wpf 带图像的文本框

Is that enough TLAs (Three Letter Acronyms) in the title there? I continue to mentally deny the existence of DPI (dots per inch) as a concept. It's my own fault. I have been living on PCs at 96dpi for so many years, I just stopped caring. This problem we ran into is SO obvious after the fact, but it flummoxed us for a half-hour.

标题中是否有足够的TLA(三个字母缩写)? 我继续在精神上否认存在DPI(每英寸点数)这一概念。 是我自己的错我一直以96dpi的分辨率生活在PC上很多年了,我才停止关心它。 事实之后,我们遇到的这个问题非常明显,但却使我们困惑了半个小时。

I've been helping a buddy on a super-cool super secret WPF application and the window has multiple states - regular, compact, and minimized. We've got three transparent PNGs for these three buttons. The designer created them and sent them along.

我一直在帮助一个超级酷的超级秘密WPF应用程序的伙伴,并且该窗口具有多种状态-常规,紧凑和最小化。 对于这三个按钮,我们有三个透明的PNG。 设计师创建了它们并将其发送。

However, with one of them, it kept showing up at the wrong size, and was blurry. Even if we set the width and height ourselves, it looked totally wrong.

但是,在其中之一的情况下,它始终以错误的尺寸显示,并且模糊。 即使我们自己设置宽度和高度,也看起来完全错误。

Here's wrong:


Unrelated to the scaling issue, I saw that the file was 3099 bytes, which I thought was a little large. I opened it up in the Visual Studio binary hex editor and noticed that I could see strings like "Photoshop ICC profile" in the header. PNGs are lossless (they are like Bitmaps, not JPEGs) and while they compress, there are may ways they can compress, like removing crap from headers.

与缩放问题无关,我看到文件为3099字节,我认为这有点大。 我在Visual Studio二进制十六进制编辑器中将其打开,并注意到在标题中可以看到诸如“ Photoshop ICC配置文件”之类的字符串。 PNG是无损的(它们就像位图,而不是JPEG),并且在压缩时,可能有一些压缩方式,例如从标头中删除废话。

I like to run PNGOUT on all my PNGs as it'll try different techniques to make the PNG as small as possible without losing any data (without changing the way the PNG looks). I ran PNGOUT on the wrong file and it went from 3099 bytes to 292 bytes. It also just happened it look right afterwards.

我喜欢在所有PNG上运行PNGOUT,因为它会尝试不同的技术以使PNG尽可能小而不丢失任何数据(而不更改PNG的外观)。 我在错误的文件上运行了PNGOUT ,它从3099字节变为292字节。 它也恰好发生在之后。

Here's right:


So why did it look right suddenly? Turns out that PNGOUT also changes the DPI, without asking, to 96dpi. Here's a little C# program I wrote to test:

那么,为什么突然看起来正确呢? 事实证明,PNGOUT还将DPI(无需询问)更改为96dpi。 这是我编写的一个用于测试的C#程序:

static void Main(string[] args){    Image i = Image.FromFile(@"c:\users\scott\desktop\collapse-wrong.png");    Console.WriteLine(i.HorizontalResolution + " " + i.VerticalResolution);    Console.WriteLine(i.Width + " " + i.Height);

    Image i2 = Image.FromFile(@"c:\users\scott\desktop\collapse.png");    Console.WriteLine(i2.HorizontalResolution + " " + i2.VerticalResolution);    Console.WriteLine(i2.Width + " " + i2.Height);}

The output of this is:


72.009 72.009
56 10
96 96
56 10

72.009 72.009 56 10 96 96 56 10

Both files are 56x10 in dimension, but the first is 72.009 dpi and the second is 96 dpi. WPF defaults to 96 dpi so when it encounters the 72 dpi image it scales it up. If you can't change the image, there are funky ways around it. Personally, I believe if you are running into this because of a designer/developer mismatch, then just coordinate between each other and decide on a DPI, probably 96. In our case, DPI didn't really matter as the designer was developing pixel-accurate images, so we just run PNGOUT on all the images.

两个文件的尺寸均为56x10,但第一个为72.009 dpi,第二个为96 dpi。 WPF默认为96 dpi,因此当遇到72 dpi图像时,它将放大。 如果您无法更改图像,则可以使用一些时髦的方法。 就个人而言,我认为如果您是由于设计者/开发者不匹配而遇到这种情况,那么就可以相互协调并决定一个DPI,大概是96。在我们的案例中,DPI并不重要,因为设计者正在开发像素-准确的图像,因此我们只对所有图像运行PNGOUT。

I usually run PNGOUT from Powershell, but there is a nice free .NET app called PNGGaunlet from Ben Hollis that provides a nice GUI frontend.

我通常从Powershell运行PNGOUT,但是Ben Hollis有一个不错的免费.NET应用程序,名为PNGGaunlet ,它提供了不错的GUI前端。

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/be-aware-of-dpi-with-image-pngs-in-wpf-images-scale-weird-or-are-blurry

wpf 带图像的文本框

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