
Occasionally a client asks me to create a shared workbook in Excel, so two or more employees can work in it at the same time. It sounds good in theory, but I always try to come up with a different solution. There are many reasons for avoiding shared workbooks in Excel

有时,一个客户要求我在Excel中创建一个共享工作簿,以便两个或多个员工可以同时在其中工作。 从理论上讲,这听起来不错,但我总是尝试提出不同的解决方案。 有很多原因可以避免在Excel中共享工作簿

Maybe you've had success with shared workbooks, and I'd love to hear about it in the comments. For me, the limitations far outweigh the benefits, and there's usually another way to accommodate multiple users.

也许您在共享工作簿方面取得了成功,我很乐意在评论中听到它。 对我来说,限制远远超过了好处,通常还有另一种方式可以容纳多个用户。

缺少太多功能 (Too Many Missing Features)

After you share a workbook, many of Excel's features can't be used. There's a list of unavailable features for Excel 2003 on the Microsoft site, and in Excel's help. For example, you can't add any of the following features, and in some cases you can't even change the existing items:

共享工作簿后,将无法使用Excel的许多功能。 Microsoft网站上和Excel的帮助中列出了Excel 2003的不可用功能。 例如,您无法添加以下任何功能,在某些情况下甚至无法更改现有项:

  • Conditional Formatting条件格式
  • Data Validation资料验证
  • Lists清单
  • Protection保护
  • Pivot Tables数据透视表

If you do need to create a shared workbook, check the list of restricted features, and make sure you have everything set up exactly the way you want it, before you share the file. Test everything after you share the file, because things might not work the way they did before.

如果确实需要创建共享工作簿,请在共享文件之前检查受限制功能的列表,并确保已按照所需方式完全设置了所有功能。 共享文件后,请测试所有内容,因为事情可能无法像以前那样工作。

共享工作簿的替代方法 (Alternatives to Shared Workbooks)

What can you do instead? Find out exactly what the workbook's purpose is, and why multiple people need to use it.

您能做什么呢? 确切找出工作簿的目的,以及为什么需要多个人使用它。

  • If users are entering data, they could get in and out of the workbook quickly, so another person has a chance to enter their data. Excel will notify the next user when the workbook is available.如果用户正在输入数据,则他们可以快速进入和退出工作簿,因此另一个人有机会输入他们的数据。 当工作簿可用时,Excel将通知下一个用户。
  • If users need the workbook as a calculator, make the file read only, or save it as a template, so anyone can open a copy. Users can save the file with a different name, if they need to save their work.如果用户需要工作簿作为计算器,请将文件设为只读,或将其另存为模板,以便任何人都可以打开副本。 如果需要保存工作,用户可以使用其他名称保存文件。
  • If users enter data on separate sheets, create separate workbooks instead. Then, create a summary workbook to pull all the data together.如果用户在单独的工作表上输入数据,请创建单独的工作簿。 然后,创建一个摘要工作簿以将所有数据收集在一起。
  • If users need to enter data many times throughout the day, a database might be a better option.如果用户在一天内需要多次输入数据,那么数据库可能是一个更好的选择。

If you have other solutions, I'd like to hear them.




翻译自: https://contexturesblog.com/archives/2008/11/18/avoiding-shared-workbooks-in-excel/




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