If you have an Android phone, you undoubtedly have some sort of photo management app installed—most likely, it’s just called “Gallery.” But you know what? That’s not the be-all-end-all of photo apps. In fact, there are a slew of others on the Play Store that do a much better job of handling your photos.

如果您使用的是Android手机,则无疑会安装某种照片管理应用程序-最有可能的是,它被称为“图库”。 但是你知道吗? 这并不是照片应用程序的全部。 实际上,Play商店中还有很多其他人在处理照片方面做得更好。

多数人的最佳选择:Google相册 (The Best Option for Most People: Google Photos)

Okay, I will admit that this one is kind of cheating—after all, there’s a possibility our favorite photo management app is already installed on your device, since it’s the default on some newer stock Android phones. But if you’ve never used it, well, you’re doing yourself a great disservice.

好的,我承认这是一种作弊行为-毕竟,您的设备上可能已经安装了我们最喜欢的照片管理应用程序,因为这是某些较新的Android手机上的默认设置。 但是,如果您从未使用过它,那对您来说是极大的伤害。

Google Photos is jam-packed with useful features, but there are a few worth mentioning specifically. First off, this is the only photo manager that also offers unlimited back ups of your images—with Google Photos, you get to store your backed up photos and videos on Google servers. They’re slightly compressed before being uploaded (to save space on Google’s end), but most users are unlikely to even notice the difference. You can then access your entire catalog of images—regardless of what device they’re taken on (as long as it’s Android)—on the Google Photos website.

Google相册 挤满了实用的功能 ,但其中有一些值得一提。 首先,这是唯一提供无限备份图像的照片管理器-使用Google相册,您可以将备份的照片和视频存储在Google服务器上。 它们在上传之前经过了略微压缩(以节省Google的空间),但是大多数用户不太可能注意到它们之间的差异。 然后,无论您使用哪种设备(只要是Android设备),都可以在Google相册网站上访问整个图像目录。

Aside from that, Photos has a built-in “Assistant” feature that allows users to quickly create collages, animations, and even videos from their gallery. It’s very intuitive and easy to use—and even those get backed up!

除此之外,Photos还具有内置的“助手”功能 ,该功能使用户可以从其图库中快速创建拼贴,动画甚至视频。 它非常直观且易于使用-甚至可以备份!

And when it comes to photo editing—rotating, cropping, filters, and the like—Photos is top-notch for a “simple” gallery app. It’s not going to be as robust as something like Adobe Photoshop or Lightroom, but in terms of quick edits and light touch ups, it should cover all the bases most users want.

当涉及到照片编辑(旋转,裁剪,滤镜等)时, 照片是 “简单”图库应用程序的头等大事。 它不会像Adobe Photoshop或Lightroom那样强大,但是就快速编辑和轻巧的修饰而言,它应该涵盖大多数用户想要的所有基础。

Google Photos is, of course, free. If you don’t already have it installed, you can get it here. And if you do, start using it!

Google相册当然是免费的。 如果尚未安装, 可以在此处获取 。 如果您愿意,请开始使用它!

最佳隐私保护:专注 (The Best for Privacy: Focus)

Look, we all have images that aren’t meant for other’s eyes. Perhaps they’re snaps of important documents or…other things, but the point is the same: they’re meant for you and you alone. With most gallery-style apps, you can’t really keep certain images private, and you certainly can’t keep the entire gallery behind lock and key!

看,我们都有的图像并不适合别人的眼睛。 也许它们是重要文档的快照或……其他内容,但重点是相同的:它们仅适用于您,也适用于您自己。 对于大多数画廊风格的应用程序,您不能真正地将某些图像保密,并且当然不能将整个画廊置于锁和钥匙的后面!

That’s where Focus comes into play: it’s an excellent gallery app on its own, but it also offers privacy that simply isn’t available on other apps of its kind. Basically, it has a feature called “The Vault”—which is only available on the $1.99 upgrade in the app—that allows users to effectively put images and videos behind password protection. If your phone has a fingerprint reader, it will actually use that instead of a password, which is fantastic.

这就是Focus发挥作用的地方:它本身就是一个出色的图库应用程序,但它还提供了其他同类应用程序根本无法提供的隐私。 基本上,它具有称为“保险柜”的功能-仅在应用程序的$ 1.99升级中可用,该功能允许用户有效地将图像和视频置于密码保护之后。 如果您的手机带有指纹读取器,它将实际使用该指纹读取器代替密码,这真是太好了。

If that level of protection isn’t enough for you, there’s also an option to lock the entire app with a passcode or fingerprint.


Of course, there’s one issue with Focus: other gallery apps can still see the images, even if they’re locked up in The Vault. So if you really want privacy, you’ll have to remove or disable all other gallery apps.

当然,Focus有一个问题:即使其他图库应用被锁定在The Vault中,它们仍然可以看到它们。 因此,如果您真的想要隐私,则必须删除或禁用所有其他图库应用。

Focus is free to use, but as I mentioned earlier, The Vault is only available in the paid version of the app, which can be obtained with an in-app purchase.

Focus是免费使用的 ,但是正如我之前提到的,Vault仅在应用程序的付费版本中可用,可以通过应用程序内购买获得。

There are a lot of gallery apps on the Play Store, and a lot of them are very good! When it comes down to it, though, Google Photos and Focus are hard to beat, but for very different reasons. Really, there’s no reason to not have both installed, but just keep in mind that, for the time being at least, anything you store in Focus’ Vault will still show up in Photos. Hopefully there’s a fix for that one minor flaw on the way.

Play商店中有很多图库应用程序,其中很多都非常好! 归根结底,Google Photos和Focus很难被击败,但是原因却截然不同。 确实,没有理由没有同时安装两者,但是请记住,至少暂时而言,您存储在Focus'Vault中的所有内容仍会显示在“照片”中。 希望此方式中的一个小缺陷已得到修复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/280241/the-best-photo-management-apps-for-android/


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