
官网的源代码 http://sourceforge.net/projects/zedgraph/?source=directory





The ZedGraphControl can display dynamic or static data. For dynamic displays, each time you want to add data to a graph, you will need to do the following:


1.Find the CurveItem of interest within the GraphPane.CurveList collection

第一步,先找到GraphPane.CurveList 中的相关曲线

2.Access the PointPairList (or other IPointListEdit type) for the CurveItem, and add the new data or modify the existing data as required

第二步,找到曲线中的PointPairList ,然后根据需要加载新数据或者修改已经存在的数据

3.Call ZedGraphControl.AxisChange() to update the auto-scaled axis ranges


4.Call Form.Invalidate() to update the graph

第四步,调用Form.Invalidate() 来更新graph------------[貌似我没有找到这个方法,winform支持?]

The data points are stored with each CurveItem as a reference to an IPointList interface in CurveItem.Points. Note that this point list reference can be any class that implements IPointList. If it also implements IPointListEdit, thenIPointListEdit.Add() and IPointListEdit.RemoveAt() methods will be available.

The code sample is for a form that implements a ZedGraphControl with a Timer event to show dynamically updated data. You can download the complete project from the links below:

ZedGraph控件随机生成曲线的颜色,以及X轴坐标文字竖着显示==========mypane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 270;//X轴的时间垂直显示






zedGraphControl1.AxisChange();//此方法   调整坐标轴的范围


//调用 Invalidate 方法并不强制同步绘制;若要强制同步绘制,请在调用 Invalidate 方法之后调用 Update 方法。 在不带参数的情况下调用此方法时,会将整个工作区添加到更新区域。






zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Log;

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.IsUseTenPower = false;

IsUseTenPower ->> 是否为10次幂表示,scale为LogScale时有效。 The powers-of-ten notation is just the text "10" followed by a superscripted value indicating the magnitude. This mode is only valid for log scales. boolean value; true to show the title as a power of ten, false to show a regular numeric value (e.g., "0.01", "10", "1000")


true to show the magnitude value, false to hide it .   //IsOmitMag为true的时候,显示数量级,为false的时候,不显示

For large scale values, a "magnitude" value (power of 10) is automatically used for scaling the graph. This magnitude value is automatically appended to the end of the Axis Title (e.g., "(10^4)") to indicate that a magnitude is in use. This property controls whether or not the magnitude is included in the title. Note that it only affects the axis title; a magnitude value may still be used even if it is not shown in the title.




zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.IsOmitMag 此属性默认为false,X轴的标题显示10的幂

将zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Title.IsOmitMag 设置为true的时候,就不显示10的幂了

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Log;//横轴按照10的幂为步长//默认横轴是按照10的幂来显示的

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Type = AxisType.Log;

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.IsUseTenPower = false;//横轴不显示成10的幂



zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.Max = number;//设定X轴的最大值

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MajorStep = number / 10;//设定最大步长

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.MinorStep = number / 10 / 5;//设定最小步长

zedGraphControl1.GraphPane.XAxis.Scale.FontSpec.Angle = 45;//设定X轴的字体的倾斜度



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