


In [16]: b1 = bytes("hello", 'utf-8')In [17]: b1
Out[17]: b'hello'In [18]: b2 = bytes('world', 'utf-8')In [19]: b2
Out[19]: b'world'In [20]: type(b1)
Out[20]: bytesIn [21]: type(b2)
Out[21]: bytesIn [22]: b3 = b1 + b2In [23]: b3
Out[23]: b'helloworld'In [24]: s1 = b3.decode('utf-8')In [25]: s1
Out[25]: 'helloworld'In [26]: type(s1)
Out[26]: str

python3 bytes拼接相关推荐

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  3. python3 bytes与hex字符串互转

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  4. python3 bytes和str转换,解决图片base64调用api的问题

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  5. Python3 bytes图片转jpg格式

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