental benefits. Secondly, swimming is cheap. You don’t have to spend much money on it. All you need is just a swimsuit that makes you feel comfortable and a goggle that keeps water from your eyes. Even though you have to buy an admission ticket, it is not so expensive.Finally, our school has a swimming pool.So it is very convenience. It can make me slimmer.

2.8 Are you satisfied with your college life? Talk about your 4 years college life?

I am very satisfied with my college life. I participated in sports and cultural activities to enrich myself in my freshman year. I try hard to study professional knowledge in my sophomore year. In my junior year, I participate in research activities to prepare for further study and internship.I studied, made friends, and made a better version of myself in college.

2.9 What’s your favorite computer language,and why?

I like java the most, it is easy to use and provides many java libraries for easy development. It is highly secure and has few limitations.

2.10 What are your strengths and weaknesses?

My strengths are my hard work, perseverance and love of life. I am optimistic, cheerful and lively.The downside is that I sometimes care too much about the results and fall into doubt and self-doubt. And I’m always changing and getting better.


3.1 5分钟版

Good morning/afternoon, dear professors.

It’s a great honor to have this opportunity to attend the interview. Now l will briefly introduce myself.

My name is XXX. l come from XXX. My major is Software Engineering in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan).

In terms of scientific research, I systematically studied the relevant knowledge of software engineering and took every course seriously. I have earned 129 credits and taken 56 courses through the first half of 2022, with no failures and more than 50% of my courses receiving a grade of 90 or higher, ranking in the top 9% of the major. At the same time, I have obtained the certificates of software designer and CET-6. In 2021, I hosted a provincial innovation and entrepreneurship training program for university students.I am involved in the research project “Sentiment analysis and causality calculation based on traffic text” in 2022.

In terms of comprehensive quality, I participated in the “Third Eye” social observation activity sponsored by the school committee, and I was the leader of the project and successfully completed it.I have participated in many volunteer activities to help students with computer repair.I love speaking and hosting, and I have hosted many school events.

In life, I am cheerful and lively, serious and responsible. Always be true and love the good things.In my first three years, I won two national inspirational scholarships and two school-level outstanding youth league members, I am willing and will wrap myself with knowledge and ability, and become a light and play a hot.

3.2 1分钟版

Good morning/afternoon, dear professors.
It’s a great honor to have this opportunity to attend the interview.My name is XXX. l come from XXX. My major is Software Engineering in China University of Geosciences (Wuhan). I have earned 129 credits and taken 56 courses through the first half of 2022 with no failures.I was ranked ninth out of 104 in my major.I presided over a project in the field of computer vision and participated in a project in natural language processing.I won two national inspirational scholarships and two school-level outstanding youth league members.I will study hard and love life.


Sorry I didn’t hear you, can you repeat it again?

Could you please make the question simpler?

Could you please express in a different way?

Could you please speak louder? Sorry l cannot hear clearly.

Could you please change a question? l don’t really understand this one and therefore it’sdifficult for me to answer it.

Sorry I can’t answer in English, can I answer in Chinese?


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