

X.append(data[in_start:in_end, :])


# convert history into inputs and outputs
def to_supervised(train, n_input, n_out=7):# flatten datadata = train.reshape((train.shape[0]*train.shape[1], train.shape[2]))X, y = list(), list()in_start = 0# step over the entire history one time step at a timefor _ in range(len(data)):# define the end of the input sequencein_end = in_start + n_inputout_end = in_end + n_out# ensure we have enough data for this instanceif out_end < len(data):X.append(data[in_start:in_end, :])y.append(data[in_end:out_end, 0])# move along one time stepin_start += 1return array(X), array(y)


# retrieve last observations for input data
input_x = data[-n_input:, :]
# reshape into [1, n_input, n]
input_x = input_x.reshape((1, input_x.shape[0], input_x.shape[1]))

修改后的complete forecast()函数如下:

# make a forecast
def forecast(model, history, n_input):# flatten datadata = array(history)data = data.reshape((data.shape[0]*data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))# retrieve last observations for input datainput_x = data[-n_input:, :]# reshape into [1, n_input, n]input_x = input_x.reshape((1, input_x.shape[0], input_x.shape[1]))# forecast the next weekyhat = model.predict(input_x, verbose=0)# we only want the vector forecastyhat = yhat[0]return yhat



# multivariate multi-step encoder-decoder lstm
from math import sqrt
from numpy import split
from numpy import array
from pandas import read_csv
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error
from matplotlib import pyplot
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.layers import Flatten
from keras.layers import LSTM
from keras.layers import RepeatVector
from keras.layers import TimeDistributed# split a univariate dataset into train/test sets
def split_dataset(data):# split into standard weekstrain, test = data[1:-328], data[-328:-6]# restructure into windows of weekly datatrain = array(split(train, len(train)/7))test = array(split(test, len(test)/7))return train, test# evaluate one or more weekly forecasts against expected values
def evaluate_forecasts(actual, predicted):scores = list()# calculate an RMSE score for each dayfor i in range(actual.shape[1]):# calculate msemse = mean_squared_error(actual[:, i], predicted[:, i])# calculate rmsermse = sqrt(mse)# storescores.append(rmse)# calculate overall RMSEs = 0for row in range(actual.shape[0]):for col in range(actual.shape[1]):s += (actual[row, col] - predicted[row, col])**2score = sqrt(s / (actual.shape[0] * actual.shape[1]))return score, scores# summarize scores
def summarize_scores(name, score, scores):s_scores = ', '.join(['%.1f' % s for s in scores])print('%s: [%.3f] %s' % (name, score, s_scores))# convert history into inputs and outputs
def to_supervised(train, n_input, n_out=7):# flatten datadata = train.reshape((train.shape[0]*train.shape[1], train.shape[2]))X, y = list(), list()in_start = 0# step over the entire history one time step at a timefor _ in range(len(data)):# define the end of the input sequencein_end = in_start + n_inputout_end = in_end + n_out# ensure we have enough data for this instanceif out_end < len(data):X.append(data[in_start:in_end, :])y.append(data[in_end:out_end, 0])# move along one time stepin_start += 1return array(X), array(y)# train the model
def build_model(train, n_input):# prepare datatrain_x, train_y = to_supervised(train, n_input)# define parametersverbose, epochs, batch_size = 0, 50, 16n_timesteps, n_features, n_outputs = train_x.shape[1], train_x.shape[2], train_y.shape[1]# reshape output into [samples, timesteps, features]train_y = train_y.reshape((train_y.shape[0], train_y.shape[1], 1))# define modelmodel = Sequential()model.add(LSTM(200, activation='relu', input_shape=(n_timesteps, n_features)))model.add(RepeatVector(n_outputs))model.add(LSTM(200, activation='relu', return_sequences=True))model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(100, activation='relu')))model.add(TimeDistributed(Dense(1)))model.compile(loss='mse', optimizer='adam')# fit networkmodel.fit(train_x, train_y, epochs=epochs, batch_size=batch_size, verbose=verbose)return model# make a forecast
def forecast(model, history, n_input):# flatten datadata = array(history)data = data.reshape((data.shape[0]*data.shape[1], data.shape[2]))# retrieve last observations for input datainput_x = data[-n_input:, :]# reshape into [1, n_input, n]input_x = input_x.reshape((1, input_x.shape[0], input_x.shape[1]))# forecast the next weekyhat = model.predict(input_x, verbose=0)# we only want the vector forecastyhat = yhat[0]return yhat# evaluate a single model
def evaluate_model(train, test, n_input):# fit modelmodel = build_model(train, n_input)# history is a list of weekly datahistory = [x for x in train]# walk-forward validation over each weekpredictions = list()for i in range(len(test)):# predict the weekyhat_sequence = forecast(model, history, n_input)# store the predictionspredictions.append(yhat_sequence)# get real observation and add to history for predicting the next weekhistory.append(test[i, :])# evaluate predictions days for each weekpredictions = array(predictions)score, scores = evaluate_forecasts(test[:, :, 0], predictions)return score, scores# load the new file
dataset = read_csv('household_power_consumption_days.csv', header=0, infer_datetime_format=True, parse_dates=['datetime'], index_col=['datetime'])
# split into train and test
train, test = split_dataset(dataset.values)
# evaluate model and get scores
n_input = 14
score, scores = evaluate_model(train, test, n_input)
# summarize scores
summarize_scores('lstm', score, scores)
# plot scores
days = ['sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thr', 'fri', 'sat']
pyplot.plot(days, scores, marker='o', label='lstm')

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