
通过本文实践,能在WINDOWS操作系统搭建UBUNTU 18.04 LTS环境,并在此环境编译成功EOS v1.0.5正式发布版本。
1)搭建UBUNTU 18.04 LTS环境
3) EOS编译过程中的踩坑排查能力


如果还有其他人能够在其他环境,例如Centos 7, MacOs上编译成功的,希望也可以把自己编译过程制作文档,在本文留言,让更多的人少踩坑。


关键信息:Windows 10 64位操作系统,8G内存,4核CPU。

**分析:**从RAM要求看是不满足7GB RAM空闲资源要求,但有方法绕过去。

辉哥用的是VMware 10版本,可从官网下载或者参考《第一课 如何在WINDOWS环境下搭建以太坊开发环境》 的“1,安装VMware虚拟机”章节完成虚拟机的安装。

按照EOS的要求,辉哥选择UBUNTU 18.04 LTS版本。下载官网地址为https://www.ubuntu.com/download/server/thank-you?country=CN&version=18.04&architecture=amd64,AMD架构的经安装验证没有问题的。安装和配置方法参考《第一课 如何在WINDOWS环境下搭建以太坊开发环境》 的“2,安装Ubuntu操作系统”章节完成虚拟机的安装,建议硬盘和内存选择要尽可能大一些。


  1. 7GB RAM free required
  2. 20GB Disk free required


4.1 【错误1】直接下载版本不可行



duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work/eos-1.0.5$ ./eosio_build.sh


> -bash: ./eosio_build.sh: Permission denied


duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work/eos-1.0.5$ chmod 755 ./eosio_build.sh


duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work/eos-1.0.5$ ./eosio_build.sh


> This build script only works with sources cloned from gitPlease clone a new eos directory with 'git clone https://github.com/EOSIO/eos --recursive'See the wiki for instructions: https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/wiki

4.2 【错误2】Github下载提示连不上github


duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work$ git clone -b v1.0.5 https://github.com/EOSIO/eos --recursive


Cloning into 'eos'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/': Could not resolve host: github.com


  1. 加入香港线路

sudo vim /etc/hosts

加入以下配置后保存 github.com

  1. 命令行增加配置

git config --global http.sslversion tlsv1

4.3 【错误3】Github下载提示端口错误


duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work$ git clone https://github.com/EOSIO/eos --recursive

Cloning into 'eos'...
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/EOSIO/eos/': Failed to connect to github.com port 443: No route to host

duncanwang@duncanwang:~/work$ ping github.com

PING github.com ( 56(84) bytes of data.
From icmp_seq=1 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=2 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=3 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=4 Destination Host Unreachable
From icmp_seq=5 Destination Host Unreachable


sudo iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 443 -j ACCEPT


4.4 【成功】版本下载成功

duncanwang@duncanwang:~$ git clone -b v1.0.5 https://github.com/EOSIO/eos --recursive

Cloning into 'eos'...
remote: Counting objects: 107783, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (66/66), done.
remote: Total 107783 (delta 25), reused 34 (delta 13), pack-reused 107700
Receiving objects: 100% (107783/107783), 105.34 MiB | 2.61 MiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (85696/85696), done.
Note: checking out 'c9b7a2472dc3c138e64d07ec388e64340577bb34'.You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

##4.5 【错误4】编译提示RAM空间不足

duncanwang@duncanwang:~/eos$ ./eosio_build.sh


 Beginning build version: 1.2Wed Jun 27 10:24:48 UTC 2018User: duncanwang
cat: .git/refs/heads/master: No such file or directorygit head id: Current branch: HEADARCHITECTURE: LinuxOS name: UbuntuOS Version: 18.04CPU speed: 3192.622MhzCPU cores: 2Physical Memory: 974 MgbDisk install: /dev/sda2Disk space total: 19GDisk space available: 13GYour system must have 7 or more Gigabytes of physical memory installed.Exiting now.

进到eos/scripts/路径,修改对应的sh文件,找到“Your system must have 7 or more Gigabytes of physical memory installed”字样,或者You must have at least %sGB of available storage to install EOSIO,将后面的exit 1命令去掉即可。

 if [ "${MEM_MEG}" -lt 7000 ]; thenprintf "\\tYour system must have 7 or more Gigabytes of physical memory installed.\\n"printf "\\tExiting now.\\n"#      exit 1fi


> if [ "${DISK_AVAIL%.*}" -lt "${DISK_MIN}" ]; thenprintf "\\tYou must have at least %sGB of available storage to install EOSIO.\\n" "${DISK_MIN}"printf "\\tExiting now.\\n"
#       exit 1fi

##4.6 【错误5】mongoDB无法下载

 Boost successfully installed @ /home/duncanwang/opt/boost.Checking MongoDB installation.Installing MongoDB 3.6.3.% Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  CurrentDload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:30 --:--:--     0
curl: (28) Operation timed out after 30002 milliseconds with 0 out of 0 bytes receivedUnable to download MongoDB at this time.Exiting now.

eosio_build_ubuntu.sh 查找 “Unable to download MongoDB at this time.”关键字

–STATUS=$(curl -LO -w ‘%{http_code}’ --connect-timeout 30 https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.6.3.tgz)


     #STATUS=$(curl -LO -w '%{http_code}' --connect-timeout 30 https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.6.3.tgz)#if [ "${STATUS}" -ne 200 ]; then#   printf "\\tUnable to download MongoDB at this time.\\n"#  printf "\\n\\tExiting now.\\n\\n"#    exit 1;#ficp /home/duncanwang/work/software/mongodb-linux-x86_64-3.6.3.tgz "${HOME}/opt/"#        STATUS=$(curl -LO -w '%{http_code}' --connect-timeout 30 https://github.com/mongodb/mongo-c-driver/releases/download/1.9.3/mongo-c-driver-1.9.3.tar.gz)
#       if [ "${STATUS}" -ne 200 ]; then
#           if ! rm -f "${TEMP_DIR}/mongo-c-driver-1.9.3.tar.gz"
#           then
#               printf "\\n\\tUnable to remove file %s/mongo-c-driver-1.9.3.tar.gz.\\n" "${TEMP_DIR}"
#           fi
#           printf "\\tUnable to download MongoDB C driver at this time.\\n"
#           printf "\\tExiting now.\\n\\n"
#           exit 1;
#       ficp /home/duncanwang/work/software/mongo-c-driver-1.9.3.tar.gz "${TEMP_DIR}/"

4.5 【错误6】RPC错误


error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failedUnable to clone clang repo @ https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git.Exiting now.Cloning into 'llvm'...
remote: Counting objects: 24803, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (23960/23960), done.
error: RPC failed; curl 56 GnuTLS recv error (-54): Error in the pull function.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
fatal: early EOF
fatal: index-pack failed

1) 辉哥想到的方法是把需要的git clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/llvm.gitgit clone --depth 1 --single-branch --branch release_40 https://github.com/llvm-mirror/clang.git单独执行或者从windows下载转放到Ubuntu对应目录。
编译的提示如下,还是搞不定。有大侠认为是因为我们下载的llvm.git,clang.git用的是最新版本的原因,没有用 release_40的版本,没有做重新尝试。

CMake Error at tools/clang/tools/diagtool/CMakeLists.txt:14 (target_link_libraries):The keyword signature for target_link_libraries has already been used withthe target "diagtool".  All uses of target_link_libraries with a targetmust be either all-keyword or all-plain.The uses of the keyword signature are here:* cmake/modules/LLVM-Config.cmake:105 (target_link_libraries)* cmake/modules/AddLLVM.cmake:785 (target_link_libraries)

2)辉哥第二天早晨过来,把 /tmp/llvm-compiler文件夹删除,重新编译一下,结果什么都成了。




sudo make install


-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/nodeos
-- Installing: /usr/local/var/log/eosio
-- Installing: /usr/local/var/lib/eosio
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/cleos
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/keosd
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/eosio-launcher
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/eosio-abigen
-- Installing: /usr/local/bin/eosiocpp
duncanwang@duncanwang:~/eos/build$ make test


1) 运行mongod,在Ubuntu系统中,运行:

~/opt/mongodb/bin/mongod -f ~/opt/mongodb/mongod.conf &

[1] 24769


duncanwang@duncanwang:~/eos/build$ make test

26/36 Test #26: unit_test_binaryen ...................   Passed  130.46 secStart 27: unit_test_wavm
27/36 Test #27: unit_test_wavm .......................***Exception: SegFault433.62 secStart 28: validate_deferred_test_abi
28/36 Test #28: validate_deferred_test_abi ...........   Passed    0.04 secStart 29: plugin_test
29/36 Test #29: plugin_test ..........................   Passed    0.10 secStart 30: nodeos_run_test
30/36 Test #30: nodeos_run_test ......................   Passed   61.58 secStart 31: p2p_dawn515_test
31/36 Test #31: p2p_dawn515_test .....................   Passed    8.18 secStart 32: distributed-transactions-test
32/36 Test #32: distributed-transactions-test ........   Passed   74.44 secStart 33: restart-scenarios-test-resync
33/36 Test #33: restart-scenarios-test-resync ........   Passed  126.77 secStart 34: restart-scenarios-test-hard_replay
34/36 Test #34: restart-scenarios-test-hard_replay ...   Passed  123.08 secStart 35: restart-scenarios-test-none
35/36 Test #35: restart-scenarios-test-none ..........   Passed  130.01 secStart 36: validate_dirty_db_test
36/36 Test #36: validate_dirty_db_test ...............   Passed    2.41 sec97% tests passed, 1 tests failed out of 36Total Test time (real) = 1091.60 secThe following tests FAILED:27 - unit_test_wavm (SEGFAULT)
Errors while running CTest
Makefile:119: recipe for target 'test' failed
make: *** [test] Error 8

5. 编译总结

git clone https://github.com/EOSIO/eos.git --recursive
ubuntu:eosio_build_ubuntu.sh 25行7000改成3000
5)、安装命令:cd build 然后maker install

6. 【成功】私有节点运行


cd ~/eos/build/programs/nodeos

./nodeos -e -p eosio --plugin eosio::chain_api_plugin --plugin eosio::history_api_plugin


1672402ms thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:208          plugin_initialize    ] initializing chain plugin
1672402ms thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:391          plugin_initialize    ] Starting up fresh blockchain with default genesis state.
CHAINBASE:   Failed to pin chainbase shared memory (of size 1024 MB) in RAM. Performance degradation is possible.
CHAINBASE:   Failed to pin chainbase shared memory (of size 340 MB) in RAM. Performance degradation is possible.
1672457ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:290           plugin_initialize    ] configured http to listen on
1672458ms thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:2947           plugin_initialize    ] Initialize net plugin
1672458ms thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:2971           plugin_initialize    ] host: port: 9876
1672458ms thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:3043           plugin_initialize    ] my node_id is dd1b4640288cfefc56f90bc02f92b7ddd5f8e2e6f1d46d0422f7a5f43dafce8e
1672459ms thread-0   main.cpp:104                  main                 ] nodeos version c9b7a247
1672459ms thread-0   main.cpp:105                  main                 ] eosio root is /home/duncanwang/.local/share
1672459ms thread-0   controller.cpp:1190           startup              ] No head block in fork db, perhaps we need to replay
1672459ms thread-0   controller.cpp:304            initialize_fork_db   ]  Initializing new blockchain with genesis state
1672496ms thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:446          plugin_startup       ] starting chain in read/write mode
1672496ms thread-0   chain_plugin.cpp:451          plugin_startup       ] Blockchain started; head block is #1, genesis timestamp is 2018-06-01T12:00:00.000
1672496ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:331           plugin_startup       ] start listening for http requests
1672496ms thread-0   chain_api_plugin.cpp:75       plugin_startup       ] starting chain_api_plugin
1672496ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/abi_bin_to_json
1672496ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/abi_json_to_bin
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_abi
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_account
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_block
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_block_header_state
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_code
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_currency_balance
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_currency_stats
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_info
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_producers
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_required_keys
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/get_table_rows
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_block
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_transaction
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/chain/push_transactions
1672497ms thread-0   history_api_plugin.cpp:38     plugin_startup       ] starting history_api_plugin
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/history/get_actions
1672497ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/history/get_controlled_accounts
1672498ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/history/get_key_accounts
1672498ms thread-0   http_plugin.cpp:377           add_handler          ] add api url: /v1/history/get_transaction
1672498ms thread-0   net_plugin.cpp:3055           plugin_startup       ] starting listener, max clients is 25
1672498ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:577       plugin_startup       ] producer plugin:  plugin_startup() begin
1672498ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:592       plugin_startup       ] Launching block production for 1 producers at 2018-06-29T09:27:52.498.
1672499ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:604       plugin_startup       ] producer plugin:  plugin_startup() end
1673001ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:1073      produce_block        ] Produced block 000000024e3c9579... #2 @ 2018-06-29T09:27:53.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 0, confirmed: 0]
1673502ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:1073      produce_block        ] Produced block 00000003176eba27... #3 @ 2018-06-29T09:27:53.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 2, confirmed: 0]
1674001ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:1073      produce_block        ] Produced block 00000004726778be... #4 @ 2018-06-29T09:27:54.000 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 3, confirmed: 0]
1674502ms thread-0   producer_plugin.cpp:1073      produce_block        ] Produced block 0000000546ea9c4a... #5 @ 2018-06-29T09:27:54.500 signed by eosio [trxs: 0, lib: 4, confirmed: 0]


cd ~/.local/share/eosio/nodeos
rm -rf data

7. 参考

1)Windows10下 opencv2.4.9+dlib19.7+Visual Studio 2017 配置教程
2) EOS智能合约开发(一):EOS环境搭建和启动节点[P叔]


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