
ZZZ:睡觉,无聊,累 (ZZZ: Sleeping, Bored, Tired)

ZZZ is an abbreviation of "Sleeping, Bored, Tired".


It is an expression, which is commonly used in messaging or chatting on social media networking sites like Facebook, Yahoo Messenger, and Gmail, etc. It is used to indicate a circumstance on the social media online chat when during a conversation a person wants to say to the other person that "I am feeling sleepy or I am bored or I am tired". So, normally it shows that either he or she on the social media platform has got bored or tired or feeling sleepy.

它是一种表达形式,通常用于在Facebook,Yahoo Messenger和Gmail等社交媒体网站上进行消息收发或聊天时使用。它用于指示当一个人想要在对话中进行社交媒体在线聊天时的情况。对其他人说: “我感到困倦,无聊或疲倦” 。 因此,通常情况下,这表明他或她在社交媒体平台上感到无聊,疲倦或感到困倦。

Example of online conversation:


    1.   Person1: Hi...
2.  Person2: Hi...
3.  Person1: Hey, let's go to the party !
4.  Person2: ZZZ
5.  Person1: HAHA, Ok Fine, go sleep.

Example 2:


    1.    Person1: Hi...
2.  Person2: Hi...
3.  Person1: Hey, Whatsup?
4.  Person2: ZZZ
5.  Person1: HAHA, Ok come to my Home, we will have fun.
6.  Person2: Ok, coming.

Example 3:


    1.    Person1: Hi...
2.  Person2: Hi...
3.  Person1: Hey, having fun?
4.  Person2: ZZZ
5.  Person1: HAHA, Ok let’s go somewhere else.
6.  Person2: Ok.

This kind of circumstance normally arises in conversations of social media online chatting or messaging. Now, these days, the demands of acronyms are very high on social media online chatting or messaging, so the users usually use ZZZ as a replacement for when they want to express their emotions as feeling sleepy, bored or tired.

这种情况通常出现在社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递的对话中。 现在,如今,社交媒体在线聊天或消息传递对首字母缩略词的要求很高,因此,当用户想要表达自己的情绪时,例如困倦,无聊或疲倦时,用户通常使用ZZZ来代替。

While this slang is very common in gaming and chatting platform, still many are unaware of this slang.


In the corporate industry too, these slangs are common and used in a very large manner. The industry itself likes those employees who are smart enough and stay updated with such digital languages which are familiar, easy and are good at time management.

在公司行业中,这些语也很常见,并且使用量很大。 该行业本身喜欢那些足够聪明的员工,并使用熟悉,易用且擅长时间管理的数字语言保持最新状态。

So, from now whenever you want to express your sleepy or bored or tired emotions in the digital media platform, just use ZZZ.


Thanks for reading. Got bored, Got sleepy, Got tired? Just say ZZZ...

谢谢阅读。 无聊,困了,累了吗? 只是说ZZZ ...

翻译自: https://www.includehelp.com/dictionary/zzz-full-form.aspx



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