









利用百度网盘的离线下载工具,可秒下载到你的网盘,在通过软件或普通下载方式去下载,那么就不会出现 网络中断以及下载不成功或下载的速度奇慢无比的情况了。直接在官方下载属于国外资源,通过百度网盘下载属于国内资源。自己去想吧。挺爽的。

附送一个 adobe 所有产品更新网址集合,这其中就包含了Adobe Flash Player 的最新插件下载地址,也就是上面的网址了。


Adobe Flash Player 17 (Win and Mac) and 11.2 (Linux) - 32 bit and 64 bit debugger (aka debug player or content debuggers) and standalone (aka projectors) players for Flex and Flash developers.

3/12/2015 –Updated debugger and standalone versions of Flash player. These versions contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB 15-05. The latest versions are (Win and Mac); and (Linux). All users are encouraged to update to these latest versions.


Note: Release builds of Flash Player for Windows 8 are a part of the Windows 8 update

Uninstalling the Windows 8/8.1 ActiveX debuger: please note the KB number in the installer filename after downloading the installer file. To uninstall the debugger, go to Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features > Installed Updates. Look for the entry with the KB number the same as in the installer file and uninstall that update.



Note: Flash CS4 users must rename and save flashplayer_11_sa_debug.exe and flashplayer_10_sa_debug.app.zip to Players/Debug/FlashPlayer.exe and Players/Debug/Flash Player.app in order to debug ActionScript 3.0 projects. PlayerGlobal (.swc)


What is the extended support release?

Adobe makes available a version of Flash Player called the "Extended Support Release" (ESR) to organizations that prefer Flash Player stability over new functionality. We have created a branch of the Flash Player code that we keep up to date with all of the latest security updates, but none of the new features or bug fixes available in our current release branch. This allows organizations to certify and stay secure on Flash Player with minimal effort.

3/12/2015 -Updated debugger and standalone versions of Flash Player. These players contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB 15-05. The latest version is (Win and Mac). All users are encouraged to update to these latest versions.



Note: Flash Professional CS4 users must rename and save flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe and flashplayer_10_sa_debug.app.zip to Players/Debug/FlashPlayer.exe and Players/Debug/Flash Player.app in order to debug ActionScript 3.0 projects. PlayerGlobal (.swc) MACROMEDIA FLASH LOCAL CONTENT UPDATER

The Local Content Updater (LCU) is a free command-line utility that can add, remove, or check for local-with-networking privileges, operating on one or many SWFs. This tool allows you to change the security sandbox that the SWF file operates in when it is played as a local file in Flash Player 8 and above.

C++ source code for the Local Content Updater is also available. Download the source code if you wish to see how the Local Content Updater works, port it to another platform, investigate bugs, integrate it into scripts, etc.

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