人脸识别 特征值脸

While most European citizens remain wary of AI and Facial Recognition, Maltese citizens do not seem to grasp the repercussions of such technology. Artificial Intelligence expert, Prof. Alexiei Dingli (University of Malta), returns to THINK to share his insights.

尽管大多数欧洲公民仍然对AI和面部识别保持警惕,但马耳他公民似乎并没有掌握这种技术的影响。 人工智能专家 Alexiei Dingli教授 (马耳他大学) 回到THINK ,分享他的见解。

The camera sweeps across a crowd of people, locates the face of a possible suspect, isolates, and analyses it. Within seconds the police apprehend the suspect through the capricious powers of Facial Recognition technology and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

摄像机扫过人群,找到可能的嫌疑人的脸,将其隔离并进行分析。 警方在几秒钟内通过面部识别技术和人工智能(AI)的强大力量逮捕了嫌疑人。

A recent survey by the European Union’s agency for fundamental rights revealed how European citizens felt about this technology. Half of the Maltese population would be willing to share their facial image with a public entity, which is surprising given that on average only 17% of Europeans felt comfortable with this practice. Is there a reason for Malta’s disproportionate performance? Artificial Intelligence expert, Prof. Alexiei Dingli (University of Malta), returns to THINK to share his insights.

欧盟机构对基本权利的最新调查显示,欧洲公民对这项技术的看法。 一半的马耳他人愿意与公共机构分享面部表情,这令人惊讶,因为平均只有17%的欧洲人对此做法感到满意。 马耳他表现不佳是否有原因? 人工智能专家Alexiei Dingli教授 (马耳他大学) 重返THINK ,分享他的见解。

Facial Recognition uses biometric data to map people’s faces from a photograph or video (biometric data is human characteristics such as fingerprints, gait, voice, and facial patterns). AI is then used to match that data to the right person by comparing it to a database. The technology is now advanced enough to scan a large gathering to identify suspects against police department records.

面部识别使用生物特征数据从照片或视频中绘制人脸图(生物特征数据是人的特征,例如指纹,步态,声音和面部表情)。 然后通过将AI与数据库进行比较,使用AI将数据与合适的人进行匹配。 现在,该技术已经足够先进,可以扫描大型聚会,以根据警察部门的记录识别嫌疑犯。

数据是新的石油 (Data is the new Oil)

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash
Chris Liverani在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

Facial Recognition and AI have countless uses. They could help prevent crime and find missing persons. They are prepared to unlock your phone, analyse, and influence our consumption habits, even track attendance in schools to ensure children are safe. But shouldn’t there be a limit? Do people really want their faces used by advertisers? Or, by the government to know about your flirtation with an opposing political party? In essence, by giving up this information, will our lives become better?

面部识别和AI有无数用途。 他们可以帮助预防犯罪并找到失踪人员。 他们准备解锁您的电话,分析并影响我们的消费习惯,甚至跟踪在学校的出勤情况,以确保孩子的安全。 但是不应该有限制吗? 人们真的想要广告主使用他们的面Kong吗? 还是由政府知道您对一个反对党的挑衅? 本质上,通过放弃这些信息,我们的生活会变得更好吗?

‘Legislation demands that you are informed,’ points out Dingli. Biometric data can identify you, meaning that it falls under GDPR. People cannot snap pictures of others without their consent; private data cannot be used without permission. Dingli goes on to explain that ‘while shops are using it [Facial Recognition Technology] for security purposes, we have to ask whether this data can lead to further abuses. You should be informed that your data is being collected, why it is being collected, and whether you consent or not. Everyone has a right to privacy.’

丁立指出:“立法要求您了解情况。” 生物识别数据可以识别您,这意味着它属于GDPR之下 。 人们未经他人同意不得拍摄他人照片。 未经许可,不得使用私人数据。 丁力继续解释说,“当商店出于安全目的使用它(面部识别技术)时,我们必须询问该数据是否会导致进一步的滥用。 应该告知您正在收集您的数据,为什么收集数据以及您是否同意。 每个人都有隐私权。”

Large corporations rely on their audiences’ data. They tailor their ad campaign based on this data to maximise sales. Marketers need this data, from your Facebook interests to tracking cookies on websites. ‘It’s no surprise then,’ laughs Dingli, ‘that Data is the new oil.’

大型公司依赖其受众的数据。 他们根据这些数据量身定制广告系列,以最大程度地提高销售额。 营销人员需要这些数据,从您的Facebook兴趣到跟踪网站上的Cookie。 丁利笑着说:“那么,数据就是新的石油,那就不足为奇了。”

The EU’s survey also found that participants are less inclined to share their data with private companies rather than government entities. Dingli speculates that ‘a government is something which we elect, this tends to give it more credibility than say a private company. The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data breach scandal of 2018 is another possible variable.’

欧盟的调查还发现,参与者不太愿意与私人公司而非政府实体共享其数据。 鼎力推测,“政府是我们选出的一个人,这比给私人公司提供更大的公信力。 2018年的Facebook-Cambridge Analytica数据泄露丑闻是另一个可能的变数。''

China has embraced Facial Recognition far more than the Western World. Millions of cameras are used to establish an individual citizens’ ‘social score’. If someone litters, their score is reduced. The practise is controversial and raises the issue of errors. Algorithms can mismatch one citizen for another. While an error rate in single digits might not seem like a large margin, even a measly 1% error rate can prove catastrophic for mismatched individuals. A hypothetical 1% error rate in China, with a population of over 1.3 billion, would mean that well over ten million Chinese citizens have been mismatched.

中国对面部识别的接受远远超过西方世界。 数以百万计的摄像机用于建立公民的“社会评分”。 如果有人乱扔垃圾,他们的分数会降低。 这种做法是有争议的,并提出了错误的问题。 算法可能会使一个公民与另一个公民不匹配。 虽然个位数的错误率看起来似乎没有很大的余地,但是即使是很小的1%的错误率也可能对不匹配的个人造成灾难性的影响。 假设中国的错误率是1%(人口超过13亿),则意味着超过一千万的中国公民不匹配。

是否需要隐私? (Is privacy necessary?)

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash
Tobias Tullius在Unsplash上的照片

‘I am convinced that we do not understand our rights,’ Prof. Dingli asserts. We do not really value our privacy and we find it easy to share our data.’ Social media platforms like Facebook made its way into our daily lives without people understanding how it works. The same can be said for AI and facial recognition. It has already seeped its way into our lives, and many of us are already using it-completely unaware. But the question is, how can we guarantee that AI is designed and used responsibly?

丁立教授断言:“我坚信我们不了解我们的权利。” 我们并不真正重视隐私,我们发现共享数据很容易。” 像Facebook这样的社交媒体平台在人们不了解其工作原理的情况下进入了我们的日常生活。 AI和面部识别也可以这样说。 它已经渗透到我们的生活中,而且我们中的许多人已经在完全不了解它的情况下使用它。 但是问题是,我们如何保证人工智能的设计和使用负责任?

Dingli smiles, ‘How can you guarantee that a knife is used responsibly? AI, just like knives, are used by everybody. The problem is that many of us don’t even know we are using AI. We need to educate people. Currently, our knowledge of AI is formed through Hollywood movies. All it takes is a bit more awareness for people to realise that they are using AI right here and now.’

丁立笑着说:“如何保证以负责任的方式使用小刀? 就像刀一样,人工智能被每个人所使用。 问题是我们很多人甚至都不知道我们正在使用AI。 我们需要教育人们。 目前,我们对AI的了解是通过好莱坞电影来形成的。 人们意识到自己现在和现在都在使用AI,所需要的只是更多的意识。”

Everyone has a right to privacy and corporations are morally bound to respect that right, individuals are also responsible for the way they treat their own data. A knife, just like data, is a tool. It can be used for both good and evil things. We are responsible for how we use these tools.

每个人都有隐私权,公司在道德上必须尊重这项权利,个人也应对自己处理数据的方式负责。 就像数据一样,小刀就是工具。 它可以用于善与恶。 我们对如何使用这些工具负责。

监管还是不监管? (To Regulate or Not to Regulate?)

Photo by Joshua Sukoff on Unsplash
Joshua Sukoff在Unsplash上拍摄的照片

Our data might not be tangible, but it is a highly valued commodity. Careless handling of our data, either through cyberattacks or our own inattention, can lead to identity theft. While the technology behind AI and Facial Recognition is highly advanced, it is far from perfect and is still prone to error. The misuse of AI can endanger human rights by manipulating groups of people through the dissemination of disinformation.

我们的数据可能不是有形的,但它是一种极有价值的商品。 通过网络攻击或我们自身的疏忽粗心地处理我们的数据, 可能导致身份盗用 。 虽然AI和面部识别技术背后的技术非常先进,但远非完美,仍然容易出错。 滥用人工智能会通过传播虚假信息操纵一群人,从而危害人权 。

Regulating AI is one possibility; it would establish technical standards and could protect consumers, however, this may stifle research. Given that AI is a horizontal field of study, fields such as architecture and medicine must consider the implications of a future with restricted use. An alternative to regulation is the creation of ethical frameworks which would enable researchers to continue expanding AI’s capabilities within moral boundaries. These boundaries would include respecting the rights of participants and drawing a line at research that could be used to cause physical or emotional harm or damage to property.

调节AI是一种可能性。 它将建立技术标准并保护消费者,但是,这可能会扼杀研究。 鉴于AI是一个水平的研究领域,因此建筑和医学等领域必须考虑使用受限的未来所带来的影响。 监管的另一种选择是建立道德框架,这将使研究人员能够在道德界限内继续扩大AI的能力。 这些界限将包括尊重参与者的权利,并在研究中划定界线,该界线可用于造成人身或情感上的伤害或财产损失。

While the debate regarding regulation rages on, we need to take a closer look at things within our control. While we cannot control where AI and Facial Recognition technology will take us, we can control whom we share our data with. Will we entrust it to an ethical source who will use it to better humanity, or the unscrupulous whose only concern is profit?

尽管有关法规的争论日趋激烈,但我们需要仔细研究我们控制范围内的事情。 虽然我们无法控制AI和面部识别技术将带我们到何处,但我们可以控制与谁共享数据。 我们会把它委托给一个道德的人来用它来改善人类,还是不道德的人只关心利润呢?

The Facebook-Cambridge Analytica data breach involved millions of Facebook users’ data being harvested without their consent by Cambridge Analytica which was later used for political advertising;

Facebook-Cambridge Analytica数据泄露事件涉及未经剑桥Analytica同意而未经其收集的数百万Facebook用户数据的收集,这些数据后来被用于政治广告。

Chan, R. (2019). The Cambridge Analytica whistleblower explains how the firm used Facebook data to sway elections. Business Insider. Retrieved 8 July 2020, from https://www.businessinsider.com/cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-facebook-data-2019-10.

Chan R.(2019年)。 Cambridge Analytica举报人解释了该公司如何使用Facebook数据来影响选举。 商业内幕。 于2020年7月8日从https://www.businessinsider.com/cambridge-analytica-whistleblower-christopher-wylie-facebook-data-2019-10检索。

Malta’s Ethical AI Framework;Parliamentary Secretariat For Financial Services, Digital Economy and Innovation. (2019). Malta Towards Trustworthy AI. Malta’s Ethical AI Framework. Malta.AI. Retrieved 8 July 2020, from https://malta.ai/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Malta_Towards_Ethical_and_Trustworthy_AI_vFINAL.pdf

马耳他的道德AI框架;金融服务,数字经济和创新议会秘书处。 (2019)。 马耳他迈向可信赖的AI。 马耳他的道德AI框架 。 马耳他 于2020年7月8日从https://malta.ai/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Malta_Towards_Ethical_and_Trustworthy_AI_vFINAL.pdf检索

Originally published at THINK Magazine on July 9, 2020. Please leave a comment below on your thoughts. If you enjoyed the article, and would like to contact me, please do so on

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