在用哈希进行检索时,常会用到precision recall曲线对其性能进行定量评价。precision recall的定义在信息检索评价指标中已做了详细说明,这里再记录一下precision recall的具体实现。

precision recall曲线matlab一般使用的都是下面的版本:

function [recall, precision, rate] = recall_precision(Wtrue, Dhat)
% Input:
%    Wtrue = true neighbors [Ntest * Ndataset], can be a full matrix NxN
%    Dhat  = estimated distances
% Output:
%                  exp. # of good pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%  precision(n) = --------------------------------------------------------------
%                  exp. # of total pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%               exp. # of good pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%  recall(n) = --------------------------------------------------------------
%                          exp. # of total good pairsmax_hamm = max(Dhat(:))
hamm_thresh = min(3,max_hamm);[Ntest, Ntrain] = size(Wtrue);
total_good_pairs = sum(Wtrue(:));% find pairs with similar codes
precision = zeros(max_hamm,1);
recall = zeros(max_hamm,1);
rate = zeros(max_hamm,1);for n = 1:length(precision)j = (Dhat<=((n-1)+0.00001));%exp. # of good pairs that have exactly the same coderetrieved_good_pairs = sum(Wtrue(j));% exp. # of total pairs that have exactly the same coderetrieved_pairs = sum(j(:));precision(n) = retrieved_good_pairs/retrieved_pairs;recall(n)= retrieved_good_pairs/total_good_pairs;rate(n) = retrieved_pairs / (Ntest*Ntrain);
end% The standard measures for IR are recall and precision. Assuming that:
%    * RET is the set of all items the system has retrieved for a specific inquiry;
%    * REL is the set of relevant items for a specific inquiry;
%    * RETREL is the set of the retrieved relevant items
% then precision and recall measures are obtained as follows:
%    precision = RETREL / RET
%    recall = RETREL / REL% if nargout == 0 || nargin > 3
%     if isempty(fig);
%         fig = figure;
%     end
%     figure(fig)
%     subplot(311)
%     plot(0:hamm_thresh-1, precision(1:hamm_thresh), varargin{:})
%     hold on
%     xlabel('hamming radius')
%     ylabel('precision')
%     subplot(312)
%     plot(0:hamm_thresh-1, recall(1:hamm_thresh), varargin{:})
%     hold on
%     xlabel('hamming radius');
%     ylabel('recall');
%    subplot(313);
%     plot(recall, precision, varargin{:});
%     hold on;
%     axis([0 1 0 1]);
%     xlabel('recall');
%     ylabel('precision');
%     drawnow;
% end

上面画precision和recall曲线函数来自于Iterative Quantization: A Procrustean Approach to Learning Binary Codes。BRE即Code for Binary Reconstructive Hashing的代码中,同样有计算precision recall函数:

function [score, recall] = evaluation(Wtrue, Dhat, fig, varargin)
% Input:
%    Wtrue = true neighbors [Ntest * Ndataset], can be a full matrix NxN
%    Dhat  = estimated distances
%   The next inputs are optional:
%    fig = figure handle
%    options = just like in the plot command
% Output:
%               exp. # of good pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%  score(n) = --------------------------------------------------------------
%               exp. # of total pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%               exp. # of good pairs inside hamming ball of radius <= (n-1)
%  recall(n) = --------------------------------------------------------------
%                          exp. # of total good pairs[Ntest, Ntrain] = size(Wtrue);
total_good_pairs = sum(Wtrue(:));% find pairs with similar codes
score = zeros(20,1);
for n = 1:length(score)j = find(Dhat<=((n-1)+0.00001));%exp. # of good pairs that have exactly the same coderetrieved_good_pairs = sum(Wtrue(j));% exp. # of total pairs that have exactly the same coderetrieved_pairs = length(j);score(n) = retrieved_good_pairs/retrieved_pairs;recall(n)= retrieved_good_pairs/total_good_pairs;
end% The standard measures for IR are recall and precision. Assuming that:
%    * RET is the set of all items the system has retrieved for a specific inquiry;
%    * REL is the set of relevant items for a specific inquiry;
%    * RETREL is the set of the retrieved relevant items
% then precision and recall measures are obtained as follows:
%    precision = RETREL / RET
%    recall = RETREL / RELif nargout == 0 || nargin > 3if isempty(fig);fig = figure;endfigure(fig)subplot(211)plot(0:length(score)-1, score, varargin{:})hold onxlabel('hamming radium')ylabel('percent correct (precision)')title('percentage of good neighbors inside the hamm ball')subplot(212)plot(recall, score, varargin{:})hold onaxis([0 1 0 1])xlabel('recall')ylabel('percent correct (precision)')drawnow

不能看出,上面的score就是前面的precision,在追溯到08年,也就是谱哈希SH发表的那年,同样可以在SH中有画precision recall的曲线,跟第二个一样。考证这些,无非就是想说在自己画PR曲线时,就用这些牛提供的比较靠谱,自己写出来的不一定对。

好了,再对画precision recall输入的参数做些梳理。画precision recall曲线时,用到的groundtruth是原欧式空间中查询样本的近邻,所以在计算Wtrue时,可以采用下面的方法计算:

%center, then normalize data
X = X - ones(size(X,1),1)*mean(X);
for i = 1:size(X,1)X(i,:) = X(i,:) / norm(X(i,:));
endrp = randperm(size(X,1));
trIdx = rp(1:trN);
testIdx = rp(trN+1:trN+testN);
Xtr = X(trIdx,:);
Xtst = X(testIdx,:);D_tst = distMat(Xtst,Xtr);
D_tr = distMat(Xtr);
Dball = sort(D_tr,2);
Dball = mean(Dball(:,50));
WTT = D_tst < Dball;


%get Hamming distance between queries and database
B1 = compactbit(H);
B2 = compactbit(H_query);
Dhamm = hammingDist(B2,B1);



[1]:Code for Binary Reconstructive Hashing

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