

# author: rexora
# date: Sept 25 2014
import httplib2
from urllib.parse import quote
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from sys import argv
import sys
import timeclass Timer:def __enter__(self):self.start = time.time()def __exit__(self, *args): time_len = time.time() - self.startif time_len != 0:print('\n * * * 查询用了{:.2f}秒. * * * '.format( time_len + 0.8))# 加0.8秒是因为我认为程序进入需要时间,这样可以让timer显得更准确。    def youdao_en2ch(word):url = 'http://dict.youdao.com/search?q={}&keyfrom=dict.index'.format(word)_, resp = httplib2.Http("g:/.cache").request(url)content = resp.decode('utf-8')soup = BeautifulSoup(content)div_trans = soup.select('.trans-container') # if it's type, it'll only have less than 10 containers.result = []if len(div_trans) > 6:div = div_trans[0]for li in div.find_all('li'):print(li.string)  result.append(str(li.string))return (1, word, result) # 用1表示这时来自en2ch,2表示ch2en, this is a query containing 3 itemselse:try:typo = soup.select('.error-typo')[0]right_spell = typo.find('a').stringprint('你要找的是不是"{}" ?'.format(right_spell))            except IndexError:print('提示: 请仔细检查你的拼写,我没有找到这个词。')def youdao_ch2en(word):url = 'http://dict.youdao.com/search?le=eng&q={}&keyfrom=dict.top'.format(quote(word))_, resp = httplib2.Http("g:/.cache").request(url)content = resp.decode('utf-8')soup = BeautifulSoup(content)div_trans = soup.select('.trans-container')if len(div_trans) > 3:result = []div = div_trans[0]for branch in div.select('.wordGroup'): part_of_speech = branch.find('span') if part_of_speech.string != None:          print(part_of_speech.string, end = ' ') for meaning in branch.find_all('a'):print(meaning.string, end = '; ')result.append(str(part_of_speech.string)+' '+'; '.join([str(i.string) for i in branch.find_all('a')]))    print()    return(2, word, result)else:print('提示: 请仔细检查你输入的内容,我没有找到这个词。')def steal(query):if query != None:word = query[1]result = ' '.join(query[2])if query[0] == 1:with open('g:/yod/yod-en2ch.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:print(word+'***'+result, file = f)if query[0] == 2:with open('g:/yod/yod-ch2en.txt','a',encoding='utf-8') as f:print(word+'***'+result,file = f)def input_detect():word = ' '.join(argv[1:])if word == '':return # 如果word是空,则直接退出这个函数,然后进入while True里面的循环。test = ''.join(argv[1:]).strip('\'') is_eng = Trueif quote(test) != test:is_eng = Falseif is_eng == True:steal(youdao_en2ch(word))else:steal(youdao_ch2en(word))if __name__ == '__main__':with Timer():   print()input_detect()while True:word = input('\n>>>')with Timer():argv = ['_', word]print()input_detect()


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